Friday, February 24, 2017

MagickWars: Crypto-Nazi Witches vs. Magi of Light

by Witch Queen Leslie McQuade 
and Rosicrucian Imperator David Griffin

Some moron in the witch community recently got the really really dumb idea to curse and bind the President of the United States, Donald Trump together with everyone who voted for him, and to bring down the American republic like in the tarot card, The Tower. This BLACK MAGICK ritual begins tonight at midnight. You can read about this seditious lunacy here.

As an American, I do not take kindly to a gang of Crypto-Nazi thugs pretending to be "progressive" witches launching a magical war on the American people and the lawfully elected President of the republic.

Therefore, Witch Queen Leslie McQuade and I this week have been discretely organizing the Magickal resistance to this evil nonsense.

Tonight at midnight, a rag-tag group of patriot Magicians, Witches, and Shamans, and Christian prayer warriors stand up in defense of the Republic and our President against the Black Magick war to be launched tonight by Crypto-Fascist witches - whose REAL objective is to establish a globalist world Empire!

They want to bind Donald Trump because they deludedly believe he is a Fascist. Perfect. We are redirecting their ritual to bind the REAL Fascists - like George Soros and the Islamic Supremacists the brainwashed American left is allied with.

They want to use "The Tower" tarot card to topple what they say is Trump's "Tower of Lies". Perfect. We are magnifying that spell to destroy the REAL tower of lies - the endless stream of mainstream media fake news narratives together with the whole globalist house of cards!

So - pick up your light saber, wand, sword, drum, feathers or whatever tools you use - and tonight at midnight - hold the line with us - as the Magi of Light rise in defense of the republic!

May the LVX be with you!


  1. Every Pagan/Wiccan I've contacted feels the same way. You have support from Central Texas.

    1. It is clear that this is not a united Pagan lunacy. It is a handfull of idiot witchlets who drew enough media attention with this lunacy to make themselves dangerous, that is unless elder Magicians step in to punish them and teach them a lesson. They will get a good lesson tonight of they try to get past the Magi of Light to curse our republic or our president. We are magical defenders of the Republic, and no Black Magick will get though us tonight.

    2. Please refrain from teaching good lessons to demonic possessed beings. Thats actually what they want you to do. A protective spell or to be specific the only defense that an elder magician should possess is a purification spell if he/she is not strong enough to summon it spontaneously. If only the beacons of light do their work this things should never leak into this planet!!!

  2. Hi Dave & Leslie, I just wanted to ask, is the idea we all watch the seminar at Midnight in our own time zone? So it will be happening in China right now, then sweep across Asia and Europe, Midnight GMT that EST and Pacific Time? I mean I'm only guessing that's the plan?

    1. No. In our fight against the Slaver Magicians, we have found that at present what works best is that everyone use their OWN magick - what you feel most comfortable with. This works like a Magickal shotgun. With so many different kinds of Magick and Spells coming at our adversaries, they can not defend agaist them all. May the LVX be with us as we hold the line against the darkness again tonight!

    2. The fight will only be won when you help awaken magicians and help them conquer the evil force that binds them! Then you have an ascended planet who will be then allowed to enter the galactic universe. But you people are too slow 😂

  3. Yeah quite a few on their facebook page have commented how bad an idea this is. I tried to guide them before I realized they weren't what I thought they were.

  4. I've been heartened to see a huge backlash against this on all the esoteric Facebook pages I follow. Proof that every dark cloud has a Silver lining.
    Remember when they go low, you go high.

    1. Make sure everyone gets off their bottoms tonight at midnight and stands with us to subdue these lame brains before they hurt someone.

  5. Wow. You truly do not understand that sending a negative spell towards our POTUS and half of the American people is a bad idea? I hate to break it to you, but you are playing with fire using Black Magick. There is still time for you to turn away from the Dark Arts before it is too late. Rest assured that if you persist on this self-destructive course, then I and an army of lightworkers will prevent you from harming anyone other than yourself.

  6. This information is not quite correct. The mass-magick bei g referred to was a Binding Spell with no negative intent. It was in fact deliberately designed and orchestrated in such a way that it should have been clear it was not a curse nor held any negative intent. The magick was intended to bind and prevent the President and his administration from doing harm unto anyone - that is all.

    1. Are you merely completely misinformed or are you being deliberately deceptive and misdirecting?
      The Spell invoked infernal forces and directed them towards "Trump AND THOSE WHO ABET HIM = all of the American people who voted for him.
      So now, please tell me: "What part of directing inferanal forces towards the American people do you NOT find to be Black Magick? Get a clue, please.

    2. PS - FYI, a binding spell IS by its very nature negative intent - intent to interfere with the will of another.

    3. I'm reading this thread late in its cycle apparently, but I have trouble with the binding spell as well.

      In full disclosure - I find my own political leanings in contradiction to those of the Trump administration in almost every way. But having read the suggested binding spell, it strikes me as one that does not, as some have said, avoid negative intent. David is correct that it proposes restraining the will of President Trump and his supporters, and this is what is at the heart of black magic. David is also correct that among those summoned in the spell are residents of the infernal realms, whose help it is never wise to solicit.

      Personally, in place of either a binding spell or a spell to counter it, I'd favor a prayer ... one that envisions an awakening of wisdom and compassion in all who lacked them, regardless of the political orientation of such persons.

      Our leadership right now is devoid of the necessary degree of wisdom, and we who are the led only make things worse when we fuel the fire of foolishness with our own anger. Yes, we must take what practical action that supports what we believe to be right, but we must be cautious not to let our passion turn to rage; that can only be destructive, even if the rage emerged from good intentions.

    4. I post this in admission that regarding almost every issue, I find myself opposed to the aims of the Trump administration. Yet I too agree that the suggested binding spell to be used every month is one to be avoided.

      David is correct that the spell is intended to interfere with the will of President Trump and his supporters; such interference is at the very heart of black magic. The spell also invokes the aid of residents of the infernal realms, and I can't imagine a noble end coming of that.

      I see requests to bind Trump and those who back him "in chains", as well as a step where an image of the President is burned to ashes. How does any of this not carry negative intent?

      Personally, in contrast to either a binding spell or a spell to counter it, I would favor a spell or prayer to awaken a spirit of compassion and wisdom in all those who are bereft of them, and are the least bit receptive to their receipt. Our current leadership in nearly all arenas is regrettably bereft of wisdom, and its nurturance among as many people as possible - within the constraints of free will - would serve us much more than casting negativity about. In the meantime, as long as we are too largely governed by wisdom's lack, we ourselves must find a balance between passionate concern and wild emotion; the fire of foolishness will become all the wilder if fueled by our unconstrained anger.

  7. This was not intended to be a negative spell. It was a neutral binding spell, one centered in protection and love.

  8. Really? Did you use the spell? Did you even read it before you used it. Invocation of infernal forces, eh? Directing them to bind everyone who voted for Trump, eh. Just where is the protection and love in this brutal Black Magick attack on the American people? I can't believe the blindness of you folks. Well, now at least you have been warned. Continue to participate at your extreme peril.

  9. Fascinating. Trump may be a secret Thelemite/Rosicrucian for all we know kids. When inaugurated he was exactally 70 , 7 months and 7 days old. Also his addy at Trump tower is 666. He has also had his home floor # changed to 66 though no 66th floor exists. Other interesting details. His Child like nature is in some ways representative to me of the "crowned and conquering child...." (please read Book of the Law , Chapter 3)
    Thank you for this. The real Fascists here are the so called progressive witches that cannot accept the Will of the American people that choose their President lawfully. All their efforts will fail and may in fact backfire because there are more powerful forces to insure his survival and it was likely destined.

  10. If you are for freedom and truth then you have a symbologist to back you up, i am tiered of these harry potter and american horrer stories wannabes if they threaten freedom they should be exterminated with extreme prejudace, if i have to reach to the pits of tarterus for power without touching satan in any form i will do so if i have to reach beyond olympus but not touch Gods heaven for power i will do so. I will not stand by and let these things try to not just bind a humans will but try and bind a nations will😡. Free will is what i stand for i dont know about anyone else here but lets make freedom ring and shatter the souls of those attempting to bind it.

  11. I find it delightful that the Golden Dawn is arrayed against the Collectivist Neo-pagans who subscribe to the UN/NWO plans to eradicate 90%+ of the useless eaters in order to "save the Earth Mother." I find it even more revealing that the Democratic/Hollywood Elite seem to be embedded deeply into the OTO which would circumstantially plug OTO into #Pizzagate and the pedo underground. I share Robert Anton Wilson's viewpoints on Crowley and his system -- which has no reflection on those who have claimed Crowley's mantle. I equate this perversion with what the Roman Church did with the philosophy of Total Brotherhood professed by YHShVH. The one is not necessarily connected to the other. Is it cognitive dissonance on the part of the OTO to be siding with wanton collectivists when Crowley's Thelema seems, to me, to be Extreme Individualism turned into a spiritual path? Does anyone else see a conflict of interest here?

  12. I am delighted to see the Golden Dawn arrayed against the collectivist neo-pagans (Eco-fascists) who subscribe to the UN/NWO agenda bent upon eliminating 90+% of the useless eaters in order to "save the Earth Mother." May their ineptitude backfire on them one-thousand percent. I find it even more telling that, based on insider testimony, Democratic/Hollywood elites seem to be deeply embedded into OTO which would seem to, circumstantially at least, link OTO into #Pizzagate and the pedo underground. What is with all the "spirit cooking" and obsessions with blood sacrifice? I understand Thelema abrogates the blood sacrifice in favor of a sexual one (sex magick over blood magick). How can OTO align with bald-faced collectivists while representing a philosophy which I describe as "extreme individualism turned into a spiritual path"? Would this constitute a fine example of cognitive dissonance? I happen to subscribe to the viewpoint of Robert Anton Wilson when it comes to Crowley and his system. RAWs assessment of Crowley and his beliefs have nothing to do with the present-day followers who claim Crowley's mantle. After all, the same kind of thing seems to have happened when the Roman Church took over the mantle of the philosophy of YHShVH. Turn that which liberates into the chains of restriction.
