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Master Hermes Trismegistus |
Whilst I am usually at odds with your opinions. I find this particular post quite interesting. Here you release secrets that are to be frank common knowledge, through the use of sexual force, compassion and love it is possible to do just as you say, the process also slowly begins to create and birth as you say the solar body.
This is NOT a secret. These techniques are espoused all through out eastern esoteric traditions, there are also many simple to comprehend alchemical glyphs detailing the process in our western traditions. All it takes is some contemplation.
Though to attempt to trap the leaders of the other orders with such teachings is I feel a bit beyond you? This is not a test of yours, you have structured your words in a way as to make any attempted reply by other orders to look shameful and indignant. This in my opinion is a blase way of going about your admittedly sane per-suite of keeping your oaths, and inspiring others to do the same.
Please note, I do not doubt your connections to these secret chiefs. Though it was always my understanding that the third order was meant for those who have already attained this solar immortality you speak of, not for those still trying to.
I replied:
Care Soror FS,
Thank you for your frank and forthright comment!
You are quite correct in your observation of similarities between the highest initiatic levels of the Hermetic tradition and the highest levels of the great initiatic traditions in the East.
This arises from the history of alchemy. The practices arose in Sumeria, then became the Royal Art Alchemy in Egypt. Egyptian alchemy subsequently spread to the East, where it entered both the Taoist and Tantric traditions. These traditions, of course, existed prior to the arrival of Alchemy from Egypt. Nonetheless, their alchemical traditions came directly from ancient Egypt.
Here in the West, the Egyptian alchemical knowledge spread to Europe following the Greek and Roman conquests of Egypt. In Magna Graecia, alchemy entered the Pythagorean tradition. In the Roman republic, it was transmitted through the Hermetic tradition. From there, alchemy spread throughout Europe, particularly to Germany, where it became a part of the Rosicrucian tradition, from whence it comes to us in the Golden Dawn.
I apologize if my article is perhaps a bit too passionate. Sadly, the "no proof" chorus from certain of our order's critics has tried my patience at times, especially since all actual evidence our order has presented has over and over been completely ignored. The "no proof" mantra was instead merely repeated again and again for nearly a decade now as a mere rhetorical tactic to sow seeds of doubt.
Our order has walked a delicate tightrope in this process. What we have done, with permission of the Hermetic Masters in Europe, has been to provide enough public information to demonstrate that the higher Hermetic teachings actually do exist, as well as to give a general idea of what their actual aim and purpose really is.
What we have NOT done is to publicly reveal specific details of the means of alchemical processing, the actual spiritual disciplines and techniques involved.
Unlike magick, about which entire libraries have been written, the highest processing of Internal Alchemy still today remains sealed behind a veil of initiatic silence in the Hermetic tradition here in the West. This is also the case with Taoist and Tantric alchemy in the East, where true Alchemical Masters are even more difficult to find than they are here.
This further clarifies what I meant at the opening of this article:
"[The HOGD/AO and the Hermetic Masters in Europe] are NOT the ONLY orders which have the TRUE secrets - which are the ONLY available means for full initiation. However, we DO provide access to these HIGHER orders - and in turn we DO provide access to TRUE secrets - which DO provide a complete and full initiation system.":FS continued:
"I do not doubt your connections to these secret chiefs. Though it was always my understanding that the third order was meant for those who have already attained this solar immortality you speak of, not for those still trying to."I replied:
You are both correct and incorrect.
The Grades of the Third Order of the Alpha et Omega (that were intended for the Golden Dawn all along) correspond to three specific levels of spiritual attainment - three successive alchemical separations and projections, culminating with the separation of the Solar Body of Light from the physical body at the moment of death and the projection of the consciousness into the Solar body. This is the culmination of the Opus Magnum - the achievement of conscious immortality in the SOLAR PLANE inside light at the fast vibrating end of the universe.
More than this I hesitate to say. I have always emphasized that the Third Order are real people and exist in the flesh. This is true. It is also true, however, that there are also Hermetic Masters that have already completed the Opus Magnum - already reside on the Solar Plane - yet are still part of the Third Order.
The Third Order is, in reality, presided over by a council of 12 Magi in physical incarnation. However, a corresponding council of 12 also exists on the Solar Plane.
This does not mean that Felkin was really in touch with a Solar Master, however. He was not. He knew through Mathers what I am telling you now and therefore deceived himself that he was in contact. He was not. The techniques used by Felkin only reached the Lower Astral, the realm of illusion.
The whole reason why I have hesitated to ever bring this up, is that admitting that there are also disincarnate Hermetic Masters in the Third Order, opens the door to all sorts of abuse in certain other Golden Dawn orders, where leaders like to justify anything they do by deceiving their members into believing that they are "channeling the Third Order."
Channeling and any sort of mediumistic or waking trance state only reach the LOWER ASTRAL plane, the realm of delusion and self-decetption. The SOLAR PLANE is much higher and requires and extremely high level of energetic evolution to perceive.
The actual techniques for spiritual perception in the SOLAR PLANE are carefully guarded secrets of the Third Order and can only be used by Magi - who have already achieved the Second alchemical separation and projection.
This is something far different that Felkin's "channeling the Secret Chiefs" that has been so abused by certain Golden Dawn leaders to assert their will and dazzle Neophytes.
Warm regards, David Griffin
In my previous article, I highlighted certain tactics routinely used against our order during the Golden Dawn war, like ad hominum attacks on HOGD/AO leaders and repeating "spin" mantras, like the catch phrase "No proof!" over and over like a broken record, while ignoring all actual presented evidence.
Sadly, it appears that this exposition was not enough, and the old "No Proof!" "spin" tactic has merely been given new mantra by our detractors, namely "No Real Secrets!" Our opponents additionally appear to have begun republishing only one side of the debate, again ignoring all presented evidence contrary to their position.
Sadly, it appears that this exposition was not enough, and the old "No Proof!" "spin" tactic has merely been given new mantra by our detractors, namely "No Real Secrets!" Our opponents additionally appear to have begun republishing only one side of the debate, again ignoring all presented evidence contrary to their position.
Once again, I urge everyone to keep this debate at a fraternal, factual, and scholarly level - free of all ad hominum attacks and rhetorical "spin" tactics. It is clear that bloggers on both sides feel very passionate about this issue. Let us all nonetheless resolve to redouble our efforts to keep this debate fraternal, scholarly, factual, and free of propaganda-like "spin" tactics!
Frater Peregrin today wrote, on his Magic of the Ordinary blog:
As part of the fallout over the whole recent magical secrecy argument, GH Fr LES gave us a very interesting post. The post was carefully worded that any attempt at reply would be either pointless or would need to fulfil certain requirements set out by GH Fr LES. So I did not bother replying.
A certain Sr FS did reply, and not being party to the original discussion was able to say a few things without looking churlish, pointing out the various alchemical ‘secrets’ GH Fr LES keeps hinting at are not secret at all. They are in fact discernible with a little book knowledge and contemplation.
- Peregrin
FS answered my above reply, as follows:
GH Fr LES, Unfortunately the title of Soror gives perhaps the wrong sexuality, I am indeed a male, though I take the believed femininity as a compliment :). Also I should note, I am not by any means a member of any particular order, F.S. will do as it was only intended as a pseudonym for my anonymity :).
Again though I shall re-state what I said above, whilst it is in my opinion a great thing for your order to keep such things hidden, this by no means is not understood by others. I know of several initiates, of differing orders who are aware of techniques to achieve solar consciousness.
My own training and study within the Gnostic tradition also has shown me that these secrets exist there also. Again, you need only look at a glyph of Bahpomet to understand some of the picture, you need only find the tarot card the lover to understand a extra not to dismiss either the image of ISIS, and the story's of the egyptian god's. There are books, and other papers, and intellectual information out there also detailing the idea, and hinting at the process, again with contemplation the process can be unlocked by anyone, willing enough to put in the time, this does not require any sublime initiation, it simply requires time and a willingness to do foundational work. Thanks, F.S.
So that the new issues presented by FS would receive a proper reply, I passed FS' latest remarks along to the Hermetic Masters in Continental Europe, requesting a responce directly on this blog. Hereafter, follow therefore the words of alchemical Master, R.C. that I received this morning, faithfully translated and transmitted by Lux ex Septentrionis, Frater R+AC.
I certainly do not wish to deprive you of your cherished illusions. The actual creation of the Solar Body of Light, however, has never been published anywhere or at any time. In reality, the creation of the Solar Body of Light is the most carefully guarded secret of all the great initiatic traditions of the world, from the Pythagorean and Hermetic traditions in the West to the Taoist tradition in China, and the Tantric traditions in both India and Tibet. There do exist, however, documents where you might find vague indications, and in rare instances, perhaps even a pseudo instruction in the training of the Solar Body of Light.
But know this. All of the great traditions teach that the true creation of the Solar Body of Light CAN NOT even BE communicated in writing. In fact, the TRUE secret can't even be communicated as oral tradition, but rather only energetically, from the Master having already achieved this development to the Disciple who receives this most sacred of initiations.
This transmission can only occur from SOUL to SOUL, and certainly not from a written page to a person. Read and study carefully the instructions that Christ gives to his disciples. Like Buddha, all true alchemical Masters have said over and over that you must have a particular YEAST to awaken gold, and that this yeast may be possessed only by one who has formed it by Divine grace or has received it from another son of Hermes. The former is extremely rare as we shall see.
This is because this formation can only be accomplished through a certain union of Souls and spiritual power passed to the Disciple from an alchemical Master who in turn received it from his own Master, etc. This, however, is TRUE initiation, and not that as understood today in this period of spiritual decadence wherein so many do not even understand the spiritual value of silence, puffing themselves up instead by pretending to publish secrets in books, on the internet, etc.
The true mystery can only be obtained from one who has it. The same is true for initiation. To open a book and consider yourself an initiate merely because you read dead words on paper made from dead wood is a dead end that leads only to delusion and spiritual bankruptcy. This is also the true meaning of initiatic lineage. As it is written that: "None may become Priests and Priestesses of the Eternal unless consecrated by the Eternal itself."
Only the rarest of human beings, having received their mission on Earth from on high, have received that rare gift of a fully formed Solar Body of Light or the ability to cultivate it in a single lifetime on their own - the great Avatars like Christ, Buddha, Krisna, etc. All others must raise their Solar Bodies with the sacred YEAST - that only another who possesses it - a Solar Master - may transmit.
Can you not see and understand that those who seek, awaken precisely when they come into contact with someone who has precisely this YEAST for their spiritual awakening? Think for a moment. Investigate for yourself, but do not allow yourself to be misled by a delusion of simplicity of something that I can assure you is not a simple matter at all. Do not allow yourself, through mere vanity, to be misled by dead words written on dead wood made into paper.
I repeat: This is the most occulted SECRET of humanity, carefully concealed in all of the religions and alchemical traditions of the world.
However, if you truly believe that to cultivate a Solar Body of Light on your own is such a simple matter, requiring only time and discipline (very laudable as they are) as you each claim, I invite you to prove this to us.
I will then, together with countless others, bow before the first among you who accomplishes this "simple" task - recognizing you as our new teacher and Master at the level of another Christ or Buddha.
With respect,
Master R.C.
Well, I really don't know what to say here. The last two paragraph's ring true. I humbly bow out of this conversation.
ReplyDeleteFinally though to clear things up just because I said it was an available secret, does not mean I was saying the actual creating of the solar body can be attained in one lifetime, nor many for that matter, my point was that the discovery of the process of it is possible. I thought I made that clear.
Thought I admit I may be wrong.
Like I stated on my blog however and in that last post. I am by no means qualified to really have an opinion(though I do anyway, foot in mouth), my main reason for replying was the attempt you made to trap the leaders of the other groups with the wording of your last post.
Humbly I bow out of this conversation, thank you for the opportunity to be heard however.
Respect and love
In response to Master RC's above letter, Alex Sumner wrote on Peregrin's "Magic of the Ordinary" blog:
ReplyDelete"Who’s interested in immortality anyway? My soul is already immortal, I do not need to faff around with some alchemical nonsense that has been cribbed almost verbatim from the works of Kenneth Grant. I hate to be indelicate, but in my experience it is only intitiates of the left-hand path that are obsessed with immortality, principally because they are afraid that their souls will not survive death of their own accord."
I forwarded this to Master RC, and publish below my translation of his reply to Mr. Sumner:
Dear Alex,
The Hermetic tradition does not say, nor has the Alpha et Omega ever said that the soul is NOT immortal. According to the Hermetic tradition, the natural state of the soul is, of course, immortality, at least in the sense that the energy of the Soul survives death. But do the memories, etc. of the incarnation?
Even the Judaic tradition, in its esoteric aspect, teaches even if the Soul is immortal, however, it requires a vast amount of time until the evolution of the individual, following the normal course of nature, is such that the individual is fully conscious and aware within this immortality.
The Hermetic tradition teaches that everything in nature is evolving towards perfection. Alchemy merely shortens the interval required to achieve attain perfection.
The same is true for he energetic evolution of the human Soul. Initiation within the great alchemical traditions of the Earth, including the Hermetic, is a means of abbreviating the necessary time, or of accelerating this process. In their essence, this is that same function that has yoga, Qabalah, or even the mystical aspect of Buddhism or any other religion. Study the classics of excellent authors like Mircae Eliade and you will be able to follow this ariadne's thread throughout the spiritual history of mankind.
It is useless to address nonsense you raise about the left hand path, dark path, etc., except to say that such are comments one makes only when they to not know what else to say. I do not wish to be rude either, but nor shall I remain silent in the face of nonsense like this, with its taste of Christian Integralism with its obscurantism of human reason and of the human Soul as it has been for Millennia.
Read the discourses of Buddha, of Zoroaster, the Sankara of Hermes Trismegistus, (the collection of hermetic authors called by this name), and other good authors - and you will see that it is not I who affirm these things, but that the tradition has always been on this solid ground. The TRUTH will set you free, not the obscurantism of misleading, sarcastic remarks.
The subject of the energetic evolution of the human Soul is quite complex and certainly can not be fully covered with these few lines. This, however, may be sufficient as a small note to clarify my thinking, which is, I repeat, not based on my own ideas, but reflects the inherited wisdom of Millennia.
Master R.C.
Dear Master R.C.
ReplyDelete“I certainly do not wish to deprive you of your cherished illusions. The actual creation of the Solar Body of Light, however, has never been published anywhere or at any time. In reality, the creation of the Solar Body of Light is the most carefully guarded secret of all the great initiatic traditions of the world, from the Pythagorean and Hermetic traditions in the West to the Taoist tradition in China, and the Tantric traditions in both India and Tibet. “
Pythagorean as well as the Hermetism (which arises from the Platonism) do not look for the creation of a solar body of light, but much rather the liberation of the Spirit. This Spirit being pure spiritual, it is necessary be untied from the physical body. The practice thus aims at taking more and more consciousness of our Spirit to free it, during this life, from the yoke of the passions and from the body. What are the references which allow you to assure that their ultimate purpose is the creation of a solar body of light?
The Indian and Tibetan tantric traditions do not try to create a solar body of light. Their purpose is to free the Consciousness of the cycle of the revivals. The samsara is from an intrinsic ignorance in the embodiment. This ignorance persuades us that the definition which we have of our individuality (physical body, feelings, mental concepts etc.) is our real Nature while it is nothing.
The Knowledge (Jnani in Sanskrit) is the mental, emotional and physical awareness of the fact that our real Nature is the not discursive Consciousness, freed from any physical, emotional and mental limitation. Any faith in an immortality of some individuality is considered as erroneous for the Indian and Tibetan traditions. Moreover, the definition of a solar body of light would correspond to the embodiment as god in the Tibetan Buddhism. And this last one specifies very well that an embodiment as god raises problem because it prevents the realization of the Awakening because the gods live in a world of pleasures such as it is impossible to them to realize their ignorance. It is during their death that they become aware of it, but it is too late …
There is only Taoism which speaks about a lot of "physical" immortality with the concept of embryo of immortality that it is necessary to make grow and finally strengthen.
And still, needs it to get on what we describe as "physical"…
“There do exist, however, documents where you might find vague indications, and in rare instances, perhaps even a pseudo instruction in the training of the Solar Body of Light. “
Indeed, they are rare. There is only in the Taoism …
A reader
Dear Master R.C.
ReplyDelete“But know this. All of the great traditions teach that the true creation of the Solar Body of Light CAN NOT even BE communicated in writing. In fact, the TRUE secret can't even be communicated as oral tradition, but rather only energetically, from the Master having already achieved this development to the Disciple who receives this most sacred of initiations. “
What are the sources of these traditions which you can quote and who speak about solar body of light such as you define it?
“The true mystery can only be obtained from one who has it. The same is true for initiation. To open a book and consider yourself an initiate merely because you read dead words on paper made from dead wood is a dead end that leads only to delusion and spiritual bankruptcy. This is also the true meaning of initiatic lineage. As it is written that: "None may become Priests and Priestesses of the Eternal unless consecrated by the Eternal itself."”
It is always useful and interesting to quote valid initiatory lineages. But the real question is where from result the first teachings? How the first holders of a lineage, their creators in a way, managed to reach Adeptat or the Awakening? An initiatory lineage is useful only if it is really valid, effective and was not broken. Otherwise, it can make fail by its successive drift. It is good to keep it in the mind. Especially because the Golden Dawn does not arise from a continuous valid lineage.
“Only the rarest of human beings, having received their mission on Earth from on high, have received that rare gift of a fully formed Solar Body of Light or the ability to cultivate it in a single lifetime on their own - the great Avatars like Christ, Buddha, Krisna, etc. All others must raise their Solar Bodies with the sacred YEAST - that only another who possesses it - a Solar Master - may transmit.”
The Christ said to his followers that they could make better than him. The Buddha always told not to accept his teachings without verifying them. Every person can realize its real Nature by herself. The ease is to follow a tradition (but only if it shows its ability and if it was not interrupted). For information, a Buddhist lineage was validated and accepted only if three successive masters have reached the Awakening and could demonstrate it…
“Can you not see and understand that those who seek, awaken precisely when they come into contact with someone who has precisely this YEAST for their spiritual awakening? Think for a moment. Investigate for yourself, but do not allow yourself to be misled by a delusion of simplicity of something that I can assure you is not a simple matter at all. Do not allow yourself, through mere vanity, to be misled by dead words written on dead wood made into paper.
I repeat: This is the most occulted SECRET of humanity, carefully concealed in all of the religions and alchemical traditions of the world. “
So hidden that no serious alchemical text speak about it nor even make it reference … All this story of solar body of light in alchemy is a recent invention. No ancient alchemist cared about it. It is really necessary to study alchemical texts, to put into practice them, to study ourselves as well as the Nature. This story of hermetic alchemy of the Golden Dawn smells the swindle with full nose. Regrettably, those who fall into the trap are the ones who did not study nor practised the alchemy in a serious enough way. The indications of lies are nevertheless visible for those who know there a little. A simple example is the story of the gold of transmutation of David Griffin. An alchemical gold, stemming from a transmutation, is pure, completely and perfectly pure. There is thus no work of purification to be realized …
A reader.
Dear Master R.C.
ReplyDelete“However, if you truly believe that to cultivate a Solar Body of Light on your own is such a simple matter, requiring only time and discipline (very laudable as they are) as you each claim, I invite you to prove this to us.”
What is funny, it is rather to assure that the final goal of the alchemy is to create a solar body of light. What are moreover your proofs? What are your interpretations of alchemical classical texts such those of Limojon de Saint-Didier, Jean D' Espagnet, Nicolas Flamel etc. under the light of the creation of the solar body of light?
“The Hermetic tradition does not say, nor has the Alpha et Omega ever said that the soul is NOT immortal. According to the Hermetic tradition, the natural state of the soul is, of course, immortality, at least in the sense that the energy of the Soul survives death. But do the memories, etc. of the incarnation? »
The memory is an aggregate of illusions. Moreover, it is because of this memory that we are reincarnated (according to the Tibetan tradition). Then what is the real utility to keep such a memory? This conception demonstrates a misunderstanding of the real Nature of the Human mind. The purpose is not to collect a personal knowledge in a personal memory. Indeed, this type of memory arises from an individual and thus partial and false interpretation of our environment and from us even. The real source of any knowledge, which owes be complete, can come neither from the individual nor from its memory, so big is it. The real source of any knowledge is the Spirit. And this last one is bound to no limitate and partial memory.
“The same is true for the energetic evolution of the human Soul. Initiation within the great alchemical traditions of the Earth, including the Hermetic, is a means of abbreviating the necessary time, or of accelerating this process. In their essence, this is that same function that has yoga, Qabalah, or even the mystical aspect of Buddhism or any other religion. Study the classics of excellent authors like Mircae Eliade and you will be able to follow this ariadne's thread throughout the spiritual history of mankind. “
It is not enough to read historians of religions to know and understand the spiritual traditions. To understand them really, it is necessary to receive the teachings of real masters then to put into practice them …
“The subject of the energetic evolution of the human Soul is quite complex and certainly can not be fully covered with these few lines. This, however, may be sufficient as a small note to clarify my thinking, which is, I repeat, not based on my own ideas, but reflects the inherited wisdom of Millennia.”
Regrettably, we see good that they are your personal ideas and on no account the currents of thought of all the spiritual traditions …
A reader.
This reply is directed to Anon (who I think is the same person judging the style of the writing):
ReplyDeleteYou are mistaken that there are no references to the creation of subtle "bodies" through Interal Alchemy in older alchemical traditions; you have simply looked in the wrong direction. It is variously referred to as the "secret of secrets". I suggest making a new search for it again.
Regarding eastern tantric traditions not wanting to create "immortality" and "alchemical bodies", I suggest reading David Gordon White's excellent academic work "The Alchemical Body". This will dissipate any such eronious notions. I was baffeled by the many similarities between Hermetic Alchemy and hindo and buddhist tantric traditions.
Before reading this book I remember seeing a documentary on the tantric buddhist tradition in Tibeth, how they projected their consciousness at the moment of death to a so-called "rainbow body". When I saw this reference I understood that the Ageless Wisdom is universal. White's book give a solid researched confirmation of this "body", variosly called "rainbow", "diamond", "sonic", etc.
Having but learned miniscule portions of Hermetic Alchemy I suddenly start so see references to it in all kinds of tradition, aslo in the Gospels and even in the Eastern Christian Church regarding the doctrine of the transfiguration of Christ.
In Licht, Leben und Liebe
I repeat: This is the most occulted SECRET of humanity, carefully concealed in all of the religions and alchemical traditions of the world.
ReplyDeleteHowever, if you truly believe that to cultivate a Solar Body of Light on your own is such a simple matter, requiring only time and discipline (very laudable as they are) as you each claim, I invite you to prove this to us.
I will then, together with countless others, bow before the first among you who accomplishes this "simple" task - recognizing you as our new teacher and Master at the level of another Christ or Buddha.
Hidden in plain view comes to mind here. Why wouldn't someone be able to release their astral soul on their own - especially with the guidance of a higher power? How can you judge who can attain spiritual enlightenment.
Being initiated to a particular mystery school in this day and age does not help one to understand the mysteries any easier. But, I do not think that that if one searches on their own that they will not be able to find enlightenment without the help of an "adept".
Also, if one were to "prove" to you that this can be accomplished by one so lowly as an initiate, they would not be looking for your acceptance as the new Buddha or Messiah.
Peace and love!
ReplyDeleteYou are missing the point, brother. The Hermetic tradition teaches that all of nature is evolving towards perfection. In the case of human beings, this means that we are all evolving energetically.
So, do you evolve on your own? Most definitely. Will you eventually arrive at the goal of achieving conscious immortality in a Solar Body of Light on your own as well? Of course!
However, the Hermetic tradition also teaches that the processing of Hermetic alchemy makes it possible to accelerate the processed of nature in its evolution towards perfection. In the case of human beings, this means that by alchemical means, it can become possible to complete in a single lifetime, the energetic evolution that otherwise would require many incarnations.
The purpose of the initiatory lineages of the Hermetic mystery schools is to provide the technology to accelerate the processes of nature, to meritorious Souls seeking to accelerate their spiritual evolution.
-David Griffin
"those who seek, awaken precisely when they come into contact with someone who has precisely this YEAST for their spiritual awakening"
ReplyDeleteSo does this mean: that when someone who is seeking to awaken comes in contact with someone who is awake, the interaction will cause the seeker to begin to awaken?