Thursday, October 22, 2015

Dinero y la Aurora Dorada

Por Aurora Dorada Imperator
David Griffin 

Recientemente, un lector de el fórum de La Aurora Dorada escribió un post implicando que es escandaloso o “no espiritual” que la Aurora Dorada hace el cargo sobre $144 dólares por año en relación a cuotas de la Orden , para estudiar en el sistema de entrenamiento , de la Orden Hermética de la Aurora Dorada.

Esta actitud de derecho, apenas velada detrás del extraño argumento de que “Todo lo espiritual debe de ser gratis” es mas común en la Comunidad Pagana que en la Aurora Dorada.

Es importante a veces para los líderes en la Comunidad de la Orden Dorada establecer una línea en la arena para ese tipo de pensamiento irracional. Nick Farrell dibujo esa línea la semana pasada, cuando discutiendo su regreso considerado al formato de maestro-aprendiz (el cual hemos usado en Alpha Omega siempre), Nick Farrell escribió :
“El otro lado es que el dinero tiene que cambiar de manos.  Este tipo de entrenamiento no es para turistas ocultistas y una cosa que desalienta al estudiante es que ha invertido dinero en el mismo”. -Nick Farrell
Yo también dibuje esa línea recientemente en nuestro foro de Yahoo como respuesta y la cual merece publicarse aquí también : 

 “En realidad, la Aurora Dorada ofrece un montón de servicios públicos basados en la donación de forma gratuita o de pago voluntario, incluyendo nuestro Foro Internacional de la Aurora Dorada en Yahoo, artículos en el Blog de la Aurora Dorada, Webinarios gratis de Magia Ritual, y también entrenamiento personal de Magia ritual por todo el mundo con el Tour Mundial de la Aurora Dorada.

Honestamente alguien cree que proveer estos servicios de verdad no cuestan NADA?

Que tal seria operar tres páginas de internet informativas en 8 lenguajes diferentes operadas desde un servidor privado el cual requiere una banda ancha masiva. Nosotros también tenemos programadores pagados, diseñadores de red, asistentes administrativos, etc., en adición nuestro staff voluntario.

De verdad alguien cree que todo esto no cuesta NADA? 

  • Golden-Dawn.Com alberga la más completa y más vasta información pública de la Aurora dorada de toda la red.
  • La biblioteca referencial de la Aurora Dorada, en donde tu encontraras cientos de miles de dólares en libros accesibles para descargar GRATUITAMENTE.
  • Nuestra exclusiva sito de membresía de la Aurora Dorada contiene un curso completo de materiales curriculares, fórum tutorial, salones de clases virtuales con clases regularmente impartidas, pruebas en línea, etc.
  • El Centro de Investigación de la Aurora Dorada en Golden-Dawn.Org provee una búsqueda extensiva en la Aurora Dorada y en tradiciones espirituales referentes tenemos a los mayores expertos de todo el mundo.
  • Golden-Dawn.Info provee un compendio de preguntas frecuentes y la historia fascinante de la Aurora Dorada.
  • El Blog de la Aurora Dorada provee con novedades constantemente , información de investigaciones , y otros temas de la Aurora Dorada no accesible en otro lugar.
  • El grupo de Facebook de la Aurora Dorada provee respuestas de adeptos acerca de todos los aspectos de la Aurora Dorada.
  • GoldenDawn.TV trae para ti los videos de los entrenamiento en los rituales de la Aurora Dorada y Webinarios interactivos
  • Webinarios de Rituales mágicos en vivo , audio real y transmisión en vivo en nuestro Salón para conferencias virtuales
Y todo esto es proveído como un servicio GRATIS para el publico!

Alguien honestamente cree que lo de arriba – en adición a operar la orden multinacional de la Aurora Dorada – cuesta NADA?

Nuestra orden exterior, la Orden Hermética de la Aurora Dorada, es la universidad mas experta en la Magia Ritual mundial hoy día. Nosotros proveemos material para el curso que podría costar cientos de dólares en libros, un sistema minucioso supervisado para aprender magia ritual con retroalimentación,  asesoramiento, y guía de uno de nuestros adeptos como tu tutor privado.

Empezando Con la „Rant“ (Critica) 

TODO LO DE ARRIBA es pagado a través de las cuotas de la Orden ($144 al año), que ascienden a $12 por mes – el mismo precio de un café y una pastel en Starbucks.

¿Por qué es que la gente sin motivo gastan cientos de dólares en libros y muchos más cientos de dólares cada año en comida chatarra, los juegos de computadora , y otras cosas superfluas , pero no están dispuestos a gastar NI SIQUIERA EL PRECIO DE UNA COPA DE CAFÉ DE STARBUCKS por su desempeño espiritual y su ALMA energética, quejándose de que todo debería ser gratis!?!?!

Porque algunas personas sienten que su evolución espiritual y su crecimiento energético de su alma inmortal son tan inútiles que no están convencidos en gastar un centavo en ello?

Vamos a hablar en serio.

Por favor discúlpenme si soy tan drástico, pero si nadie honestamente cree que su crecimiento espiritual no vale ni el precio de una película, entonces la Orden de la Aurora Dorada (AO) no es DEFINITIVAMENTE adecuada para ellos.

Aquí en la Aurora Dorada, nuestros recursos iniciáticos son tan valorosos como para no desperdiciarse en personas que no quieren sacrificar todo para su crecimiento espiritual.

"Rant" (Critica) Extendida

Siempre y cuando este despotricando acerca de dinero, hay algunas cosas que he tenido la intención de aclarar desde hace tiempo.

Estoy sorprendido que siga habiendo lideres en la comunidad de la Aurora Dorada que no proveen ni una fracción de los servicios gratuitos la Aurora Dorada y nos acusan que tratan de enriquecerse por medio de las membresías!

Y estas son las mismas personas que publican 10 libros en la Aurora Dorada y los venden en todos los foros!

Por otro lado, yo publico clases gratuitas en las paginas de internet de la Aurora Dorada, Foros, blogs videos de YouTube y no pido nada a cambio. Yo podría volver a publicar el Ritual Magick Manual y obtener notables ganancias. Podría escribir una docena de nuevos libros y obtener una muy buena ganancia (como ellos lo hacen).

En lugar de eso, yo creo materiales para miembros que pagan casi nada anualmente. sin embargo estoy siendo acusado por otros quienes ellos mismos quieren hacerse ricos Obteniendo ganancias por medio de la Aurora Dorada.

Por lo menos yo tengo un “trabajo de verdad”.

Fin de la „Rant“ (Critica) 

Mi critica de arriba al parecer ha creado un poco de controversia. Un lector de el foro Internacional de la Aurora Dorada de Yahoo salto a la discusión y replico : 

"Sr. Griffin,

[Con Sarcasmo total en mi voz] Por que no le pides a la compañía de red computadoras que por que te cobran? Después dile a las personas de el hardware de la computadora que le pregunten a Dell porque quieren ser pagados por los servidores. Dell puede preguntarle después a los Ingenieros y a las personas de ensamble por que quieren ser pagados. Después los empleados pueden preguntar a la bodega de abarrotes porque quiere ser pagado. Los repartidores pueden preguntar a GM porque quieren dinero por los camiones y los mecánicos porque deben de ser pagados por arreglarlos.

Es solo un mundo de Avaricia!

Aquí esta la solución para abolir al avaro mundo de dinero. Que tal hacer algo por alguien y después que ese alguien haga algo por mi a cambio?  Podría cultivar Maíz y dárselo a alguien que en agradecimiento me construya una casa. Después todo el mundo puede empezar a dar toda clase de cosas y no será mas necesario el dinero para el intercambio. Que una    mazorca de maíz no vale lo mismo que una casa? De acuerdo. Te voy a dar una tonelada de maíz. Que? Donde vas a guardar una tonelada de maíz que te tomaría 5 años comerte? Hmm. Ya se voy a darte unas rocas especiales, cada una de ellas representa una planta de Maíz. Cuando necesites mas Maíz puedes intercambiarla por una planta fresca de maíz. De hecho , podrías intercambiar mis rocas de maíz especiales que quisieran maíz por algo que ellos tengan. Si todos aceptamos las rocas especiales como representación de el valor de otro producto, a su vez podríamos intercambiar por lo que fuera. No seria necesario el dinero, solo gente intercambiando cosas con las demás personas y llevando la cuenta con un simple modo de intercambio con las rocas. SOY UN GENIO! (deja de aplaudir y hacer reverencias, me hace estar consciente).
Usted señor le esta robando a la comunidad! Veras, cuando mantengas un orden, lo tienes que mantener corriendo día y noche, alrededor del mundo , donde al menos una zona horaria va a estar despierta y pidiendo consejos. Tienes que pasar tus noches escribiendo blogs, refinando tu curriculum, trabajando con tus adeptos para mejorar los métodos de enseñanza, construir y mantener tu templo, e ir a tu trabajo real en medio de esto. No solo pides demasiado, mas bien pienso que Duermes demasiado.

Vi tu blog en donde ofreces viajar a cualquier parte del mundo a ayudar a establecer un templo – gratis! Eres un escandaloso!!! Nada mas. [fin del sarcasmo]"

Tenemos un mundo de niños que no entienden el sistema monetario. John Michael Greer tiene un libro maravilloso (por el cual cobra dinero) titulado enseñanzas misteriosas de la tierra viviente. En el cual el provee una meditación el tomar un objeto y tomar conciencia de donde pudo venir, paso a paso. Esa taza de café que en este momento estas sosteniendo?

Busca hacia atrás – todo el camino hacia atrás. Piensa en todas las vidas que tocaron esa taza de café te vas a dar cuenta que tu cansada mente no podrá seguir el camino de el viaje.

Necesitarías considerar como llegaste a Starbucks , el auto que manejaste, la ropa que traías puesta y el dinero total que utilizaste para comprar el café. Y eso es solo para llegar a Starbucks. Que acerca el auto que manejaste, el camino que tomaste para llegar allí, la gas en tu auto, los tanques que llenaron la estación de gasolina , etcétera. De donde vino la taza de café? Cuantas vidas tomaron para que llegara a tu tienda local de Starbucks? Que acerca de los granos, las tapas , la silla donde te sientas mientras te lo tomas?  Las luces que encienden en Starbucks? Todo esto debería de ser GRATIS? PORQUE??

Si, algunas personas están escribiendo libros ocultistas y están haciendo mucho dinero con esto. Bendícelos. Si se te esta cobrando por estar en tu Orden. Bendito tu. Y por supuesto bendice a Starbucks, el lugar de reunión elegido por mucha gente quienes quieren disfrutar una bebida de $7 mientras leen su blog gratis en su Ipad de $800 usando la conexión a internet y condenándote por cobrar por entrar.

Porque no puedes proveer productos gratis tales como Starbucks y Apple?"

"Porque habrá días en los cuales no puedes ganar?"

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Covert Slavery & Ultimate Freedom

by Golden Dawn Imperator
David Griffin
In my recent article, "Are Successful Magicians "Hucksters?“ here, I made the following surprise announcement:
"When I turned 60 this year, I took a magickal decision to retire from my Muggle job as a tour guide to devote myself not just half the year - but henceforth the WHOLE year - to empowering people with the Magick of Light  and facilitating their spiritual awakening.
Does this make me a huckster? No. But it will further prove my Magickal ability once it manifests.“
Reaction on the Blogosphere was quick and boisterous ...

Nick Farrell wrote:
"They might have disdain for it, but how many occultists don't have a day job? The Kybalion is nothing to do with magic or occultism. It is new thought from the 19th century (a precursor to the new age movement) . If anyone expects real magicians to work along those bogus beliefs then it is not surprising. But there are similar concepts that a magician has to be benign, loving and saint-like."
Frater Barrabbas commented on his Talking About Ritual Magick blog here:
"The state of occult students has always been a poor return on any investment. More people drop out or never amount to anything than those who actually do have something of value to contribute on their own... 
What I don't see is a drying up of inspirational resources. The old guard of Regardie, Knight, Gray and even Grant has been replaced by a new generation. Change is occurring, and that's about all we can say is happening. Only time will judge as to which pathway and what teachers will establish the lasting legacy for the future." 
Morgan Eckstein wrote:
"A lot of people look sideways at my muggle job--erotica writing."

Aaron Leitch on his Ananael  blog wrote here in the article entitled „Is Public Occultism Fading Out?":
"In the beginning, I helped every single person that wrote to me – both laypersons who needed magickal help and seekers asking for guidance.  I even guided a couple of people through their own attempts at the Abramelin Rite.  (And, O’boy, was that a bad idea!)  But, very quickly, I found myself overwhelmed.  Between email, internet forums, and social media sites like Facebook, I was receiving more requests than I could possibly answer.Not only that, but I also discovered 99% of the people I was trying to help valued my teachings exactly as much as they had paid for them (in dollars or personal effort):  zero…Some have suggested that it is not magick that is fading away, so much as popular interest in Golden Dawn-style ceremonial.  And that is true to a large extent. “Western Mystery” (read Ceremonial Magick) conferences hardly ever happen these days, and if they do they are small and informal.  (You may remember the SOMA conference in Texas that didn’t happen.)  My current Ceremonial Magick 101 class does not have a single ceremonial magician in it."
Scott Stenwick on his Augoeides blog in an article entitled "Regarding Muggle Jobs“ here wrote:
"For a true magician, magick is part of everything, so in that sense there's no such thing as a "muggle job." I use magick to solve difficult technical problems at work, to deal with political and interpersonal issues, and to make sure the best opportunities come my way. I'm not going to stop writing any time soon because I love writing, but barring some incredibly unlikely sequence of events I'll never be able to live off it. And you know what? I'm okay with that."
Over on his Hermeticulture blog, in an article entitled: "Muggle Jobs' and the Prosperity Theology of Occultism,“ Spencer M. Graves wrote here:
"If anything, I would tend to argue that trying to make a living from one's magic runs the risk of severely detracting from one's magical work...
"Moreover, while I certainly don't think it's vulgar or inappropriate for a person to make money in the esoteric field from writing, teaching classes, performing services, or what have you, when you try to turn that into a full-time venture it necessarily means that the focus is no longer primarily on the quality and intrinsic value of the material being offered.  You've got to sell something to pay the bills, which means that money takes the front seat.  And when that happens, when spirituality becomes commodified--that's when things take a turn for the vulgar.  Frankly, I trust a magician who has a day job a lot more than one whose livelihood depends on selling me something.“
Perhaps I have not been clear. Let me explain. When I speak derisively of "Muggle Jobs", I speak derisively of our entire civilisation and the economic system that has enslaved mankind. The below video sums this up pretty well.

What the producers of the video do not show is that the way out of this mess is not by changing the system. The way out is spiritual.

How? "Know Thyself"!
  • Remember who you truly are.
  • Awaken to your Solar Self
    In reality, you are an immortal Divine being of pure starfire who has fallen in vibration - from the universe inside light - to a material vibration where you became embodied in a meat suit.  Stories of fallen angels refer to the esoteric truth of your fall into planetary reality from the stars. Like Angles rising to heaven on wings of fire,  we can ascend to to the stars with our light suits.
      You are more than you know. Your present sense of self - Who you experience yourself to be - is an illusion created by your identification with thoughts, feelings, and sensory perceptions. Disidentify from these things and you peel back onion-like layers of illusion until you can be your true Self that lies beyond. As you remember, you will also recall your abilities, awakening into consciousness on a multiverse of inner planes that exist beyond the physical.

      Not everyone is ready for the spiritual awakening. Many will likely just keep reincarnating endlessly on this planet. I will not incarnate here again.  Life on Earth is becoming less and less free. The environment is a disaster. I don't want any part what will likely happen.

      Ultimate freedom exists in our light bodies inside the stars.

      You don't have to remain forever on this slave planet.

      Ascend with me as I rise from this cocoon of flesh triumphant on wings of starfire!

      Cast off the chains of matter and of death ...

      Awaken to your Spiritual Solar Self!

      Click HERE to explore our Outer Order, 
      undergraduate level Magical training program.

      (EU OHIM reg 000063925)
      Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn®
      Making Magicians - Since 1888

      Sunday, October 11, 2015

      Rufus Opus Loses It: Sour Grapes Sighted on "Head For the Red"

      Magick teachers across the web lost it this week. First Frater Barrabbas pitched a fit attacking Golden Dawn leaders here. (Here is my reply).

      It turns out Frater Barrabbas isn't alone. Over on his Head For the Red blog, Rufus Opus lost it today as well, with this:

      "Did anything good ever come out of Pahrump? ...
      Nope! - Rufus Opus

      This is transparent to anyone in the Magickal community, since our order (the European headquartered Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn) has its American Mother Temple in Pahrump, Nevada.

      "Why are these "Spiritual leaders" acting like food fighting fifth graders?"
      To begin with, where other orders don't, we teach you Magick from DAY ONE. Our order doesn't leave you hanging where the Magick Israel Regardie published leaves off either.

      But why all these sour grapes from Magick teachers outside the Golden Dawn?

      They know that they are no competition at all for us. We just finished ungrading our Magickal training program, which now includes:

      • G.D. magick beyond anything Israel Regardie published
      • 24 live webinars per year
      • 21st centurty teaching methods
      • A completely fresh look and web design.

      "We give our students such thorough training and great value, other Magick teachers are pulling their hair out!"
      See for yourself what the fuss is about here!

      (EU OHIM reg 000063925)
      Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn®
      Making Magicians - Since 1888

      Click HERE to explore our Outer Order, 
      undergraduate level Magical training program.

      Wednesday, October 7, 2015

      Are Successful Magicians "Hucksters?" (OTO Llewellyn Author Attacks Golden Dawn Magickal Community)

      by Golden Dawn Imperator
      David Griffin

      Over the past week, the blogosphere has been abuzz again about money and Magick teaching. The whole flap started when Nick Farrell decided to close the Magikal Order of Aurora Aureae correspodence course, then wrote an article suggesting that overall interest in Magick is on the wane in the 21st Century. You can read Mr. Farrell's article, entitled "Ten Reasons Why Public Occultism is Dying" here. Peregrin Wildoak threw his two cents into the discussion on his "MAgic of the Ordinary blog here.

      Frater Barrabbas
      (Brian Watling)
      Everything remained quite civil until Llewellyn author and OTO member, Frater Barrabbas, gratuitously launched the following personal attack on Mr. Farrell on his "Talking About Ritual Magick" blog here,
      „Some folks are saying that where the past decades were the golden age, the whole [Magick] movement now is in obvious decline in the second decade of the 21st century. I am, of course, referring to yet another “counter intuitive” whining rant from Nick Farrell on his blog of personal propaganda and self aggrandizement.“
      Barrabbas, Farrell, and Wildoak each raise interesting points in their articles. The subject of money and marketing in Magick atually does deserve civil debate. Name calling, like that exhibited by Frater Barrabbas, however,  belongs on the school yard playground, not coming from a putative spiritual leader.

      Anyone who has been around the Magickal scene for any length of time already knows that Nick Farrell and I agree about precious little. For example, we have completely different approaches to Magick and the Golden Dawn.

      Despite our differences, Nick Farrell remains a valued teacher in our Golden Dawn community. I will therefore not stand by idly while an outside agitator - in this case a Llewellyn author and OTO member- attacks the Golden Dawn community by personally attacking its leaders.

      Barrabbas' attack on the G.D. community continues:
      "Conversely, those teachers who engage in it expecting to be financially rewarded or by receiving the accolades of their students and peers should consider doing something else. Because they won’t ever become rich or famous teaching occultism and magic unless they become supreme hucksters like Koetting, Zink or Griffin. Even then, it isn’t guaranteed that they will be successful, but to promote one’s tradition and persona like Donald Trump is probably the only way to make occultism and magic really pay."
      In addition to Magical Order of Aurora Aureae leader, Nick Farrell, Frater Barrabbas above personally attacks leaders of two other Golden Dawn orders, calling us "hucksters," together with a Satanist!

      This  bahavior is so over the top that it merits a public and harsh reply to "Frater Barrabbas" - who in the real world is Brian Watling, a computer programmer and database administrator for Optuminsight in the greater Minneapolis/St. Paul area. Here is my reply:
      "Dear Brian Watling/Frater Barrabbas,  
      Please quit acting like such a dick. No one asked you for your opinion. Why not go back to Llewellyn and OTO and mind your own business? Peace in our Golden Dawn community has lasted nearly a year now. The GD does not need outside agitators like you stirring shit in our community."

      Brian Watling calls me a "huckster." Is this true? Of course not. I am not a huckster. What I AM though is a better Magician than Frater Barrabbas will ever be in the real world.

      Want proof? Fine. Here:

      Even today, Brian Watling continues to slave his health away 9-5 (+overtime) at his database administrator Muggle job with Optuminsight ...

      ... just like he has for the past 26 years.

      And me? I have been semi-retired since I was 25. That's right. For the past 35 years, I have been privileged to have had 6-7 months free each year to devote entirely to the Magick of Light.

      Do you think such liberty just fell out ot the sky? 

      Hardly. Wake up people. I created it Magickally - And so can you.

      I put a spell on myself using a rare French grimoire when I was young, conjuring the ability to master languages. Eventually mastered French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish and English. Of course, I had to work to become fluent in all these languages, but this was nonetheless the fruit of my Magickal Will

      Does this make me a „huckster“? No. It does make me a linguist though. It also proves I'm a damned good Magician.

      Manifesting a Muggle career that left me half the year to pursue my passion for Magick was also a product of my Magickal Will.

      Such liberty does not just fall out of the sky. I created it magickally. And you can liberate yourself as well.

      I am sick and tired of Magick "wannabe gurus" calling other people names - I mean these are people who can't muster enough Magickal Will  even to liberate themselves for proper time to devote to Magick.

      Maybe these armchair heroes should quit harassing real Magicians - and devote themselves instead entirely to their time-slave Muggle jobs.

      No wonder people like this so frequently choke on sour grapes.

      And if you think they've been envious of my life until now, wait until they see what I'm about to accomplish.

      I can only share a tiny part of what is coming on the horizon, but here is a piece of juicy gossip for the occult paparazzi:
      "When I turned 60 this year, I took a magickal decision to retire from my Muggle job as a tour guide to devote myself not just half the year - but henceforth the WHOLE year - to empowering people with the Magick of Light  and facilitating their spiritual awakening." - David Griffin
      Does this make me a huckster? No. 

      But it will further prove my Magickal abilities once it manifests.

      NOTE: Before the occult tabloids rake me over the coals again, lets be clear about this. I still plan to lead a couple of Muggle tours each year despite my retirement. I ENJOY guiding tourists from around the world through America.

      No doubt there will be others like Frater Barrabbas who will come along and call me names for devoting my life all year to Magick. Believe me. Such people would be better off to quit gnashing their teeth on sour grapes, and prove their worth as Magiciansinstead  by transforming their OWN lives.

      Next Frater Barrabbas compares me with Donald Trump. This part is really silly.
      Although I am flattered by the comparison, I am nothing like Donald Trump. I am younger than Donald Trump. I am better looking than Donald Trump. And most importantly - I have a LOT more hair than Donald Trump!

      But there is ONE thing Donald Trump and I do have in common. Donald Trump is courageous enough to speak his mind and to tell people even uncomfortable truths.

      As any reader of our Golden Dawn Facebook group (here) will attest, there are certain issues I am passionate about - like healing our environment, the right of American citizens not to be spied on without a warrant, and rampant abuse of government secrecy.

      For example, Trans Pacific Partnership negotiations concluded yesterday, yet the American people are still in the dark about the full contents of this treaty. According to Wikileaks documents, this treaty could have profound effects on American sovereignty, potentially even dragging us into globalism in an EU-like "Pacific Union" - effectively abolishing our constitution.

      People - wake up! Open your eyes to what is going on around you.

      At a minimum, these issues need to be discussed openly, publicly, and thoroughly. We Americans have a right to know and to legitimately participate in determining which direction our nation will take.

      Lastly, the underlying reason Frater Barrabbas calls me a "huckster" is because he doesn't like that our order uses 21st Century marketing. Well, guess what - so does Optuminsight - the tech company Brian Watling works for.

      Big deal. Get over it. 

      I have no problem with Bryan Watling voicing his opinion about marketing in occultism, even though he is wrong. He just shouldn't call people names. There is no call for that.

      Besides - Let's remember that our order, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn under the Alpha Omega is the largest and fastest growing Golden Dawn order in the world. In fact, today we are growing three times faster than ever before.

      Success is my proof. I must be doing something right.

      And yes - This is my REAL hair!

      (EU OHIM reg 000063925)
      Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn®
      Making Magicians - Since 1888

      Click HERE to explore our Outer Order, 
      undergraduate level Magical training program.

      Alpha Ωmega Mystery School Livestream