by David Griffin
Some times I feel like I'm in in the old West.
I get soooo tired of young punks who try to make a name for themselves by calling me out.
Sometimes it is magical attack, but usually its just some newbie conjurer trying to make a name for himself misrepresenting my words on-line.
It just happened again today.
Sam Robinson |
I was recently approached by Pat Zalewksi’s former "room mate," a young man named Sam Robinson who asked me for information about Gnosticism in the Golden Dawn.
In case there is any doubt what Robinson's real agenda is, ask yourself this:
"What sort of suicidal punk out to make a name for himself would post
a picture like this of me together with an attack on his blog?"
I explained to Robinson that THERE IS NO RELATIONSHIP between the Gnosticism and the Golden Dawn.
Robinson followed up, asking me if I hold any Gnostic lineages.
Well, yes, as a matter of fact, I do, I explained.
In fact there are a number of Gnostic initiations I communicate independently of the Golden Dawn, as the AO operates not only a GD order, but a ubstantial numbser of other orders as well.
Well, what does Sam Robinson do with this? He turns truth on its head here writing:
"David Griffin has told me that his Alpha et Omega also communicates Gnostic consecrations, such as baptism by water, baptisms of Fire and of the Holy Spirit, which ‘have been transmitted to his disciples from the living savior.’ His G.D branch also transmits the Ecclasia Gnostica Antiqua. Thus ‘some’ Gnostic integration is happening.“
Integration - my foot. Sam is being a jackass here.
I was very clear to Robinson that the GD is a completely independent order from my Gnostic work or work in any other tradition, of which I work many.
What I did not tell Sam (because he didn’t bother to ask) is that under the unbrella of the Alpha Omega, I hold transmissions and charters for a huge array of orders and traditions.
We also operate a Co-Freemasonic jurisdiction, for example.
Does this mean that we are „integrating“ Co-Freemasonry into the GD? Hardly!
Get your facts straight, Sam.
What also I did not tell Robinson is that under the unbrella of the Alpha Omega, I also operate a coven of Alexandrian Wicca, with a lineage amlost directly from Janet Farrar.
Does this mean that I am integrating Wicca in the Golden Dawn? Of course not! Alexandrian Wicca is a completely separate tradition.
Like all the other Paparazzi over the past two decades, Sam Robinson apparently has no clue what it means to work multiple esoteric traditons without making a mish mash of all of them.
I also did not tell him that we operate an Iseum of the "Fellowship of Isis.“ Who knows what ignorant rubbish Robinson would have misrepresented about THIS too!
I would like to give Robinson the benefit of the doubt and suggest he just misunderstood my words, but I don't think so.
Given the context of 20 years of Golden Dawn flame war, I think it is safe to assume that Robinson is being deliberately deceptive.
Sam Robinson has a lot of potential, but he needs to grow up, learn some journalistic integrity, and quit misrepresenting his sources.
One thing is certain.
When it comes to occult paparazzi dogging my every move, some things will never change!
So, yes. I do confer all THREE Gnostis baptisms. I also initiate in an entire occult system of Gnostic magick for spiritual ascension!
I initiate in Wicca, Co-Freemasonry, and even in other orders and traditions I am not willing to publicly reveal yet.
But these are completely separate orders and traditions from the Golden Dawn.
What Robinson does not mention is tbat the entire original Rosicrucian movement was but an outer emanation of the deeper, earlier (and still secretly surviving today) Hermetic tradition, which predates Christianity.
Obviously Robinsin doesn't get this, as it completely invalidates the racist "Christians only" version of Rosicrucianism that Robinson apparently shares with SRIA and its offshoots, like the "super secret esoteric-not-public" order Robinson alleges Tony Fuller leads.
Clearly, Robinson has been deeply influenced by Tony Fuller, if not outright manipulated by him and Fullers puppet masters. The bigoted "Christians only" brand of Rosicrucianism practised by SRIA (and apparently also by Tony Fuller and Sam Robinson) has left its extremist fingerprints all over Robinson's so-called "reviews."
I wonder if Sam Robinson even knows that Tony Fuller ia a British intelligence asset in the Golden Dawn community?
And that Fuller has played Robinson - like a virtuoso!
Don't play it again, Sam.
You've already been played.