Friday, December 27, 2019
Human Freedom World-Wide! [VIDEO]
DOWNLOAD OUR FREE E-BOOKS! Switch On The God-Force Energy In You! Get started with Magick today using one simple method in this amazing ebook. Download it FREE and begin with the Magick of Light right now! • Ultimate Life Mastery: The Science of Miracles Was Jesus Secretly A Magician? The 3 Lost Baptisms of Jesus of Nazareth COURSES • Alpha Ωmega Courses • The Ritual Magick Manual (A Complete Course For Solitary Practitioners) • Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Alpha Ωmega Rosicrucian Mystery School • Spellwork Mastery Course • VIP Private Training Course RESOURCES Golden Dawn • Golden Dawn Website • Golden Dawn Blog • Golden Dawn Library • Golden Dawn Biographies • Golden Dawn Articles • Golden Dawn Lineage Alpha Ωmega • Daily Livestream Sunrise Enlightenment Ritual HERE! • Alpha Ωmega Website • Witch Queen Leslie McQuade Biography • Bishop David Griffin Biography • Esoteric Christianity • Apostolic Successions • Contact Us • Alpha Ωmega Mystery School Podcast • Golden Dawn Facebook Group • Golden Dawn Facebook Page MAGICAL SELF DEFENSE • Magick Wars
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
REVENGE OF THE TECH LORDS! (Meme of the Month Award for September 2019)
Dear reader,
I'm sad to announce that our paparazzi have become so lame that they have not produced a single meme worthy of the Meme of the Month award for September. Nature never loves a vacuum, so i decided to step up to the plate myself.
"Hey paparazzi,
I have been telling you for months you need to step up your game. Still image memes are sooooo 2010. The world and the internet have moved on. Since you rocket scientist paparazzi can't seem to grock my drift, you force me to roll up my sleeves and show you myself."
Therefore, the Meme of the Month Award for September 2019 goes to ME, David Griffin, for teaching you my paparazzi losers what a real meme looks like. So, without further ado, here is this month's Meme of the Month.
I'm sad to announce that our paparazzi have become so lame that they have not produced a single meme worthy of the Meme of the Month award for September. Nature never loves a vacuum, so i decided to step up to the plate myself.
"Hey paparazzi,
I have been telling you for months you need to step up your game. Still image memes are sooooo 2010. The world and the internet have moved on. Since you rocket scientist paparazzi can't seem to grock my drift, you force me to roll up my sleeves and show you myself."
Therefore, the Meme of the Month Award for September 2019 goes to ME, David Griffin, for teaching you my paparazzi losers what a real meme looks like. So, without further ado, here is this month's Meme of the Month.
Meme of the Month
Revenge of the Tech Lords
by David Griffin
Tuesday, July 9, 2019
MemeWars! (Meme of the Month Awards for July 2019)
Dear Reader,
Welcome to the second monthly Alpha Ωmega Meme of the Month Awards presentation, in which we shower our haters with oodles of love.
Well, by "haters" I mean at least they hate both Leslie and me, it seems. But, never mind, because despite all of that...
At least we love them sometimes (the times when their memes are actually funny). This month, our paparazzi didn't disappoint, as you will see below.
And now, with out further ado, here are this month's Meme of the Month runners up and winner.
5th Runner Up
4th Runner-Up
3rd Runner Up
2d Runner-Up
1st Runner-Up
And now, this month's Meme of the Month Winner!
That's it for July. Our paparazzi are getting better. Some of their memes are actually funny! Be sure to come back next month. I am sure our paparazzi yet again will not disappoint!
In abundance, chivalry and truth,
David Griffin
Saturday, May 25, 2019
TRUTH about Money the Alpha Ωmega and the HOGD
by AΩ and HOGD Imperator
David Griffin
Jochen Van Aelten wrote:
"If your only goal is to bring Magick to the people the why are your courses so expensive ?I think your only in it for the glory and to make money ! The Golden Dawn back in the day's even had a rule that you could not ask money for lessons.The only thing you could do then is to not take a huge profit on what you claim is actually Magick!
The content of your courses try to make people believe that casting spells and Magick is the same thing, which it is NOT!!
Even the quality of what you are selling with a huge profit is far below the standards of what Magick actually means!
About Aleister Crowley .. Do you even understand what the man has done for Magick during the course of his live?
The books he wrote during his live time? His contribution to Magick?
The only shit stain as you call it on Magick are people like you, who don't even understand it and try to profit from it." - Jochen Van Aelten
Thank you for providing me with this wonderful teaching opportunity.
To begin with, the Alpha Ωmega is a free church and not a business, so your bizarre rant shows only how clueless you are.
FYI, the AΩ uses the funds from our courses for many things, including funding the many free services we provide for the esoteric community, like for example producing of the free magick training video you just watched.
Or did you think that video just fell out of the sky? No. It did not. It cost real money to produce in the real world. The Alpha Ωmega fully funded the production of that video, not only so that you could watch it for free, but so that you would not even have to watch YouTube ads before it.
Or did you even notice that YouTube ads are turned off on our videos? Of course not. That is how oblivious you are.
Our courses, by the way, are by no means expensive, especially considering the bi-weekly or monthly live classes we provide, but of course you don't know that either, which is weird for a man who presumes to pass judgement on the Alpha Ωmega without even knowing what the hell he is talking about.
So you have that part of your rant abysmally wrong too. Au contraire. Our courses are of great value and they fund the mission of the Alpha Ωmega as well the many wonderful free services we provide for the esoteric community.
Or maybe you didn't even notice the absence of a collection plate at the end of our free daily livestream ritual practice streamed 24/7 on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter or Periscope. Now how do you think all of that got paid for? Do you imagine it was Santa's eves, perhaps?
As a matter of fact, Jochen, you are so abysmally clueless that there can be only three possibilities. Either:
[1] you are only 10 years old (in which case you get a pass)
[2] you have been living in a bubble or on a remote island leaving you so clueless, or
[3] you are being deliberately deceptive in order to mislead our viewers.
I am pretty sure its number 3, considering your defense of that pervert Crowley.
Oh And by the way... YES it was very expensive back in the day under Mathers to study with the Golden Dawn. You are wrong about that too, so you are 3 for 3 for cluelessness here.
Nonetheless, for what its worth, thank you for sharing your demonstrably ignorant opinions, as I am sure there is someone here who will find my clarification enlightening.
Aleister Crowley,
Alpha Omega,
David Griffin,
Golden Dawn,
Magick of Light,
Saturday, April 27, 2019
SMACKDOWN: Leslie McQuade Gets CRUSHED By Appalachian Witch!
Dear reader,
Leslie McQuade comes from humble beginnings. Her story is a rags to riches tale that began in the coal camps and trailer parks of West Virginia. Leslie began her magical career in the forests of the Appalachian mountains.
Leslie makes no secret of of her humble beginnings, but she doesn't take enough credit for how far she has come. At least not usually.
But then again, today is different. It isn't every day Leslie gets taken to the woodshed by an Appalachian Witch!
This whole sordid affair began with this video we published on YouTube, Appalachian Mountain Magick. You can see it here.
For whatever the reason (watch the video and read below for full effect!), the net result of showing this video to an Appalachian Witch named Jake Richards, was like showing a red cape to a bull.
Jake Richards wrote:
"This is not Appalachian folk magic. I was raised in this work, mama is a seventh daughter, her daddy was a preacher who could blow out fire and stop the flow of blood, most of my grandmothers had the Sight and so on.
Appalachian folk magic surrounds the home and livelihood, whether it was to get the cows to milk again or send a troublesome person on their way... This "charm jar" is fake, theres nothing to that in this work that aided the old folks. we had the penny jar/jug and the mourning jar but those are very different from this "trinket jar" you are showing.
This is utter cultural appropriation at its finest. I was raised on this work and we was so poor we didn't have a bucket to piss in or a window to toss it out of... I swear if it wasn't for these charms and remedies we may not have survived most times, whether it was to come across some money or to keep the roof over our heads. This is our work, our heritage, our blood.
I may sound like I'm coming off as a dick, but we had to survive using these tricks and superstitions and remedies, we didn't have health insurance or lots of money. and then to see all these well-off folks who ain't even from there trying to tell a thing or two about it is ridiculous. We don't care much for outsiders and shit like this doesn't go in yall's favor.
Leave our story and tales for us to tell. If you want to learn about authentic Appalachian folk magic, learn it from someone like me who was raised on the workings and tales: My book on it is available for pre-oder on Amazon should you so choose to get a better understanding of it. Its called Backwoods Witchcraft: Conjure & Folk Magic from Appalachia.
But please don't teach on something you don't know, especially when it deals with America"s "Forgotten People." We've been dealt enough and are well to be left alone, especially in regards to our dying traditions.
Sharing stuff like this further kills it, because this is a foreign mixture, much like kudzu it'll eventually smother everything else out and the newer generations will never see the fullness of the magic that aided their Ancestors."
Being the chivalrous individual I am, I stepped in on Leslie's behalf, and replied to Jake with a rebuke he well deserved, as follows...
"Hi Jake, Welcome to the HOGD channel. I am delighted to hear that you are preserving Appalachian folk Magick. I am leaving up your ad for your book in your comment so that hopefully people can find it.
I will have to set you straight about a thing or two, however. Leslie Morgan McQuade is about as Appalachian as dobro music, so you make yourself look silly when you show up on our channel ranting like that, yet without so much as even knowing that Leslie hails from the West Virginia Morgan clan! Or have you never heard of Morgan Morgan, the founder of West Virginia?
Or how about the legendary Tut Taylor the dobro player? Have you ever heard of him, perhaps from Merlefest? Or how about Corey Lee (Lone Wolf) McQuade, Leslie's brother, who Tut Taylor willed his dobro to?
Leslie asked me to tell pass you this message:
"Hi Jake. Appalachia is a big place. Just because you know your holler, doesn't mean you know mine!"
So, Jake, next time before accusing someone of cultural appropriation, you might want to find out who it is you are talking too. Clearly you know a thing or two about Appalachian Magick, but what makes you think you are ONLY Appalachian who does?
In any case, we're glad you stopped by here and we hope you will return. We have videos on MANY forms of Magick. Let us know once your book "Backwoods Witchcraft" comes out, and perhaps we will have you on our show via Skype to tell our viewers all about it. It looks like it might be an interesting book for them!
But just one thing. The next time you drop by, there is no need to make all that racket. We can hear you just fine."
Jake Richards wrote a book called Backwoods Witchcraft, that is scheduled for release on June 1, 2019.
Backwoods Witchcraft might be an interesting read. We shall see.
In abundance, chivalry, and truth,
David Griffin
Monday, April 15, 2019
MEME WARS! (Meme Of The Month Awards)
Let's be clear. Most of their stuff just SUCKS. But then again, every once in a while, they make something that is actually funny.
WE LOVE OUR PAPARAZZI! Please do not stop making memes attacking us. We do not want you to stop. We only want you to not suck as bad as you do. We want you to make great memes that are actually funny.
We therefore have decided to reward all of your hard work by beginning a new series here on the Golden Dawn blog, the "Meme Of The Month Awards."
Here are a few of this month's runners up!
This month we are also giving a special award for "PENIS ENVY OF THE MONTH."
Here is our winner!
To which Aaron Leitch replied...
Keeping up with the Griffins again Aaron? Congrats on your farm!
How long until it's paid off and the bank no longer holds your title?
We bought Columnhenge outright.
Have a nice day!
- David Griffin
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Spy vs. Spy, Useful Idiots, and British Intelligence Manipulating Our Spiritual Community
These pathetic spooks and their useful idiots, posing as "traditional Rosicrucians," in reality are just secret SATANISTS who have been trying to rewrite our order out of HOGD history for decades (following to their intelligence agency's hidden agenda).
Why have they been attacking us now for 2 decades? Because MI-6 wants to control the Golden Dawn! We won't let them!
They attack us again today, because they are DESPERATE. We are growing like mad and have many THOUSANDS of members around the world, whereas these useful idiot "wannabe Rosicrucians" lead 2 member orders with only themselves and their wives as members in their garage.
In truth, these wannabe "Rosicrucian" posers are not even real Magicians. They certainly aren't spiritual leaders or they would have actual students. (They have none.)
As the old saying goes, "By their fruits shall ye know them," and the only fruit ever to come from the tree of these intel spooks is the fruit of constant shit stirring trying to manipulate our spiritual community with disinformation.
For an ACCURATE modern history of of the HOGD, please see the modern section of this article on the HOGD (AΩ) website here:
These spooks are so arrogant that they are bound to continue attacking the many members of our order with disinformation.
They are completely predictable and they will certainly continue to attack our Rosicrucian community. Stick around, because for as long as they attack, I will continue to expose their entire playbook of tactics and methods here on the Golden Dawn Blog.
This will be fun. Stay tuned for more bombshell news!
Sunday, March 17, 2019
Griffin and McQuade ATTACKED! Alpha Ωmega and Golden Dawn BESIEGED!
by David Griffin
After all, the Magick of Jesus is no joke and we are bringing it out into the open for ALL to see and use.
We knew going in that we would make waves with this - and that there would surely be people who don’t like what we are doing at all.
In short, we knew we would be attacked for this. The Lost Magick of Jesus, however, was too important for us NOT to bring it to the public!
Once we began practicing and livestreaming the “Opening of the Treasury of Light” rituals from the Magick of Light of Jesus Christ every sunrise, we were pleasantly surprised because there were almost no attacks.
Almost everyone loved the ritual. The only negative thing people said was “This isn't real,” and “Jesus wasn’t a Sorcerer. You are just making this all up!”
To put such rumors to rest, Leslie and I wrote the new ebook for you we released last week, “Was Jesus Secretly A Magician? - The 3 Secret Baptisms of Jesus.” (Which you can still download for free at
In this new eBook, we show how the astonishing system of the Magick of Light of Jesus Christ was practiced by early proto-Christians in Alexandrian Egypt – and how they claim that these are secret teachings Jesus gave to his disciples and transmitted to his followers in Egypt through the Apostles.
We then show how the early Roman church tried to suppress and destroy all trace of Jesus’ Magick and erase it completely from the historical record.
Despite their best efforts to destroy it, we show in the new ebook how one manuscript containing the Magick of Light of Jesus survived for centuries buried in the sands of Egypt, how it was excavated from Thebes in 1897, and how it survives today in the Bodelian Library indexed as Bruce 96 and known by scholars as The Bruce Codex.
In our most recent video, we show how the Golden Dawn has known about this material since immediately after its rediscovery, and how Florence Farr was the first person to publish the THREE Secret Baptisms of Jesus in her book, Egyptian Magick.
Well, all of these revelations were just too much for certain people who had wished all along that we WERE just making this all up.
Since we published our new ebook on Jesus’ Magick last week, Leslie McQuade and I have once again been brutally attacked on-line over the past week with what appears to be a professionally run disinformation and defamation campaign.
I say professionally run, because everyone knows that intelligence agencies try to manipulate spiritual communities on-line. Hey, don’t take my word for it. Read this article HERE about Glenn Greenwald's conclusions based on Edward Snowden’s revelations. Snowden carries a lot more weight than I do when it comes to how spooks are manipulating spiritual communities and reputations on-line.
I ought to know. I was attacked by them almost non-stop for over 20 years. Everyone knows about this. If not, you can still read my old articles exposing it over two decades here on the Golden Dawn blog.
Interestingly, all of the attacks on me stopped cold once Donald Trump got elected. With Trump in the White House, I guess the on-line spooks now have more important things to do (like trashing Trump) than trying ruin my reputation and to manipulate the Golden Dawn!
That is to say - until last week. Guess what? Now that we published “Was Jesus A Secret Magician?” the intel spooks are back!
And this time, they are not just attacking me, but also Leslie McQuade. I am pretty sure they are the same agency faction that has been attacking me all along, because they are bringing back many of the same old talking points they attacked me with for 20 years, like disinformation falsely claiming I was “expelled” from the HOGD, when in truth I merely remained loyal to Israel Regardie’s disciple and former fiancée, Cris Monnastre, during a major HOGD schism in 1992.
These renewed attacks are clearly part of a PROFESSIONAL operation, because the on-line spooks are attacking us with disinfo not just anywhere, but in comments on our HOGD Facebook ads, thereby trying to stunt HOGD's growth by sabotaging our ad campaigns.
Who but professional intelligence operatives running on-line disinformation campaigns would specifically target advertising in this way?!?!
These spooks are so arrogant that they don’t even make an effort to hide their tracks!
They think you are stupid. They think operate invisibly and nobody notices. They are wrong.
What is interesting are the NEW lines of attack and disinformation they are now suddenly attacking Leslie and I with.
Here is their latest nonsense.
1. This can’t be real because Griffin is working with a WITCH QUEEN. She is not even Christian!
2. Griffin is secretly a WITCH too, so these people are EVIL. He uses the Pagan name Lupercus.
3. Griffin claims that the Golden Dawn is a religion, whereas the early documents show clearly that it is not.
Really? Can’t you inept spooks do any better than this? Your globalist CIA handlers must be very unhappy with you right now because we see right through you.
Nonetheless, I still think it is a good idea to set the record straight.
1. First off, the Golden Dawn is indeed NOT a religion and (contrary to spooky spook disinformation) I never, ever, not even once claimed that it is. I have all along said that the Golden Dawn is not a religion. This is all over our websites and always has been.
2. So what then IS the Golden Dawn? The Golden Dawn is a non-sectarian system for spiritual development and set of spiritual practices. You can best understand these practices by thinking of them as something akin to “Western Yoga.”
3. The ALPHA ΩMEGA, however, IS a CHURCH. So, you see, the spooks are deliberately conflating the Golden Dawn with the Alpha Ωmega to try and cause confusion! The Alpha Ωmega free church is our parent organization and we offer not only classical HOGD training, but also training in Spellwork Mastery, defense magick, and many other spiritual and magical systems as well.
4. The Alpha Ωmega is huge. AΩ holds a vast array of esoteric transmissions and charters (just about everything from Alpha to Ωmega), and yes, these do include the Golden Dawn. They also include Martinist, Pagan, Wiccan, and Reaux Croix esoteric transmissions as well as Hermetic, Rosicrucian, and Freemasonic charters and/or transmissions from (among others) the Gold und Rosenkreutz Order, the Asiatic Brethren (Fratres Lucis), the Frères Ainées de la Rose Croix (F.A.R.+C.), the Societas Rosicruciana of Backstrom, and the Rose Cross of Egypt (Rose Croix d'Orient). For those interested in Eastern stuff, we even hold a Kundalini Yoga transmission, which is one reason why in the AΩ we understand so well the universal nature of the LVX (God-Force) energy.
5. Yes, Leslie McQuade is an Alexandrian Wiccan Witch Queen. So what?
6. The notion that the Magick of Jesus is only for Christians is absurd and based merely on sectarian arrogance.
7. Yes, I do hold multiple Wiccan and Pagan lineages and charters in addition to everything else. And yes, it is public knowledge that in one of these my initiatic name is “Lupercus." So what?
8. I also hold charters and transmissions for multiple Freemasonis, Hermetic, Rosicrucian, and Martinist lineages and I don’t hear anybody bitching about these!
8. I also hold charters and transmissions for multiple Freemasonis, Hermetic, Rosicrucian, and Martinist lineages and I don’t hear anybody bitching about these!
9. As far as the Lost Magick of Jesus goes, I am a duly ordained Priest and consecrated “Wandering Bishop" of the ancient Episcopi Vagantes and hold nearly ALL major and minor Apostolic successions (which you can examine in detail HERE), so you inept spooks can stick your rumormongering where the Sun never shines!
10. The Magick of Light of Jesus Christ is for ALL who aspire for ascension into the KINGDOM OF LIGHT. Do you really think its an accident that I livestream the Magick of Light of Jesus every single sunrise together with a Pagan Witch Queen? Of course not. It is quite deliberate.
11. The Magick of Light of Jesus Christ is not JUST for Christians. How many Christians were there even while Jesus was still alive and preaching? Jesus message was for all who would listen, not just for one sectarian group. In fact, he said this over and over.
12. To learn and practice the Magick of Light of Jesus Christ, there is no need to convert or change your religion or denomination. There is no need to even change your church or to join ours. We are a FREE church and value human freedom above all else.
13. There is no need even to believe in the Magick of Light of Jesus either. All you really need is to try out the Magick of Light of Jesus for yourself, then judge for yourself from the results you obtain!
13. There is no need even to believe in the Magick of Light of Jesus either. All you really need is to try out the Magick of Light of Jesus for yourself, then judge for yourself from the results you obtain!
So, to all of you intel spooks renewing your on-line attacks on us this week....
If you want to defame us or destroy our reputation, you are going to have to do a LOT better.
Because you've only been back on the attack for less than a week and you have ALREADY blown your cover.
In short, you guys SUCK!
But please DON'T STOP attacking us! Our readers are dying to watch me destroy you by exposing your entire playbook of on-line tactics and methods!
So...Bring it on!
Just don't be so pathetic.
In short, you guys SUCK!
But please DON'T STOP attacking us! Our readers are dying to watch me destroy you by exposing your entire playbook of on-line tactics and methods!
So...Bring it on!
Just don't be so pathetic.
In freedom, chivalry, and truth,
David Griffin
PS - If you haven't seen it yet, don't miss our latest video that we just released yesterday, "Was Jesus Secretly a Magician." You can watch it here now!
Thursday, March 14, 2019
THE ORDER: Netflix' Latest Satanist Series - This Time Defaming the Golden Dawn
by Golden Dawn Imperator
David Griffin
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn must be doing something right when they have to start making TV series to defame the HOGD (AΩ) and conflate us with Satanism!
Leslie McQuade and I actually had a look at the new Netflix series, The Order, last night.
We have to watch that trash if for no other reason, just to see for sure what they are up to.
As expected, there is plenty of applied anthropology involved and the tropes are the same Hollywood always uses.
Satanists in Hollywood have for many years been carefully crafting the myth in film and on television that ALL magick is Black Magick.
Where do you see the Magick of Light in this show or, for example, in other Netflix Satanist fare like "Sabrina"? YOU DON'T.
But at least in Sabrina, you expect that nonsense, because they are all overt Satanists. This new show is far more insidious.
In this new show they call the order the "Hermetic Order of the Blue Rose," an obvious knock off of the HOGD.
But of course, they are all BLACK MAGICIANS, and you have the usual Satanist trope that "all magick comes with a price" (when in reality this is only true for black magick).
Sure there are heroes in the show, but are these Magicians of Light? Nope. Werewolves! How predictable, since according to Hollywood (and EA Koetting and his ilk) "The ONLY magick there is is Black Magick." (I call BULLSHIT!).
Of course, you can't get through even 3 episodes before you have The Order engaged in human sacrifice (yawn). I have little doubt they will also make them cannibals before the first season is over. This tar and feathering of everything light has become the typical propaganda fare coming out of Hollywood of late.
Finally, in season one we have "The Order" obsessed with recovering a magical book, the VERUM MALUM or some other Satanic bastardized Latin title.
Is it pure coincidence that this comes out at the same time the HOGD is reviving the Lost Magick of Jesus as contained in the lost Book of IEOU?
Must be, because the alternative gives the HOGD far too much importance. But still, are not all of these "coincidences" just a bit too much to be purely random.
In conclusion, this is your typical Satanist crap we have all grown accustomed to coming out of Hollywood. The program is completely unimaginative and contains all of the Satanist propaganda you expect from occult series coming out of Hollywood in recent years.
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Was Jesus Secretly A Magician? His 3 Secret Baptisms Fully Revealed For The First Time!
Monday, February 18, 2019
Thousands of Golden Dawn And Alpha Ωmega Initiates World-Wide Attacked By Satanist Crowleyphiles!
by Rosicrucian Imperator
David Griffin
As HOGD Impoerator, it is my duty to protect our initiates from the lies and slander of these bottom crawlers. Just remember, Fratres and Sorores - When you are getting flack, it is because you are over your target!

Let me be crystal clear about this. We have nothing to do with any Crowleyphile organization and are sick of them dragging our name constantly into their sewer of internal squabbles. We are nothing like them.
We will not be intimidated nor deterredby internet defamation. Every single sunrise, we shall continue our magical campaign to establish...
– And to defeat the Black Magicians and demon-possessed minions who seek to enslave humanity. Feed your energetic Soul with solar LVX energy daily. Join us every sunrise at our astonishing Solar magick ritual livestream here (be sure to subscribe and hit the bell for notifications as sunrise time changes daily)...
and remember...
In freedom, chivalry, and truth,
David Griffin
Imperator HOGD RR+AC
Bishop AΩ
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