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Sideshow Bob Reinstalled! EOGD Grand Nagus Zink seeks new profits! |
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Grand Nagus Zink Reclaims EOGD Throne! |
Bob Zink this published an article on his Wordpress blog, entitled:
"Robert Zink, G.H. Frater P.D.R. Installs New Hierophant at Isis 2011 (Spring 2011)
And guess what? Sideshow Bob Zink is not even back in the Grand Nagus' chair of the EOGD even a week, and he is already trying to stir strife again in the Golden Dawn community community by attacking the HOGD/AO and trying to pit our orders against one another again. Clearly Bob is desperate to demonize someone in order to consolidate his power in the EOGD again!
This morning Sideshow Bob wrote on his official EOGD blog:
There are those who claim that the Golden Dawn 120 years ago taught sex magic, but the kind of inner or secret alchemy that was taught was not of the flesh but of the spirit. Sadly, there are some who do not know this and do not get it. Sex magic per say would be at its highest point an expression of the Yesodic current, and the Golden Dawn was and is always working to integrate the solar light of Tiphareth.The concept of suppressing the Nephesch is not part of the Golden Dawn teachings, however the concept that the Nephesch can be brought into line with a Ruach that is trained and working in connection with the Neschamah is core to the G.D. teachings.Therefore the Golden Dawn did not, nor ever will teach lower forms of guttural sex magic. (One group claims this…BEWARE) Rather the Order teaches a union that is far more powerful and life shattering than sex magic, we teach union with one’s own Higher Genius. In this I would suggest to any new initiate to ask outright before joining any GD Organization if they teach sex magic, and if the answer is yes, you might want to continue looking for a legitimate Golden Dawn Order.Here are lists of Golden Dawn Orders that do not teach Sex Magic:Self-Initiation Order of the Golden Dawn[...]O.S.O.G.DEsoteric Order of the Golden Dawn www.esotericgoldendawn.comOrder of the Golden Dawn CanadaBEWARE, any Order claiming that the Golden Dawn taught sex magic, is lying to you.G.H. Frater P.D.R.Robert Zink
The stupidity of this latest attack on the Golden Dawn community by Sideshow Bob is surpassed only by how stubbornly he keeps repeating this fear-mongering nonsense. Since he is republishing his old attacks on our order, I will republish the truth about sex and the Golden Dawn, so that the casual reader on the blogosphere will not be mislead.
The Truth About Sexuality and the Golden Dawn
Rebuttal of Fear Mongering from
Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn
Grand Nagus
Robert Zink (GH Frater PDR)
Soror Sophia, here. I am here this morning with David Griffin, GH Frater Lux ex Septentrionis, the International Imperator of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and the outer order of the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega®. David is also the author of the groundbreaking, Ritual Magic Manual, so sought after that it has been recently selling for as much as $1,000 on the internet.
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Interview by Soror Sophia |
David is here today to discuss Sexuality and the Golden Dawn with us. David claims he was contacted in 2002 by the Golden Dawn's mysterious "Secret Chiefs of the Third Order," who gave him the initiation rituals and teachings that complete the highest grades of the Golden Dawn system. These had been left unfinished due to the untimely death of Golden Dawn founder, S.L. MacGregor Mathers in 1917 due to an influenza epidemic in Europe.
Welcome, David. It is nice to have you here, and discuss these things with you.
The entire subject of esoteric sexuality and the Golden Dawn is highly controversial. We live in a period when openness toward sexuality and sexual content is a hallmark of Western attitude. Yet, the idea that teachings on sexuality are part of the Golden Dawn is causing such a stir in the community. This has led to a lot of negativity and tension and arguments among various Golden Dawn personalities to the point of fear mongering. As someone who isn’t an adept of the order, I find the whole issue confusing. I am hoping by having you on the air we can clear things up for people like me, who are interested in the topic, but are also put off by fuss.
Let me start by asking you this question that has most likely crossed the mind of many-to-be initiates of your order. If I was to join your order today, can I continue my education through the Golden Dawn grades without getting involved in any practical sex magic?
The answer to your question is a resounding yes. To begin with, we need to get clear on what is actually meant by 'sex magic'. Neither the original Golden Dawn, the Stella Matutina, nor has our order, the Alpha et Omega ever employed nor do we today employ physical sexual activity in ritual, in the sense that is sometimes ascribed to certain rituals of the OTO, nor do we endorse the sort of ritualistic sexual experimentation carried out by Aleister Crowley.
There are no orgies in the Alpha et Omega, nor are we an order of hedonists. The topics of sex and magic are taught within the order according to classical Hermetic and Alchemical principles. It is no different than taking a sex-ed class. You don’t really expect to go there to practice sex hands on. Frankly, it would have been easy for us to just skip the whole topic and avoid the controversy like others have done. We chose to put the tradition before convenience because we firm believe in being the true bearers of the torch of the classical, traditional Golden Dawn.
I have read some tough stuff on the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn website attacking you with slogans like "No sex magic in the Golden Dawn!," and accusing you that all of this is just a red herring designed to take advantage of lower desires. EOGD leader, Robert Zink has even written that "sexual alchemy has nothing to do with the Golden Dawn or the magic of Light."
I read some of that stuff too. To make any sense of this, you must consider that there is more than one Golden Dawn order around. For the longest time, all you really needed to start a Golden Dawn order was books on the Golden Dawn published by Aleister Crowley and Israel Regardie. Some of these Golden Dawn orders have been doing really good work, but others have deviated substantially from classical Golden Dawn, abandoning even traditional initiation in favor of dubious, "Astral Initiations."
Our order, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, within S.L. MacGregor Mathers Rosicrtucian Order of Alpha et Omega is very traditionalist. This means that we remain faithful to the Hermetic and Rosicrucian traditions.
I am all for diversity in the Golden Dawn community, however. I personally have no problem even with Robert Zink abandoning classical fundamental Golden Dawn principles and transforming his EOGD in a decidedly New Age direction. I do find it ironic, however, that people who don’t stick to the cornerstones of the Golden Dawn tradition in spirit and practice are the first to dismiss classical Golden Dawn teachings that they are not familiar with, simply because it wasn’t in print.
The idea that positive sexual transformation isn’t part of the magic of Light is akin to saying before someone attains spiritual enlightenment they need to castrate themselves. Yesod is as much part of the Tree of Life as Kether. The word Yesod means foundation and we associate this emanation with the genitals in human body. The foundation of the whole Tree of Life lies in this sexual energy that has the corresponding Divine Name El Chai (God the Ever Living). We talk in the Golden Dawn about the middle path. This path takes us right from the material world to the highest Divine crown through the beautiful solar fire we associate with being an adept. It does so through the foundation of the Great Work – the living energy of sacred sexuality. Frankly, sexual alchemy has everything to do with the magic of Light because it is its foundation according to the Golden Dawn and western occultism.
I believe one of the reasons many people formed an opinion that sex magic and the Golden Dawn are incompatible stems from a prevalent belief that "If Mathers didn't write it, then it ain't Golden Dawn." This later translated into “If Regardie didn’t write it, then it ain’t Golden Dawn” especially since Regardie’s book is the primary guide for Golden Dawn teachings to modern practitioners.
These are indeed drawbacks of relying on published content as one’s guide to the teachings of a secret society that existed in an era that requires a lot more discretion when it comes to sensitive topics such as sexuality.
One of the things to remember is that the Golden Dawn didn’t emerge out of a vacuum. It has its roots in much older traditions. The Golden Dawn is both a Hermetic and a Rosicrucian order. Our critics fail to consider two things.
First of all, Mathers had his own teachers that he called Secret Chiefs since he was sworn to protect their real identities. The same holds true for my teachers as well, which come from the Hermetic same order that Mathers' teachers did.
The other thing that our critics fail to consider is that S.L. MacGregor Mathers died before he could ever finish developing the Golden Dawn system. The Golden Dawn is a ten grade system corresponding to the Sephiroth on the Qabalistic Tree of Life, beginning with Neophyte and Zelator at the bottom of the tree, and ending with the Magister Templi, Magus, and Ipssissimus grades on top. Mathers was only half way through putting the teachings together when he died in a flu epidemic that burned through Europe.
Yeah. I remember you talking about this before. Didn't you finish some of this development in your Ritual Magic Manual?
Yes. I did. Mathers had only finished integrating Enochian and Qabalistic magic for the Elements, but not for Planetary and Zodiacal magic before he died. I finished this integration in 1999. But what has caused so much controversy was when the Secret Chiefs, who had created the Golden Dawn to begin with, contacted me in 2002 and gave our order all of the materials for the highest grades of the order that Mathers died before he could finish.
When we talked in the past, you had mentioned to me that one the advanced teachings you received from the Secret Chiefs were secret techniques concerning Hermetic Inner Alchemy. You also mentioned that this involves both love and sexuality.
That is right. We are a Hermetic order, and thus our attitude toward the relationship between sexuality and spirituality is as it has always been in the true Hermetic tradition. For 2,000 years, the Hermetic tradition has radically diverged from the sexually repressive attitudes of the Roman Catholic Church.
I am aware that the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn has moved in a decidedly Roman Catholic direction. I noticed a recent YouTube video that the EOGD released, in which they conflate the Egyptian Goddess, Isis, with the virgin Mary. The Roman Catholic church has been doing this sort of stuff for Centuries as a tactic to try to wipe out Paganism.
The Hermetic tradition has never been a Roman Catholic one. On the contrary, the Hermetic tradition managed to survive DESPITE the Vatican and its Holy Inquisition. In fact, the entire history of the Hermetic tradition is filled with a friendly relationship with Pagan movements, not a hostile relationship as has been the case with the Roman Catholic church. Even the Neophyte ritual in the Golden Dawn instructs to hold all religions in high regard, as there is truth to be found in all of them!
Likewise, unlike the Roman Catholic church and my critics from other Golden Dawn orders, the Hermetic tradition does not see sexuality as anything sinful in any way. We don't see any real distinction between sprit and flesh either. This mistaken distinction unfortunately became enshrined early on Christianity because of the Roman Catholic church. There were from the very beginning, however, Gnostic Christian groups that fully embraced the spiritual importance of sexuality and the mysteries of spiritual sexuality. These have been recently referred to as the "Magdalene Mysteries" and were even mentioned in the film, "The DaVinci Code".
In the Hermetic tradition, we see the human body as an essential aspect of spirit. Our bodies are the vehicles or Temples of Spirit.
Everything you have told me so far makes perfect sense. It is unfortunate to see how it ruffled some feathers. I can’t say for sure what went through their minds. It could be jealousy especially among groups that only have the half of the system. It could also be that some people have projected too much of their Roman Catholic upbringing or religious beliefs unto a Hermetic system like the Golden Dawn.
I can understand some people's feathers being ruffled - but the work of our order is not about stroking people's egos. It's about finally making advanced spiritual technology and accelerated energetic evolution available to people.
Nothing justifies throwing such negativity on the path being trodden by sincere seekers looking for unity and oneness and soul growth. Such negativity does people a disservice because it makes it harder to access authentic Hermetic teachings thanks to all fear-mongering nonsense.
Absolutely! Statements like this are red herrings intended to frighten people away from our order. More importantly, however, such prudish, repressive attitudes towards sexuality demonstrate a profound ignorance not only of the true nature of the Golden Dawn, but of the entire Hermetic and Rosicrucian traditions as well.
By contrast, in the highest teachings of both the Hermetic and Rosicrucian traditions, love and sexuality are understood precisely as they are in the highest teachings of the Taoist and Tantric alchemical traditions in the East. In all true alchemical traditions, no matter where they are found around the world, love and sexuality are equally seen as two primary motors for spiritual development.
The notion of sexual polarity also permeates the Qabalah, as any serious researcher will attest. In a similar vein one can see that the same concept of sexual polarity permeates much of the work of A.E. Waite and is particularly evident in his 'Holy Kabbalah' and in much of the imagery of his rituals for the higher grades of Waite’s, Fraternity of the Rosy Cross.
Even BOTA, which developed out of the Alpha et Omega, Paul Case's successor, Ann Davies, gave considerable prominence to the concept of sexual polarity, Ann Davies also delivered a long and lengthy series of lectures on this very subject, some of which recommended the sexual practice of 'Karezza.' In short, the concept of sexuality is inextricably involved with the Mysteries, and particularly as found within the Golden Dawn, Alpha et Omega, and Stella Matutina systems.
This certainly does not sound like there is "no evidence of spiritual sexuality in the Golden Dawn" as some of the other Golden Dawn groups have claimed.
The fact that teachings regarding sexuality have always been primarily a transmitted in the Golden Dawn and the Alpha et Omega via oral tradition does not mean that there is no other evidence of these things.
Golden Dawn historian Ithell Colquhoun, for example, wrote an important biography of S.L. MacGregor Mathers. This biography does have certain errors and is flawed in a number of respects. Colquhoun is quite right, however, to give some prominence to the question of the importance of sexual energies within the Golden Dawn. In fact many of Colquhoun's speculations or intuitions, based on slender evidence, have been proven by subsequent research to be very accurate.
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Ithell Colquhoun |
Particularly noteworthy is Colquhoun's mention of an oral tradition regarding sexuality within the original HOGD as well as in the Alpha et Omega. Colquhoun also mentions that, in her opinion, the sexual aspects should appear in the highest grades of any occult fraternity, including the projected Third Order of the original Golden Dawn, as is presently the case in the Third Order of Mathers’ Alpha et Omega.
Colquhoun further discusses actual rituals pertaining to sexual polarity performed by early members of the Golden Dawn. In particular, she discusses at length the unpublished "Lilith" ritual of A.E. Waite that she found at the Warburg Institute. Finally, Colquhoun also discusses issues pertaining to Golden Dawn ritual and tantra groups regarding sexual polarity and the role of women in both tantra groups as well as in the original Golden Dawn.
In reality, no reputable Golden Dawn historian has ever presented a single shred of evidence to support such a preosterous notion. If those inventing such myths had any real evidence, they would have produced it long ago. All Robert Zink and the proponents of the celibacy myth have done until now is to quote a letter from Moina Mathers to Annie Horniman completely out of context.
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Annie Horniman |
"I must ask you, whenever matters of sex arise in the Order, and you are asked for instruction thereon: to refer them to G.H. Frater N.O.M."
"Knowing as yet only something of the composition of the human being as a Theoricus Adept, you are really not in a position to form an opinion on these subjects . . . discussed as . . . the human sexual connection. . . . So if one of these . . .come up you would have to refer the question to a member of a much higher grade than Theoricus Adept.
In short, Horniman was upset about a sexual instruction and wrote complaining to Mrs. Mathers. who responded that Horniman was unfit to judge matters concerning spiritual sexuality because she did not possess the complete instructions of a "much higher grade."
Then there is the letter that Moina Mathers wrote to Paul Foster Case, explicitly alluding to teachings in relation to sexual polarity in the Higher Grades of the Alpha et Omega:
"Care et V.H. Frater Perseverantia,
As I hear that the Sex Theory subject has been under discussion in Thoth Hermes Temple, I should like to say a few words to you on the subject. I regret that anything on the Sex question should have entered into the Temple at this stage for we only begin to touch on sex matters directly, in quite the higher Grades. In fact, we only give a rather complete explanation of this subject in that Grade where the Adept has proved to be so equilibrated and spiritualized that he is complete lord of his passional self. Believe me, this is not mere theory. I am not speaking to you from a merely theoretical point of view . . ."
Finally, there is case of female Alpha et Omega initiate, Dion Fortune, who like Paul Foster Case went on to found her own occult school. Having joined the Alpha et Omega in 1919 Dion Fortune quickly aroused the anger of Moina Mathers as too independent for her grade level. Trouble began when Dion Fortune published a work entitled "The Philosophy of Love and Marriage" in 1925. Moina Mathers objected to Dion Fortune’s open disclosure teachings on sexual polarity in the higher grades of the Alpha et Omega. Several other statements Dion Fortune published in the Occult Review irritated Moina Mathers so much that it ultimately led to Dion Fortune leaving the AO.
"The management of the sex forces is an exceedingly important thing in occultism, and the attitude towards sex in the east and in the west is poles asunder."
"Those who have entered into the deeper aspects of occultism know that Kundalini, the Serpent Force which lies curled up at the base of the spine, is really the sex force which has its centre in the sacral plexus from which issue the nerves which govern the reproductive organs. In the normal way, this force is fully absorbed in its physiological functions, but there are two ways of rendering it available for other purposes, for its psychic aspect it is a very important potency on the Inner Planes; it can be sublimated above its natural plane of expression, as done by the ascetic; or it can be degraded."
From the conflicts between Moina Mathers and both Paul Foster Case and Dion Fortune, we see clear and compelling evidence of the sexual mysteries in the Golden Dawn and Alpha et Omega. These were, however, and still remain the most carefully guarded treasures of the order. The conflicts with Paul Foster Case and Dion Fortune also show to what lengths Moina Mathers actually went to protect the sanctity of these mysteries."
You have presented a compelling argument. Before we move on, do you have anything else you would like to say in response to those who have tried the paint these mysteries as out of sync with the Golden Dawn?
"Anybody who regards sex as evil, or is in any way afraid of it or self-conscious about it, had better leave occultism alone; for it is only through a perfectly naturalistic attitude towards giving of life that life force can be handled. Let it never be forgotten that there is no such things as sex force per se, but that it is simply the life force on a particular level, and that through this level the force must pass every time it rises and descends on the planes."
Finally, there can no better rebuttal to those who like to create a sexually repressive variant of the Golden Dawn than the words of Moina Mathers herself. I quote here from a circa 1900 interview about the Mathers' “Rites of Isis" in Paris. Moina writes:
"How can we hope that the world will become purer and less material when one excludes from the Divine, which is the highest ideal, part of its nature which represents at one and the same time the faculty of receiving and giving - that is to say love itself and its highest form---love the symbol of universal sympathy? That is where the magical power of women is found."
To Moina Mathers words, I would only like to add that this is also where the magical power of men is found.
I would like to discuss now some of the basics of sexuality and the Golden Dawn, if you don’t mind. You mentioned earlier that one of the Hermetic teachings is to see the physical body as the seat of both consciousness and spirit. Am I correct?
It is the true basis of Hermetic alchemy. We transform our consciousness by transmuting the matter of the physical body into energy. This is the very essence energetic evolution put into its simplest terms.
But where do love and sexuality come in?
You mean we transform our physical bodies into energy by cooking our matter with love and sex?
Yes! This is exactly what you do in Hermetic Internal Alchemy.
I think most people back in the day would have been bothered by this kind of thinking.
Precisely - and this is one important reason why this knowledge has been kept so hidden for thousands of years. If this had come out only few hundred years ago - we could have all gotten burned at the stake by the Roman Catholic Inquisition for such heretical notions.
Well ... things have certainly changed today. At least you can talk about these things openly today without fear of getting burned alive!
I would only like to underscore that our order, Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega and our outer order, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, are inheritors of the highest wisdom of 2,000 Hermetic tradition. As such, we teach all three spiritual disciplines that have been the primary spiritual practices of the Hermetic tradition for over two millennia: Hermetic Magic, Alchemy, and Astrology.
Hermetic Science teaches that material life on planets is just a caterpillar stage to life as pure energy - inside the Sun and stars - at the fast end of the universe vibrating at the speed of light! In truth - the Royal Art of Alchemy is the Hermetic Science of energetic development - of evolution of Soul.
True alchemical transmutation - Lead into Gold - uses love and sexuality as subtle fires - to grow a Solar Body of Light - or, in other words, to cultivate a Soul - we do this by transmuting our physical bodies (Lead or Prima. We do this by transmuting our physical bodies (Lead or Prima Materia) - into pure Solar energy (Gold or Spirit). The ultimate goal of the Great Work (or Opus Magnum) of alchemical transmutation - is for to ascend at death into the Solar Dimension - inside of starlight and the Sun - thus becoming consciously immortal.
You also find this same notion of love and sexuality as transmutative fires of our bodies in all the great spiritual traditions of the East - In Tantra as Kundalini - In Taoism, as Chi and Ching ... and as LVX (Lux) in the Hermetic tradition.
I am commenting on Robert Zink’s article here, because Robert Zink's above-discussed article does not allow un-moderated comments (censored to view-point) to be posted as commentary.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Mr. Griffin, for posting your rebuttal.
I carefully reviewed Mr. Zink's article. I have also carefully reviewed Mr. Griffin's article. Any reader employing a modicum of research skills will clearly come to the conclusion that Mr. Griffin's historical accounts regarding teachings by the Golden Dawn (Mathers') on the subject of sex (polarity, gender, subtle energies, etc.) are absolutely correct.
A review of Mr. Zink's criticized article, on the other hand, reveals no research citations and a very generalized premise that is, frankly, woefully unsupported. In light of Mr. Griffin's article, Mr. Zink classifies any teachings about gender polarity, male/female circuitry, both physical and subtle, as "Sex Magic." He then qualifies this further as "guttural sex magic." What Mr. Zink does not do is make a distinction between what has clearly always been taught in the mysteries (all of them, I wager) and "guttural sex magic."
The employment of this misleading tactic, in an apparent attempt to disparage other orders' teachings, to bolster his own standing in the eyes of his reading audience, is unseemly. Thanks to rebuttals like Mr. Griffin's, Mr. Zink's hollow bellowings are revealed for what they are—the rants of an unbalanced mind.
If my words seem acerbic, it is because, in my opinion, Mr. Zink has gone from being amusing (laughable) to being a serious blinder to the truth—again, that is opinion.
How else could he have won back his position of power after the EOGD's scathing and formal factual findings regarding Mr. Zink were blasted over the Internet?
I have read some very serious accusations regarding Mr. Zink. I. for one, would like to hear from reliable sources, if that were forthcoming, with regard to the following:
1. Did Robert Zink implement and teach the
purported magical technique: "Bowl of Desire"? I have read that this "Bowl of Desire" involves charging some sort of instrument (a bowl) with male ejaculatory fluids. I have also read that this purported technique is used to magically manipulate a female to sexually satisfy the user's "desire." Would this be “guttural sex magic”?
2. Did Robert Zink use male ejaculatory fluids to "tinct" fluids to be imbibed by others? Would this be “guttural sex magic”?
I do not mean to imply, nor should it be inferred, that the subject matter of the foregoing questions is true to any degree. I am not stating expressly or impliedly that Mr. Zink has engaged in the above-described acts and conduct.
If, however, these questions are truthfully answered in the affirmative, the irony is shocking—when contrasted with Mr. Zink's stated, public position on the use of "sex magic" in the traditional Golden Dawn teachings.
First comment!
DeleteRobert let my people go and have sex!
Signed: Moses.
Robert Zink also seems to be completely ignorant of the original R.R. et A.C. Th.A.M. paper on the Kerubim and Polarity (the analysis on the 1=10 diagram on the Kerubim and the Flaming Sword), which clearly states that Angels do have gender and even "sexual intercourse" but on their own energetic level.
ReplyDeleteThus what Zink is stating goes directly agains traditional Golden Dawn teachings.
In Licht, Leben und Liebe,
Wow, great article/post. I had no idea that GD had so much sexual polarity as a core concept and principle. Thanks for the enlightening post. By the way, how can one view such letters/correspondence from the original GD Adepts? Are they available somewhere?
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteI have viewed many of the letters/corrrespondence you are asking about. Unfortunately, I did not keep a paper trail to direct you to the links. You should be able to start with google search and go from there. These letters are published on the Internet. If I had more time, I would find and link the letters.
Good luck.
Ave David, just wanted to A.) give you the real story about Robert Zink's Nagus status ;)
ReplyDeletewhich you can find here
and B.) to tell you, you are missing a key ingrediant in your new avatar which you can find here
I tried to post the image URL but it was too long...
It's obvious as well that RZ has nothing better to do but then use old material to pick on people and stir up the pot...he loves drama... "sex-magic" doesn't make you a legitimate Order", "having Set on the throne doesn't make you a legitimate Order" blah blah blah...First of all regardless of what we think or feel, we should respect the path that other choose to follow...the Golden Dawn "traditionally" has been one of open-mindedness, and one which respects others differences. Let's not forget that it was one of the first esoteric organizations to let women in, as well as being one that does not require you follow a particular religion or belief, except for a belief in a "Higher Power" Instead of accusing people of not being legitimate for this reason or that, people should be shown that it is alright to think for themselves and choose the path that best fits their dharma. They should be given pertinent information and taught to think for themselves. Personally I think we are entering a new epoch in the Golden Dawn, one that throws aside the school-yard taunts and focuses on showing people that True Love, Divine Love is the path of the Golden Dawn mage.
ReplyDeleteThe reference to "Grand Nagus Zink Reclaims EOGD Throne" is priceless! Being a Star Trek fan that description fits Bob perfectly. As for what Soror FSO posted she is correct, sideshow Bob now only has five adepts in his corner. After all the other adepts got up and left and several outer order members left with them, Bob got up to speak to the crowd and started to say something that was not relevant to anything and also proceeded to talk about how he never “Jizzed in the Juice” (regarding his tinctures) , when all of the sudden, one of the 5 adepts left, told everyone not to ever give sideshow Bob your credit card information, confirmed that Bob likes to “Jizz in juice” and stormed out of the temple.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering which side I was going to chose, but after that little display there is no way I am going with Zink and his lackeys. I will follow the other adepts who stood against Zink and his unethical and immoral actions. I will follow those who show real integrity. Good luck to all those who chose to stay with sideshow Bob.
I forgot, you can embed links in this blog. Learn about Sideshow Bob'b view on sex here. As I mentioned before, it is a known fact that Bob likes 'em young, and, like most other American television evangelists, he feels that nobody in his cult except him is entitled to have sex. He has told his members many times that "God wants all of you to be either monks or anchoresses." Of course, if you are a very young "anchoress" you can have special dispensation to be with him.
ReplyDeleteHe is the poster-child for reaction formation, an unconscious tactic that hypocrites use to protect themselves and their "status".
ReplyDeleteei: Robert says the opposite of what he does. He preaches repression and abstinence for others then secretly takes advantage of naive female members (he objects to members forming intimate relationships, yet he does it, perhaps he wants to get a "harem" for himself and cannot cope with not being the center of attention, especially from women).
His false purity is a smoke screen for his impulse control problems and his greed. He is a clinical case study for antisocial & narcissistic Personality disorder. We can see this in his lack of empathy, lack of concern for other people's dignity and in his lack of awareness of his own limitations and wrong doing.
I have no reason to "attack" him. Abusers are usually defended in this way. These truths are only called "attacks" by some people as a way to protect their abuser, as in Stockholm syndrome. The only reason why I write is to make people aware so they will not get hurt and violated too. My best to all.