Saturday, March 4, 2017

Ancient Mystery School Gives Dire Warning to Army of Witches

(LAS VEGAS, NEVADA) - A truly historic, coordinated response is now underway to counter the public “gathering of witches” event that began February 24 and was organized by Black Magician, Michael M. Hughes. The event was mentioned in New York Times Magazine as a collective effort to use “Black Magick” to curse the presidential administration and all who support it (over half of the American people!). When asked why Michael M. Hughes wrote the ritual so it attacked the American people with demons, he replied:

"The demon part was added to freak out the evangelicals."

In other words, Hughes confesses that including demonic forces in the rite was for him just a cheap publicity stunt!

According to People magazine, Hughes and his unwittting band of Black Magicians have scheduled additional mass rites for March 26, April 24, and May 23, and June 21 at midnight.

The event has garnered the attention of an ancient secret order known as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (AΩ), who has come out in strong opposition to the event, and have issued a “dire warning” to all who would participate in the Black Arts during this negatively-charged group ritual.

According to David Griffin, Rosicrucian Imperator of the Golden Dawn, “Whether you believe in magic or not, studies have proven that when a large group of people focus on one thing at the same time, things can happen. With half the nation being targeted by large numbers of misguided spellcasters, witches, warlocks and those who do believe magic is real, we have a very real, potentially dangerous problem. That much negative energy infecting our society can have disastrous, potentially catastrophic consequences.”

To those who might question the validity of his claim, a two-month national demonstration conducted in Washington, DC between June 7th and July 30th in 1993 provided substantial evidence for a 23.3% reversal in violent crime, as a direct result of 4,000 participants meditating on reducing the violent crime rate in that area. It was predicted to drop by at least 20%.

“The effects created from a multitude of people all focusing on curses, hexes and spellcasting, don’t realize the power they’re playing with,” continued David.

“They’re going to destroy themselves and open doorways to very dark forces that are better left alone. We must counter-balance the negativity by coming out of the shadows to reveal our ancient knowledge which has been kept in secret for centuries. We believe strongly, that when the public realizes what they’re doing to themselves and to others, they’ll change.
Then the real work begins.” David concluded.

David and the Order of the Golden Dawn are calling on all believers in spirituality, manifesting, magic, the law of attraction, prayer and even positive thinkers, regardless of their race, religion, affiliation, beliefs, class or creed to join in efforts to combat the potential threat presented by the gathering of the witches event by synchronising our efforts through prayer, White Magick, etc, at the same times of their rites.

The next attack of the Black Witch Army is scheduled for March 26.
Don't get hexed! Learn to defend yourself against Black Magick at the free webinar with David Griffin and Leslie McQuade:
Black Magick Self-Defense (Emergency Crash Course)
March 24 at 7:00 PM PST
Register free. CLICK HERE NOW!


  1. "the presidential administration and all who support it (over half of the American people!)"
    This is why they are doing it - you, of the "Alternative Facts" brigade are just too stupid to NOT be lampooned and goaded in apoplexy.
    You are interested in bringing "more positive energy to the planet," yet you're supporting Trump? Do you realise the hypocrisy involved in these opposing positions?
    I agree with your statement, so I will bless you with the ability to laugh - mainly at yourself, and your Lord Cheeto.

    1. Why is it that you “geniuses" keep claiming that this is about Trump. Are you blind? Did you even bother to read the content of that Black Magick ritual before your performed it? You went WAY beyond Trump in your cute little hug-a-demon ritual calling up DEMONIC (infernal) forces to try to bind half of the American public who support Trump with. You guys have completely lost your minds! Luckily, there are plenty of lightworkers still around to clean up your messes after you. Shame on all of you for being so gullible as to be tricked into such ignorant misuse of magick by Michael Hughes and his Black Magick malarkey.

    2. The entire universe works on the basis of positive negative neutral. The only Divine method of dealing with this disharmony is to send positive energy knowing that it has its own intelligence, and of course that not one us has all the facts when it comes down to what's really going on in the world; only opinions. Magick based on fear-based opinion and lack of understanding is from the ego and can only create more egocentric energy. It's not New-Age fluff it's Hermetic Law.

    3. Warriorlink01,
      The answer is yes.
      That is why they are working to shield the President from the negative, hateful, argumentative and childish Liberal neo-fascists misanthropic racist and bigoted elitist Social Justice Warrior.
      Who died and made these people judge and jury? To even suggest binding another person is wrong and obviously liberals pursuing this course of action are MORE dangerous than their target.

  2. President Trump will be protected from the vile that choose to indiscriminately harm him and others.

    1. So mote it be. Who doesn't want improved infrastructure, more security, more jobs for the American people.

  3. 😂😂😂😂😂 ok

  4. I support this movement towards a better future. The fools being mislead by a foolish magician with no ability to take responsibility for the STUPID curse he is bringing onto the world. He has no clue. I've seen the depths they intend to reach to. Most of us in this "lifestyle" have. How they see this as even KIND OF a good idea is ridiculous. And no. None of this is about trump.

  5. I am in full support of this movement towards fighting the dark future this idiot of a magician has decided to incite. All of my positive works will be towards fighting this with you and all of the others who will join us. The darkness that our not so enlightened "magician" is attempting to pull from is not good news. Period. He is effectively trying to destroy our society. He could even be seen as a spiritual terrorist of sorts. We cannot allow this to happen. We've all seen the depths they seek to "use" at one point or another in our lives. We will overcome this.

  6. Instead of directing negative energy into societal issues, which I do presume would cause more chaos and disarray, magic used for benevolent, and meaningful purposes could cause change - for the better.

    1. Absolutely. This is why each month we will transmute the negative energies the Dark Army projects, and we will use it to liberate humanity rather than bind it. We need only raise the vibration of consciousness of a small number of human beings before we reach a critical mass, provoking a mass awakening to the spiritual realms. We stand at the beginning of a New Age - and the liberation of humanity is at hand.

    2. To liberate us humans and provoke mass awakening would take more than our lifetimes to accomplish, in my opinion. The population is just too vast and large. I'm all for it, and I believe I have the capability to bring the goal closer to reality. I strive for the mass awakening as well, and perhaps more. We can always use more positive energy in the world, but the negative is necessary as well, is it not?

  7. The future is either "many switzerlands" or the megastate model. You're right, it's not about trump. He represents the global clique of power elite in opposition to the borg.

    It's the same power dynamic between the german christian's and the nazi's. get it?

  8. Nice how Griffin dodged the question about being a Trump supporter. Hughes and Griffin are both nuts and are merely doing this all for shits and giggles--publicity, sensationalism. Check out Griffin's Golden Dawn Facebook page that he has turned into a tinfoil-hat conspiracy nutter site.

    1. This went way beyond being about Trump when they targeted the Americans who voted for Trump and used The Tower tarot cart to try to bring down the American republic. This is about a crypto-fascist pied piper trying to impose his political will on the entire American people.

  9. Email, while I agree with a lot of this, I don't think so. Who are you again?

  10. Guard the planet from the Cheeto -should- he act against it. Deflect spells from Trump to Soros. Just because that would be a target that's earned them. I don't like the Cheeto but he was better than the alternative and "they" are still vying for power.

  11. I wonder if anyone has actually read these "spells" that have been posted that this article is referring to. I have read them, I have not performed them but they seem very innocuous to me. I am ritual magician. That being said I have asked of "spirits" in the form of demons, Angels, Djinn or what-have-you in assisting me in casting spells. That does not mean that my magic is "black or white" it just means that I am performing Magic. If we are not to cast spells for the greater good or to make change, what's the purpose of magic? Magic is what it is. It is of the universe. It is a power that we possess and I agree that it should not be misused. But there is no good or evil in the universe or in nature. Ergo, binding someone or a group of people to keep them from making poor decisions or to make decisions strictly for their own interests and not the interests of the American people as a whole, does not seem like a terribly bad thing to me. Instead of calling out people to do "white magic" or to do prayer against the so-called "Black magicians", or to just put positivity out there, is not to be taken that seriously. I think that it would be much more beneficial if we were given an example of a positive spell or prayer that we need to do instead of what's being put out there for the masses. Otherwise all you're doing is dividing people, dividing a community of magic users as well as what the current administration is doing as far as dividing the American people. Instead of turning each other against ourselves we should have some sort of example as to what we should do to bring positivity to the current situation America is in. Binding someone or a group of people, is simply not the same as hexing or cursing them. It's simply limiting their power or taking that power away to make decisions that are possibly harmful to other people or as to the American people as a whole. So then the question remains that's presented to us. What do we do? Simply saying that what is attempting to be done by binding the current Administration is wrong and it we should be completely against it, I just don't think is the answer. This is my two cents worth. Take it as you will. To thine own divinity.

    1. Let us be clear, here. My primary objection is to the unethical intention to bind those who "abet" Trump. This means a gang of magical thugs is casting a binding spell on half of the American people. They can't use Trump as an excuse for this aspect of their spell. Secondly, if these folks are as "hug-a-tree" innocent as they claim, then why invoke infernal forces at all? What, archangels and angels are no good enough or powerful enough? Hopefully, this article will protect some innocent young Wiccans from being seduced into black magick attack on the American people.

    2. Absolutely. There were a few of us trying to explain just that. And the reality of what such work actually was doing. But we just were belittled. Any witch or pagan worth their weight knows better than to tangle. With the internet being as it is, I feel many are do very misguided. They read a few things and think they understand the whole of everything and can just bash around in the China shop of rites. It is shameful of those educated and ignorant to assume being able to justify evil with their opinions of what is evil. I hope we can continue to work and pray together to Unite the White as I like to think if it;-)

    3. There are many in the Magical community trying to reason with them, including me. I would like to hope this effort has prevented a few innocent Witches from having been misled. At the end of the day, we have to just let them destroy themselves if that is what it takes for them to learn.

  12. As Crowley reminded us in Moonchild, the one Word that negates negative intentionality is LOVE. Therefore, let us express LOVE and allow those who cast negativity to reflect on what they are becoming.

    1. Thank you. Some sanity. Bloviating about the do's and don't's really goes beyond it all... into sniping. Energy work is infused with the intention / integrity of whom is performing it. Lets just do the physics... energy is reciprocal. That is essentially why it's performed / created. Many newbe's and youngsters who are exploring their place in a magical world are being led on... imo. With respects, I agree with this post in it's essential message.... that the order of the Golden Dawn disapproves for good reasons. A warning. And the author of this event has some very shaky integrity.

  13. I argued with those baby witches and ignorant black arts idiots till I was blue in the face in that posting. They seemed to be so full of themselves they can't see their work as it really is. It made me very sad to see so many so misguided and I voiced it repeatedly. I worked to counter it, but it is so lovely to know we have back up!! Love from the Green Path!

  14. Whatever my feelings about Trump are, count me in, David. I enthusiatically agree with you.

  15. HI Kekist,
    Do these people have the slightest idea what they are trying to do?
    Let’s put this very simple and straightforward.
    They are trying to topple the legitimately and lawfully elected US Government
    and to harm the half of the American public that elected it in the process.
    Do they think everyone should just stand back and get away with it?
    Let us be clear. These misguided souls are cursing our government and binding our people
    I - and others like me - will not let this happen.
    If this makes light workers like me who love this country “enemies”
    of these poor misguided souls, then truly they ARE fools.

  16. You know. I just got threatened buy some wannabe wizardlets who say they gunning for Leslie and me. You know, Leslie and I have been magically attacked non-stop for decades. Sometmes by very good Magicians.

    You know what? We're still here! And many of them are not.

    So all we can say to the young punks threatening to attack us is "bring it on and watch what happens to YOU." This warning is kind of like telling someone not to touch an electric fence.

    So do you feel lucky punk? Go ahead. Make my day!

  17. These people are like spoiled children. They are crypto-fascists who believe they have the right to magically impose their political will on all Americans.
    Did they really believe there were no Magicians with the balls and the abilities to stand up to their bullying? They were wrong. Dead wrong.

  18. You know. I just got threatened buy some wannabe wizardlets who say they gunning for Leslie and me. You know, Leslie and I have been magically attacked non-stop for decades. Sometmes by very good Magicians.

    You know what? We're still here! And many of them are not.

    So all we can say to the young punks threatening to attack us is "bring it on and watch what happens to YOU." This warning is kind of like telling someone not to touch an electric fence.

    But then again, in the immortal words of Clint Eastwood:

    Do you feel lucky punk? Go ahead. Make my day!

    1. Okay Mr.Seemingly-Holier-Than-Thou,
      I personally am Gray in my practice and have not participated in this mumbo-jumbo of complete bullshit between you and the people doing what they think is right, but i am sick and god-be-damned tired of you going around and bashing others' beliefs. That is what it seems you are doing.
      The world needs balance. There is NO good without evil and NO evil without good. The two need each other for this shitspin of a planet to work. Magick is both "pure" and "malicious" because NATURE, underline, NATURE is both of these things. Beautiful, nurturing yet violent and destructive at the same time. And while I don't agree with death-hexing an 18-year-old because she flipped you off one day, I have made a hex for the worst kind of people, yet to be used. No, this is not a threat to you or your oh-so-precious priced community, so you can calm your god-be-damned tits on that possibility. Unlike some people I actually believe there is NO "wrong" way to practice your path, there are only multi-billions of right ways. If you agree with something in magick with your whole heart you better believe whatever deity/deities you believe in are grinning their faces off because they are doing what they, underline again, THINK IS RIGHT TO DO. You know what we should be fighting against instead of this bullshit? Pollution. What else? Corruption via civil hierarchy. Anything else? Civil and World War. We have SO MANY OTHER THINGS TO FLIP OUR SHIT ABOUT that are worth much more of our time than shoving your biased nose into some left-hand-path-worker group's business. If you were truly a serious, not-to-be-trifled-with adult, you wouldn't even give the "young-punks" your time of day. But you, "sir", are giving these "attackers" what they want - a reaction.

  19. They won't manifest shit besides doing harm to themselves, the problem with these people is that they base everything on feelings, having a good heart but a brain the size of a peanut, don't do black magic if you don't have the intelligence and knowledge to back this up. I'll trap every inch of darkness and send it back where it came from. Magick is for humans not animals.

  20. Personally, I say unleash the beast, but I would like to point out that y'all are making war on each other, as the people of the Pagan community will not be immune to the fallout of these actions.

  21. I was drawn to this post, but do not practice magic. Well, in my dreams maybe, but not reality. I appreciate what you're saying here, and will fill myself with love each day, as well as those around the world. I find that by doing so, I am more powerful with each day. I have not so nice feelings about Trump myself, however, I am willing to watch and see what happens. I wish him, nor any of his cabinet or followers ill will. Maybe a tact to take for those calling on harming them is to explain there is some really bad stuff that needs to be broken apart in the existing government structure. That that structure does not have the best interest of the American people in mind, and by Trump being President, those existing structures can be broken and new ones built. My vote will always be for humanity and the good of all. The more I understand how limited we have become as a society, the more I understand the need for new structures. Change can be painful, and when it 'appears' as though someone is threatening your very life, then people get desperate. Take a step back, send as much love and light as we can. As I said, I am not a part of your order, but I certainly respect your intentions and am with you on that. Love and light..

  22. It is fascinating that these assertive Witches, Warlocks, etc. believe that in their state of anger, hatred, racism, and bigotry believe that they can possibly case a spell executing "good", for who?
    What good has come from evil doings?
    The way that the suggested spell was written is ridiculous too and leaves too much open for reinterpretation, it would be mote if the target "believes" he is doing the right thing for the right reasons, and President Trump is convinced of the latter.
    I think it incredibly crass, and although there are no laws against the magical arts like in the days of Salem, Ma. these participants are actually domestic terrorists making credible threats against the President and his administration.
    Our little 'Black Magician' should be picked up.
    Worse their activities cast a dark light and invigorates fear of the people who practice the craft with a moral compass.

  23. By the every nature of "cursing with ill intent" shows just what type of people they are, and the universe being what it is, will urn the wheel against them.

  24. I think wizards and witches so deeply deceived by the mainstream media to think that trump and his followers are in need of hexing are really the ones in need of a little mind expansion. If they honestly think that the same corporatism that has brought such a decline in american living standards is tossing them a bone on trump, they need to get a little more critical. It is time to transcend labels, blind party allegencies, and dialectical manipulations. I will be with you David when the time comes. ALF

  25. As an aside, I question the magickal abilities of those who would be so easily deceived by the msm to act in contrast to their fellow countrymen's and their own children's best interests.

  26. I'm encouraged by Rachel MadCow's goofy fail yesterday w/ Daddy Trump's tax return. It’s funny to see CNN admitting it was an epic win for Trump – again.

    I like this idea. My husband and I have done a fair few workshops over the past dozen or so years with really special teachers like Lynne McTaggart, Richard Bartlet, Ramon Grace, Tom Tam in Boston.... Like many others have written here, using energy for healing and manifestation has become more ubiquitous and thus, according to people like Carl Jung, more powerful as this particular morphic field gets reinforced every time it's called on. Lynne’s first Intention Experiment was to bring peace to Sri Lanka after decades and decades of civil war. At first, the fighting ramped way up and they had more casualties right after that week of “Intending” than in recent times, but within a few months, the war had completely ended.

    I'm very excited about Mark Taylor's group work during the election (you can find info about it on YouTube if you're not familiar with it – Mark Taylor Prophecy). They were praying to slow down HRC 17 minutes before she collapsed at the 9/11 memorial.

    Donald Trump is amazing, and I certainly didn’t start out thinking that in the primaries. Growing up in NJ about 45 minutes from the GWB we ALL heard of Donald. He was way too flashy for me. We had an antique stained glass window business the decade Trump bought the Bonwit Teller building and smashed the lovely art deco glass panels (I have since learned that some blame goes to the museum), so I wasn’t a fan then, but he was certainly known as generous, kind, a great boss and a great businessman. As a 2X Ron Paul supporter I was ready to work for Rand but a friend told me, just listen to what Trump says. After about a week I was sold and we even got to attend two rallies in NH. Amazing energy, loving, reading, sharing, laughing, shouting (lock.her.up). Trump just seemed to come there and refuel on that energy.

    Sorry for the long ramble but I really want as many people as possible to enjoy this amazing time. So much of this is about good vs evil - I don't think you can be more evil than HRC and her merry band of thieves, murderers and satanic pedophiles. Check out a few Trump speeches on YT. Daddy Trump, as Milo Yiannopoulus calls him, is really one-of-a-kind – probably one-of-a-century.

    1. I actually have one of Lana del Rey's albums. Now I find out she is a follower of Hughes. I guess its time to burn this witch's work. Most musicians are airheads, but her choice is amazingly stupid and evil.

  27. We'll GOOD - sounds like the ALL got us to rise up to raise conciousness

  28. Unfortunate for the Black Magicians, what was done has awakened an opposing energy. I started experiencing a sense of profound peace from within and would close my eyes to experience it usually on the subway on my way to and from work.

    I was fine until I started sensing psychic attacks especially one that scared me, it was as though a piece of metal was being put through my crown chakra. Luckily I was able to shake it off, literally.

    From that point on I started encountering individuals, on my way home from work on the train station, that would stand by me and project a qliphotic/cthonic red energy which I have felt when encountering Golachab or Zarabanda (Both beautiful energies when properly used).

    Trump cannot be deviated for in his heart he is doing good. and he is the son of or he vibrates to a force that cannot be easily deviated. Lol, the productive individual is being awakened and the lazy and parasitical are doing what they have always done, create problems where they don't exist, by focusing on rights for a group instead of the right of the individual and in our case the rights of an American.

  29. If you read Nehemiah, you will see that Obama is the reincarnation of Shebanezzar, the playboy king who bankrupted Babylon, just like Obama almost did to America. Trump is the reincarnation of Cyrus, the Persian conqueror of Babylon who took the city with a minimum loss of life. God wrote on the wall of Shebanezzar's palace and Daniel revealed to Sheb that God wrote, YOU HAVE BEEN JUDGED AND FOUND WANTING. Cyrus took the city that very night. Nehemiah said history repeats itself and the cast of characters come back to do it again. Cyrus was a believer in God, and for that reason he was said to be 'the beloved of God.' If Trump is indeed the beloved of God, then he has nothing to fear from a pissant like Michael Hughes. Hughes is like a gnat compared to God's power. Hughes will soon discover that power. Pray and ask God to protect you and all those who side with you against this evil sorcerer's monstrous action. God will act if enough of us seek His help. If you have any good wards against evil use those as well. Perhaps David will help all of us by posting some wards we can create against the evil ones spells. A simple one is to tape the 10 of hearts on the inside of the wall of your northern most wall. Lets end this pissant's goal and don't be afraid. Good far outweighs evil.

  30. Any so-called "pagan" who supports socialism are fools. Left-hand path people into so-called "black magick" are even bigger fools! Their karma will cut them below the feet of the Righteous Ones (Right-hand Path). Cursing president Trump and supporters?? REALLY? How UNENLIGHTENED!

  31. Let them find a shiny thing to distract their intentions, then the republic can continue as it has for centuries. :D

  32. Some define Black Magik as influencing others against their will. If this was true then every little old Christian Grandmother is performing black magik every time she manifests a worry upon her own grandchildren.

    A Christian mother worried about her daughter living in a dangerous neighborhood can manifest an attack, rape, or even a murder upon her own daughter.

    A man EXPECTING to have dinner with his family even though they might have gone elsewhere without his psychic BLACK MAGIK attack.

    Too many people have no clue that Hermeticism means NOTHING is real.. EVERYTHING is mental..

    You can NEVER invite a skeptic or novice to serious magik as their doubts are also magik.

    There are two schools of thought with Magik. There are those who practice using their imaginations to affect quicker changes in the world and there is the lesser method where you keep your focus for lengthier periods but without as much quality. A practiced mage could overpower the skeptic as Mages PRACTICE their imaginations (Frans Bardon Style) where the lesser method of magik is more akin to lesser law of attraction with longer focus replacing quality of focus.

    Inviting a MASS SPELL obviously invite opposing expectation including from Trump himself if he ever got wind.

    This spell does NOTHING. It only helps our cause through advertising. If Christians want to worry that their religion is dying and that Hermeticism will win out.. Then let them. Even Donald Trump is a manifestation of Christian worry.

  33. Sigh...... send him to Mexico. We'll lecture him suitably.Off to bed with you,my boy. No dinner or bed-time stories tonignt.

  34. Humans are petty and ignorant in general. Milo Yiannopoulus is a self-professed pedophile by the way. He thinks daddy should stick his pee pee in your children's assholes and that's a good thing for everybody. He's proud of that belief. Ignorant destructive fools.

    Also, all I see a stunt like that accomplishing is making fools and enemies of magic workers to the mainstream in this country. More reasons to mock. If you really wanted to accomplish such a feat, you most certainly would have to do it in secret. There is also no black or white in magic, there just is. Instead of wagging your egos, a productive measure would have been to simply initiate a counter-measure of equal positive force. Without the ridiculous infantile hoopla. How embarrassing for everyone involved. More proof that any gaggle of self-righteous human beings will inevitably result in destruction. Really you can leave the self-righteousness out of the formula to achieve potential ruin. Save the country or planet and slow the legacy of endless suffering your children have inherited from you by becoming environmentally conscious and active. And for the love of everything sacred stop supporting the beef and dairy industry. Talk about dark magic. Burning the rain forests to the ground and slaughtering animals inhumanely on a mass scale after poisoning and torturing them and their about dark magic on a mass scale. Children starving and suffering from malnutrition are attending your local public school. Enjoy your latte.

  35. Here's a post by another neurotic militant vegetarian. I'm sorry when you were eleven and asked your mommy or daddy where does the meat on your plate come from. Mommy or daddy were probably tired from work and mindlessly said, "Oh, its the muscle of cows." You lurched from your chair and barfed on the floor. This is a common outcome to that answer to a common question coming from pubescent children. Instead of facing the truth, you have avoided it and go around condemning omnivores. We are an omnivore species and we eat meat and veggies. Eat your carrots in silence please.

  36. This website is the perfect example of a "Fluffy Bunny", someone reads 1 book on Witchcraft or the Occult and all of a sudden, they think they're an expert and are ready to start leeching money off of people.

    This is my favorite little lie: "....studies have proven that when a large group of people focus on one thing at the same time, things can happen." - care to share with me the link to that study, "Imperator"?

    P.S. Studies have shown people that use self-important titles are full of themselves and just want gullible peoples' money


  37. Dr. Todd, After a long and painful (physically, mentally and emotionally) relationship and then break-up with my ex he continued to haunt me, continued to stalk me in my quest for a new life… even though he had a new woman to torture. I tried the police, they couldn’t keep him away. I turned to friends for protection and they couldn’t help me. I moved, he found me. I had no way out. You were my last resort to make him see and to be done with me and his cruel ways. The stories I have heard of what have happened to him I will no repeat but some have been horrific. He has since left me alone since he now has his own problems to deal with. I have been able to have a life my life without always looking over my shoulder thanks to you. Thank you for giving me my life back. or

    ~ Mary Ann
