Friday, January 27, 2012

A Busy Golden Dawn News Week

by David Griffin

We are coming up on an important anniversary in the Golden Dawn community. On February 4, it will have been one year that the Inner Order Adepts of the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn published an announcement expelling Robert Zink from his own order.

If you accept to Bob's version of the story (a la Louis XIV: "la France- c'est moi") the EOGD  Adepti didn't have the right to expel Bob due to a putative trademark licence (he apparently never really received though!). If you accept the Adepts' version of the story, they eventually got fed up and decided to just change their name from EOGD to be done with Bob's shady business reputation. Judging from the below Better Business Bureau report, this was likely a wise move on their part.

In any case, nearly one year ago today, we welcomed the Order of the Golden Dawn, Colegium Spiritu Sancti to the ranks of our diverse Golden Dawn community. The Adepts of the OGD/CSS appear to be doing very well for themselves, once unfettered from the dead albatross once hindering their Order.

In any case, the OGD/CSS is marking their one year anniversary untethered from Frater Bob with a beautifully crafted new website, which you can view here.

The initiates of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and the Adepts and Magisters of the Second and Third orders of the Alpha Omega salute the coming of age of the Adepts in the OGD/CSS, and look forward to breaking bread with you at the upcoming International Conclave of Golden Dawn Adepti near Las Vegas, beginning on March 9. 

Readers who missed the earlier announcement can read about the International Golden Dawn Conclave here.

In ther breaking news in our community (also related to the fall of Adept Zink), you may recall that for over a decade, Frater Bob's flagship website was located at 

I am pleased to announce that as of this post, Golden-Dawn.Org is now under new management.

The Fratres et Sorores of the HOGD and the AO promise to make Golden-Dawn.Org a shining beacon of light, promoting fraternal harmony in the entire Golden Dawn community.

Be sure to drop by Golden-Dawn.Org and have a look at the many changes recently implemented already.

1 comment:

  1. M.H. Frater L.e.S.

    Fraternal Saludo.

    Muy interesante esta publicación que haces en tu Blog. Felicito a los miembros de la GD/CSS y les deseo mucho éxito.

    Quisiera también felicitarte a ti por la página GOLDEN DAWN RESEARCH. Espero que la Apha et Omega sea siempre un Faro de LVX para la humanidad.

    Sin embargo, al revisar lo referente a los Templos en el mundo ( observo que se menciona la ciudad de Bogotá, Colombia (Latinoamérica) pero no se incluye el Grupo de Barranquilla, Colombia (Latinoamérica).

    Nuevamente felicitaciones.

    Fraternalmente In LVX,

    Frater L.A.M.
    Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn Alpha et Omega


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