Thursday, May 24, 2012

Astonishing Update to Secret College Invitation (Golden Dawn Witch Hunt Revealed)

by David Griffin


This week's announcement of the Secret College of the Adepti of the Golden Dawn caused a major earthquake in the esoteric community. Privately, the response has been overwhelmingly positive, with Adepts secretly contacting the Alpha Omega from across the Golden Dawn community discretely seeking advanced R.R. et A.C. training and magical practice beyond the well known material published by Israel Regardie where other Golden Dawn orders leave off.

The corrupt Golden Dawn Chiefs and Hierophants who had been stifling their Adepts spiritual development by forbidding them access to any traditional Golden Dawn magic beyond published material have not been so happy, however. They have reacted angrily, accusing the A.O. of a whole host of things. The comments section of the Secret College article virtually exploded with hate filled posts from "anonymous" trolls.

There was clearly an initial, overly emotional reaction. This led to a few slip ups and surprising revelations. Here is a brief summary.

1. Leonard Stevens writes: "Last year Nick Farrell told me that "He had been ordered to not to associate with me, because I had aligned myself with Griffin." This statement is conclusive proof that leaders of allegedly independent Golden Dawn groups are taking orders "from other parties," further implicating the Dark Hand of SRIA polarizing and stirring strife in a totalitarian attempt to seize control of the Golden Dawn The segregationist SRIA and ORC hate and isolate the Alpha Omega because we fight for the rights of Pagans, Jews, Muslims, and Thelemites in the Golden Dawn. The below picture aptly summarizes the extreme level of manipulation of the Golden Dawn by the WASP Supremacist SRIA:

KKK and SRIA: Extremist Christianity Unmasked

2. An anonymous SRIA troll admits SRIA is forbidding Golden Dawn Adepts to come into contact with the spiritual practices beyond Adeptus Minor (5=6) coming from the legitimate Secret Chiefs.

3. An anonymous SRIA troll admits SRIA has been using SRIA archives to attack the Alpha Omega - and threatens a new book attacking the A.O. with documents from SRIA archives.

The SRIA WASP Supremacist Witch Hunt against the Pagan-led Alpha Omega is but a continuation of Centuries of persecution of Pagans and Jews by Christian and political extremists.

Jewish and Pagan Holocausts Must Never Be Forgotten!


Help keep the Golden Dawn open to both women and men as well as to Jews, Pagans, Muslims, and Thelemites.


  1. Ave, You forgot to mention that adepts from some Orders were forbidden to attend the A.O Conclave of the Adepti in Nevada, March 2012' as well. You know more about that than I, as I am relying on your information, but I think it should be included on the list.

  2. Leonard,

    When will you publish the hardback of Thesaurus? You have taken people's prepaid money for this unpublished hardback and and published the pdf.
    Your website states:
    "Please no emails asking for requests regarding when your copy will be shipped. I'm already so bogged down with work it's unimaginable. If you paid for it, you will get it,but rushing is not possible."

    You certainly have time to post here this makes it seem you are lying about being bogged down. Nick pointed this out in Stevens yahoo group.

    Does the secret college take people who are ripping off people in the Golden Dawn Community? Statements made by Leonard Stevens should be taken with a grain of salt.

  3. I thought that the Thesaurus was someone else's project, and not Leonard's.

    1. Care Frater Morgan,

      You are correct. Unless, of course Lenny is Adam Goldsmith at!

  4. I owe Leonard Stevens an apology and stand corrected.

    It is mentioned in his yahoo group.

    Please delete my prior comment.

  5. @Anonymous Apology accepted. I kindly allowed
    Adam Goldsmith (aka Aleilius) of VITRIOL Publishing to advertise on my group. But in hindsight wasn't a particularly good idea.

    If however you are interested in any of my works
    which will get despatched to you!


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