Monday, June 11, 2012

Journal of the Golden Dawn Research Center 1.1

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the outer order of the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha Omega is pleaed to bring you this premier issue of the Journal of the Golden Dawn Research Center.

This debut issue of the Journal sets a high bar for academic excellence for the Golden Dawn community with the introduction and premiere article of Italian ethnohistorian, Professor Paolo Portone, since 2007 president of C.I.R.E. (Centro Insubrico di Ricerche Etnostoriche) the Center for Ethnohistorical Research in Cuomo, Italy.

C.I.R.E. President
Prof. Paolo Portone

The HOGD and the AO, in collaboration with the Center for Ethnohistorical Research, present the debut issue of the Journal of the Golden Dawn Research Center FREE of charge - as a service to the entire esoteric community, bringing you a new standard of academic excellence. You can read the entire premiere number of the Journal at the  Golden Dawn Research Center by following the links from the Table of Contents below.

Vol. 1 No. 1

Table of Contents

And this is only the beginning!
Celebrate with us the birth of the ... 
Journal of the
Golden Dawn Research Center


  1. Considering how many misrepsentation and defamation attacks on our order there have been lately, including on the Llewellyn blog, the cross-posts and refutations, ought to be quite interesting.

  2. The attack on our order from Donald Michael Kraig continues on the Llewellyn blog. I was quite surprised that, following the libelous allegations made by Kraig about our order and our legal trademark rights on the Llewellyn blog, Llewellyn actually allowed me to publish a link to the actual settlement agreement.

    Well, that has been removed now and Llewellyn continues to allow to allow Kraig to use their blog as a platform to libel our order.

    For those who may not know, Kraig belongs to the GD order that was the other party in the settlement, owned by the Supreme Maga of SRIA.

    He has a horse in this race and is dragging Llewellyn into the Golden Dawn Witch Hunt against our order.

  3. I'd be careful here if I were you David. Donald Michael Kraig is universally accepted and respected by the entire Golden Dawn community as one of the experts of the GD system. Most people in the community use his book, Modern Magick, as a training manual.

    1. By "entire Golden Dawn Community" you actually mean "entire SRIA controlled McGD consortium."

      Kraig is a member of the GD order led by the Supreme Maga of SRIA and her hubby who are both Grand Officers of the anti-Pagan, ORC, who have been persectuing the Alpha Omega for two decades.

      Unlike the "Christians only" SRIA, he Alpha Omega is a PAGAN order, which allows members of all faiths, including Christians.

      The SRIA hates us because they are anti-Pagan, and are trying to impose their "Christians only" vision of the Golden Dawn on the entire GD community.

      The Alpha Omega is defending Pagan rights

      I am shocked that Llewellyn is allowing Kraig to publish anti-Pagan propaganda on the Llewellyn blog.

      I personally find Kraig's Modern Magic grossly superficial and overrated. It was made obsolete already in 1999 with the appearance of "The Ritual Magic Manual" which is a truly in depth presentation of GD magical ritual.

      Moreover, writing one popular yet superficial book does not give one the right to libel and entire order with deliberate and gross misrepresentations, nor to use the Llewellyn blog for anti-PAgan propaganda.

    2. Nemisis, the Rosicrucian Order of AO and the HOGD are not PAGAN orders per se. True enough, we ARE Pagan led, but we admit all faiths on an equal basis, which is why the segregationist SRIA and the anti-Pagan and anti-Semitic ORC hates us.

      IWe are not just another Golden Dawn order. We are the HOGD but we are ALPHA OMEGA too. As the Alpha Omega, we also teach PAgan mysteries that no other Golden Dawn order has.

    3. Kraig's best book is the one about writing a magical journal ;-)

      Actually, I do find his 'Modern Magick' to be a good introduction to a "Golden Dawnish" style of Ceremonial Magick. He takes some liberties with the system and has preserved some of the often repeated errors. But is it good, overall.

      That said, we have the right to object against him using Llewellyn as a vehicle of the typical propaganda we have seen against our Order for the last decade or so. In doing that, he has taken it to another level.


    4. Especially since, as confirmed order member of the other party in the settlement agreement, his misrepresenting the terms of the agreement as well as spreading other disparaging rumors, he is engaging not only in legally libelous action, but he is grossly violating the terms of the agreement as well. There are a number of parties that are getting a wake up call over this incident.

    5. This is precisely the kind of "Back door" that the honorable Judge Jeffrey White has already on one previous occasion admonished the other party about as well.

    6. His books were helpful for beginners. There is nothing there to compare to the quality in depth of the "Ritual Magic Manual", but there was once value in his works.

      For the time being however, I will no longer recommend him or any other Llewellyn published author.

      While this anti-Pagan stance remains uncorrected there is simply no way that anyone who refuses to support religious intolerance can have any dealings with Llewellyn at all.

  4. In response to Donald Kraig:

    "Dear Don,
    The Golden Dawn is a living tradition. Both sides do have valid claims to exist, however, it is difficult to sit idly by when the character of what you love is attacked seemingly only to boost the validity of the attacker. It is insane and continues to be so. Be still. Repeated publications are not promoting stillness. These publications serve solely to reinforce an identity, therefore they cannot stop the insanity. The same base arguments are repeated with an occasional twist. It has all been documented for those that desire to examine the evidence.

    I am making no claims to an exclusive way. There are many ways, and an innumerable combination of ways. I am grateful that you, Don, are aware of the situation."

  5. Donald Kraig's reply:

    "Douglas, as you pointed out, “there are many ways.” I agree with that. So I don’t think your statement “both sides do have valid claims” is accurate as there are many sides."

  6. Dear Don,

    Thank you for taking the time to reply. I would like to clarify the point concerning the right to exist. "Claiming" something, other than existence, involves much more thought. One side is seemingly more interested in only the thought of our existence, or more accurately, our non-existence. This contradicts reality. Therefore, insanity is the logical manifestation. I am not overly concerned with the "individual claims" beings made. My primary concern involves the thought that the dependence of ones existence relies on the non-existence of others. The implication of such a stance has caused much suffering through the ages. I am not saying that it was needless, it is. My desire is that our collective wisdom will stop the insanity.

    1. Llewellyn has taken down the link to the actual Settlement Agreement, again censoring our entire order's right to refute libel per quod by misrepresenting our settlement agreement with the GD order he belongs to, as well as misrepresenting our actual trademark rights.

      The AO is Pagan led ans is fighting for Pagan rights against the anti-Pagan SRIA and OR+C. Don Kraig is publishing anti-Pagan propaganda on the Llewellyn blog.

      This is OUTRAGEOUS.

    2. Maybe it was removed because its content was realised to be erroneous, and couldn't be supported in the form it took..

    3. When I placed my reply on the Llewellyn site, it was #7. Now it is #6.

      Don, what happened to the previous #6?

    4. Actually, the link was removed because Kraig wanted to protect his defamation of the HOGD and the AO. I doubt that Llewellyn even knows that Kraig is using the talking points of the anti-Pagan SRIA. Kraig is obviously out of control and abusing his position at Llewellyn to the detriment of the SRIA controlled GD order he belongs to as well as to the detriment of Llewellyn. I am sure that they do not want to be linked through Kraig's behavior and the leaders of his GD order (also Llewellyn authors) with the anti-Pagan and OR+C, which they also lead. It is outrageous that Llewellyn authors are leaders of an order that is clearly anti-Pagan.

  7. I am so surprised to hear this. I have been a customer of theirs for years and would not expect them to act in an anti-Pagan way! Surely they must be ready to issue some explanation for this act of censorship and misrepresentation standing on a Llewellyn Blog? It is indeed outrageous. Do Llewellyn actually know what Kraig is doing?

  8. @ Anonymous,

    Look. A link was published to the actual settlement agreement with the GD order Kraig belongs to, and that Kraig violated by disparaging our order. I doubt that Kraig realizes yet that he has not only incurred personal legal liability with his actions, but he has additionally made bot Llewellyn and the GD order he belongs to liable for his actions as well.

    Deleting the link to the actual content of the agreement Kraig misrepresented only made things legally even worse for all three. The fact that the leaders of that GD order are also leaders of the anti=Pagan "Order of the Rose and Cross" has additionally created a potential PR nightmare for Llewellyn.

    All of this because Kraig arrogantly believed he could libel our order with impunity, merely because he did not mention our order by name, but only through clear inference. (Libel per quod vs. libel per se. Kraig really needs to get better legal advice.

  9. Are you penalising him for correcting his post, or are you angry that you've no longer have the free publicity on his blog?

    1. "Correcting his post" you say? HA!!! He didn't correct anything. He threw a little temper tantrum and pulled the link to the Legal Settlement because he didn't like what was being written here.

      How VERY short-sided of him. He has now made the case against him, and unfortunately against Llewellyn per se MUCH worse.

      Anyone who wants to can visit that link and confirm for themselves that is simply the Legal Settlement document. No publicity campaign. Just the facts.

      SRIA/OR+C and their McGD Consortium puppets HATE facts. They love censorship. They love attacking Pagans.

    2. @ Anon

      Kraig did not at all correct his post. He kept all of the defamation there. He merely censored the correction with a link to the actual settlement agreement that Kraig grossly and willfully misrepresented

  10. We object to the deliberate defamation per qoud in violation of libel law and settlement agreement

  11. This is thoroughly documented on the previous page comments section from yesterday.

  12. Isn't it slander to equate other Orders with the KKK or neo nazi groups as shown on this blog. Isn't this a violation of the Trademark Agreement you posted on the link where each agrees not to interfere with the working of the other in the marketplace?

    1. Actually, there is nothing that we have said about SRIA that is any way libelous according to US libel law. Leaders of a community are held to a enhanced standard of proof of normal individuals. The seminal Supreme Court decision is New York Times v. Sullivan (U.S. 1964). The facts in Sullivan are these. The NAACP bought a full page ad in the N.Y. Times containing a laundry list of Southern sheriffs that the NAACP labelled as "racist." Sullivan was among that list. There is absolutely no evidence on the record that Sullivan actually was a racist other han that black arrests in his shrievedom exceeded the population of blacks as a percentage of arrestees. There was no other evidence. Normally, this would constitute defamation. However, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the public's right to know whether a sheriff was racist outweiged the plaintiff's right to protect his reputation. The court imposed a substantially higher standard that the plaintiff must prove for a cause for defamation to be sustained in these circumstances. Over the last half-century, this higher standard has been expanded, and Sullivan has been followed in many scores of cases, from public officials to anyone who holds themselves out as a leader of a specific community.

      Finally, SRIA is not party to any trademark agreements we have. We do not make such agreements with segregationst societies. Such religious bigotry is a plague on the entire esoteric community.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. @Anon - Do you fail to understand what a legal settlement agreement actually is? Or are you perhaps just here to cast aspersions? The link that appeared on McKraig's page inside the Llewellyn blogspace was to the actual document of the legal settlement accepted by both parties. That is a simple fact. Why would you characterize this as "free publicity"? McKraig made a FALSE statement effectively claiming that we had no right to the name Golden Dawn outside of Europe. Clearly we do. We are here and using the name - as you may have noticed. Nor are we being sued for using it, and you may rest assured that we definitely would be if we did not have that legal agreement! The rest of his post just repeats the arguments levelled against us by MirrorMax as his entrance into full on attacks against us. It is the old: "Look I am just an uninvolved and objective bystander" lie. How utterly dishonest of McKraig.

  16. On June 8 Alex Sumner wrote on his blog:

    "“Secret Chiefs” is a vexatious topic in the Occult. On the one hand some people claim that they – and only they – are in contact with them. For these people a Secret Chief becomes a badge of exclusivity, a members-only sign to provide a filip to their fragile egos. On the other hand there are people who deny that Secret Chiefs exist, precisely because they do not want people to feel excluded. Then again there are people who say: “Someone is only a Secret Chief if they conform to the rigid definition which I set.” Hence, when any given person fails to live up to their arbitrary criteria, they say: “That person cannot then be a Secret Chief.”"

    etc etc

    Then follows the hilarious notion that the Archangel Raphael could have been indeed the Secret Chief of Mathers.....

  17. Pat Zalewski wrote today on the reconstrutionist yahoo-forum:

    > The post below is from SR on Mathers' ability of astrology, and the sidereal aspect he developed for his Inner Order. Since this is a technical and not a political comment, I will add in my 2 cents worth:

    > "The sidereal astrology developed by Mathers is a pioneering work and presents a more accurate way of erecting a horoscope taking the precession of the Equinoxes into account. It should be mastered by any Rosicrucian Theurgist in my opinion. It doesn't at all contradict earlier material as allusions of counting the starting point of the Zodiac from Star Regulus in 0° Leo already were existent in the Astronomic Tarot paper (Ritual "O"), written by Mathers and being part of the early Z.A.M. material. Let me again quote Brodie-Innes speaking of Mathers scholarship:

    > His astrological knowledge was exceptional, as is abundantly proved by many horoscopes that have passed through my hands, in which the accuracy of his judgment as evidenced by events was convincing."

    > When it comes to papers like these, they have to be tested and analyzed. Firstly, I have yet to be convinced that it was part of any regular AO astrology teaching. The only evidence that this paper was part of the official AO was by Francis King. No intro or what level it is given out as. That's the first hurdle. It is also obvious, despite its origin, that SR jumped in boots and all for a defence of a paper that has yet to be proven to be real. Francis King
    dummied up a Z-2 alchemical ritual in his Ritual magic in England book and tried to pass it off as a modern working of a temple that Bob Gilbert stated did not exist. So King could muddy the waters. I have done enough and seen enough alchemical workings to know a bullshit mockup when I see it, and what King published, in my opinion, falls into this category. So if that was BS, then there is equally a good chance that the sidereal astrology comes under the same. Regardie used King's paper for his Falcon Press edition. So the existence of this as a genuine paper is not proven.

    Here Zalewski is using the standard reconstructionist history reseach procedure to character assassinate the source which opposes his own thesis. Zalewski is the only one that I have seen who debunks and discredits King's research in this way. He also uses Gilbert as a source. This is quite amusing. Does Zalewski believe that Gilbert is all knowing of all proceedings in Britain, although he is a high grade Mason and S.R.I.A. initiate? Perhaps Gilbert had political reasons in discrediting his findings about this particular "Hermanubis Temple" that he revealed in 'Ritual Magic in England', which also published Mathers A.O. astrology paper in question? We all know that the S.R.I.A. has tried and still continues to try to scieze control over the Golden Dawn community.

  18. Pat Zalewski continues:

    > The second point is that Brodie Innes taught the Placidus system of Astrology, and his numerous papers were at Whare Ra. That is what he used, and no evidence exists that I know of of him doing a sidereal chart as advocated by King. I do know that in 1913 Berridge did a Placidus horoscope, and as an AO chief he would have access to the Sidereal paper that is puportedly Mathers but did not use it.

    Zalewski misses my point, and what he failed to do is to quote the following paragraph of my original essay 'In Defence of S.L. MacGregor Mathers' (which may be found in the Journal of the Golden Dawn Research Center: No. 1 Vol. 1:

    "In the Rosicrucian Order of the A∴O∴ of today, the teachings makes use of both systems, using the tropical zodiac for personal natal horoscopes and the sidereal for synchronization of ritual and talismanic work. Zalewski obviously has no understanding of these matters."

    This is also what I belive was standard procedure in the original A.O., that they used both systems as a complement. In synchronization of ritual you have to calculate the actual currents or flows of the Magical Astrological Forces.

  19. Pat Zalewski continues:

    > We now come to what SR said about this method of horoscope; "the sidereal astrology developed by Mathers is a pioneering work and presents a more accurate way of erecting a horoscope taking the precession of the Equinoxes into account." This is more or less quoting King, apparently on face value without any reference to it being tested. Well I did test it. My ex was then president
    of the Wellington astrological association in the 1980's and we asked a number of its members to test it, based on charts of well known people which had passed on. They all gave it a negative of being highly inaccurate and nothing like what King described. At that time we had a number of well known US astrologers pass through Wellington and come to our house and we asked them about it value as well.One of them was much esteemed Zip Dobbins. At that time (around 1994 -give
    or taker a year)an astrological computer program came out for Apple Macs on the "DK method of house division in astrology". To our astonishment this was based on what King said Mathers had created. We were able to turn out well over a 100 horoscopes on the computer and test them even further, and all came up lacking using this method. So that is the testing we did over a 14 or so years.

    The amusing point is that someone pointed out to Zalewski on his own yahoo-forum that the statistics points in favour for sidreal astrology, considering the research made by French statistician Michel Gauquelin. As was pointed out to Zalewski, Jim Eshelman wrote an interesting paper on this matter:

  20. Pat Zalewski continues:

    > Now we return to what SR says: "It doesn't at all contradict earlier material as allusions of counting the starting point of the Zodiac from Star Regulus in 0° Leo already were existent in the Astronomic Tarot paper (Ritual "O"), written by Mathers and being part of the early Z.A.M. material."

    > It certainly does contradict things to a large degree, as tested against well known charts. It's also obvious that SR jumped in boots and all to defend Mathers based solely on what King said and without any evidence to the contrary. So much for tested scholarship. After this, I would debate Mathers' scholarship on astrology if this AO paper turns out to genuine, which has yet to be proven. Another point is that if Brodie Innes is correct, then Mathers probably did not
    write the paper in the first place and it was part of King's fabrication, a point which SR failed to consider.

    It is interesting to note that Zalewski never follows up my original point that "allusions of counting the starting point of the Zodiac from Star Regulus in 0° Leo already were existent in the Astronomic Tarot paper (Ritual 'O')". The fact are there black on white, even without the alledged "faked" King paper on sidreal astrology. He misses the point that the entire sequence of the Minor Arcana of the Tarot starts with Leo, for a obvious reason. Let me quote the opening paragraphs of the Ritual "O":

    "The Planets’ sphere which illustrates this manuscript, as part of the Z.A.M.’s Abstract of the Tarot, has been drawn by S.R.M.D. as instructed. It represents the Heavens polarized on the plane of the Ecliptic, not on the plane of the Equator of our Earth, so that its North Pole is the veritable North Pole of our Heavens and not merely that part of them to which the North Pole of our Earth now points.

    "Another very important difference is that, throughout the true Tarot, the teaching assigns the commencing Point of the Zodiac to the bright Star “Regulus” which is in Leo. And it measures Right Ascension and Longitude from that point, and not from a suppositious point divided by the Equinox and called the 0° of Aries (though in reality now far removed from the constellation of that name), which has been adopted by modern or western astronomy and astrology.

    "By this now usual way of reckoning, and the Procession of the Equinoxes, it has gradually come to pass that the signs (or divisions, each of 30°, of the Zodiac) no longer coincide with the constellations of the same name, and each decade shows them slowly but surely receding.

    "But the Tarot method of reckoning from the star named Regulus has, it will be seen, the effect of making the Signs and the Constellations coincide."

    What more proof does Zalewski need if not this clearly "canonical" document of the Golden Dawn? Doesn't this prove that MacGregor Mathers was well aware of the superiority of the Sidreal system?


    1. @ SR
      Despite all of the ad hominem personal digs at you, at least Zalewski is not just repeating talking points, but actually debating with factual argument.

      This is a huge leap forward. The GD community would look very different if there were more of this sort of discussion, instead of the usual talking points from the SRIA Anti-Pagan League!

  21. The publication of opinions requires a motive. My concern is with the motivation of publishing materials. To label anything is death, therefore I choose life. Hermeticism has taught me to accept, not tolerate, the ALL. It is what is is. The continued search for something is of the world and acceptance does not generate revenue. My motivation is the end of suffering. Peace seems limited, while suffering appears universal. Express judgement, know suffering. Know suffering, end suffering. End suffering, cultivate peace.

    The H.O.G.D./A.+O. presents a system that works for me. I am no longer lost in deception and I get to experience the journey in awareness. For this, I am eternally grateful.

    Fraternally in L.V.X.,
    Frater N.T.I.K.T.

  22. V.Sisco wrote: "...MacGregor Mathers said the following about...the Secret Chiefs:

    'Concerning the Secret Chiefs of the Order... [Snip]

    'For my part I believe them to be human and living upon this earth; but possessing terrible superhuman powers…

    'The strain of such labour has been, as you can conceive, enormous...the nerve prostration after each reception being terrible from the strain of testing the correctness of every passage thus communicated; the nerve prostration alluded to being at times accompanied by profuse cold perspirations, and by severe loss of blood from the nose, mouth, and occasionally the ears.'

    "Such claims seem to be too fantastical to be believed, yet there are Golden Dawn Orders in existence today who claim to have this connection with these Secret Chiefs. So what exactly is to be believed?

    "As like everything in the Golden Dawn, a Middle Pillar approach of sober moderation is best. Such claims should not be dismissed out of hand, nor should they be taken on blind faith. Furthermore, we are taught to test every entity we encounter, by signs, symbols, names and letters. If there are beings, human or otherwise, which claim to be Secret Chiefs, then they should be able to hold up to the same scrutiny, if not more so. It is abundantly clear that Mathers conveniently forgot his own advice and did not do his due diligence when it came to Mr. Theo and Madame Horos in 1901."

    True, but how I have heard the story is that the Horos actually possessed the passwords which made MacGregor Mathers believe that they were members of a American A.O. Temple.

    Actually, the Horos visited the Mathers in January 1900. Mathers wrote in a letter to Yeats one year later in 12 January 1901:

    "They stated they had come to help us with our Isis movement here. The woman gave me the motto fo 'Sapiens dominabitur astris'; and I have yet to learn where she got the knowledge of the Grades upo to 5 = 6 from, which she then had."


    1. Sisco, a confirmed member/operative of the anti-Pagan and anti-Semitic, "Trinitatian Christians only" SRIA wrote:

      "As like everything in the Golden Dawn, a Middle Pillar approach of sober moderation is best. Such claims should not be dismissed out of hand, nor should they be taken on blind faith. Furthermore, we are taught to test every entity we encounter, by signs, symbols, names and letters. If there are beings, human or otherwise, which claim to be Secret Chiefs, then they should be able to hold up to the same scrutiny, if not more so."

      In this I agree with you. The fact is that the material that they have presented completing the Second Order curriculum constitutes conclusive proof, as has been demonstrated over and over, first in the conclave of the Adepti where the SRIA controlled McGD leaders threatened their Adepts with expulsion to force them not to examine the evidence for themselves.
      To counter this totallitarian silliness, we have created a Secret College where these same Adepts of the SRIA controlled McGD orders are getting conclusive evidence despite the fascist tactics of SRIA.

  23. Sisco, who admits that he is a "Adeptus Exemptus in the SRICF (the American bransch of the S.R.I.A. trinitarian Christians) contines: "At risk of sounding pedantic, there are two fundamental claims regarding the authenticity of Secret Chiefs. One, that they are 'Chiefs'. The other, that they are 'Secret'.

    "Regardless of modern cultural mindsets, secrecy has always been an important part of the Golden Dawn Tradition. It is a fundamental exercise of self-restraint, more especially of the ego and, in my opinion, is even more important in today's instant gratification society."

    Perhaps Sisco should teach his own reconstructionist friends, such as Nick Farrell, Adeptus Major of the O.R+C, and the Supreme Maga of the S.R.I.A. (America), who in between them has profaned the rituals from 0=0 up to 6=5 (in the latter case the 4th part to be precise) of the A.O.

    "So if the Secret Chiefs, who have remained private for centuries, suddenly decide to make themselves revealed to the public, what does that mean? Are they simply coming forth into modern times? The Rosicrucians actually had a process for that. They called it a Reformation. And if the Secret Chiefs decided to come out now, they are either 13 years too late or 99 years too early."

    Being a reconstructionist Rosicrucian trinitarian Christian, we cannot expect him to know these matters, but there are actually GENERAL reformations returning according to the 111 years cycle, and there are also MINOR reformations approximating a decade. We are in such a moment right now.

    "Besides, what do you call Secret Chiefs who have 'outed themselves'? The Chiefs-who-until-recently-were-Secret? Do they say ecky-ecky-ecky-ecky-p'tang-whoop-boing? And do we need to offer them a shrubbery? Please pardon my sudden departure to snarky humor, but I hope you get my point. If Secret Chiefs are no longer secret, then they are...well...something else, aren't they?"

    Again, this recon Rosicrucian assumes to much. There are official or public mottos, such as Lux E Tenebris, and there are secret ones. The "Third Order" is also a "decknamen" which veils the true name of the Ancient Hermetic Fraternity. They are truly hidden from the Outer World. The only difference between 1999 and 1888 is that the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is a public organization, whereas it was a semi-public one one Century ago.


  24. Sisco continues: "Regarding the claim to the Chiefly title, a member of the Third Order is going to be at very least a Magister Templi, or Master of the Temple. S/he should have mastered the magical system of which s/he is a Chief. S/he should have forgotten more about the First Order than you have learned, be able to give insight into the magical system that you could not have imagined, and continue to build on that tradition without abandoning its fundamentals."

    Completely true, which the Adepts being precent at the recent Conclave can attest to.

    "So what is to be thought about Secret Chiefs who are disseminating a new ooh shiny type of magic for the not-so-new millenium? Why would the guardians of a centuries-old magical tradition seemingly start from scratch and throw the magickal childe out with the bathwater? Should not a Secret Chief be able to adapt to new information while keeping the tradition intact? Nihil Sub Sole Novum."

    Sisco assumes to much again. I know from personal experience that the formulae which the Third Order teaches are the internal processes which are reflected in the outer Theurgical system of the R.R. et A.C. They are not foreign or alien to what came in 1888. They goes further than these Century old formulas that were published by Regardie.

    "Furthermore, if such a new magic is so special, so insightful, so powerful, then why would the Secret Chiefs make it public at their first opportunity and not keep it instead for their initiates? Knowledge is power, and with power comes responsibility. One should expect Secret Chiefs to be wise as well as knowledgeable, and if the knowledge they intentionally share is then purposefully abused by its recipients, is that the kind of poor judgment to be expected from Secret Chiefs?"

    What on earth is this Sisco guy talking about? No-one in the A.O. has abused any formulae provided by the Secret Chiefs. Besides, what has been said in the public is only to provide some small bits that cannot be put to use as they are to general, but enough to satisfy the sceptics (Sico's) friends who screams for "proofs". And now, when just a tiny portion of the veil has been liften, they scream back at us for telling to much!

    Whatever we do in the A.O., we always seem to dissapoint people from the same camp, the recon nay-sayers.


  25. Sisco finally says: "Lastly, if Golden Dawn Adepts strive to be more than human, then I would hope that the Secret Chiefs would have reached that goal. But being more than human is more than just about power. If the Secret Chiefs possess superhuman power as Mathers had claimed, then I certainly would hope that they would possess superhuman virtue as well. So when these Secret Chiefs hand down this arcane yet freshly modern occult knowledge, what is its effect on the world? Does it make better people? Does it further the Great Work?"

    Sisco and his friends cannot even imagine what the ancient formulae actually does to people. We are talking about

    "Also, take a close look at the emissaries of the Secret Chiefs. Are their teachings helping their ambassadors become wiser, more serene, more temperate, more humble, more virtuous?

    "Simply put, 'by their fruits, you will know them.'"

    Here or S.R.I.A. senior member is taking the usual moral higher ground talking points which has been refuted countless times in the past.

    He is basically telling us that it is "un-spiritual" to react with action against injustices, coordinated attacks against one's Order (in our case the A.O.), profanation and character assassination of past Chiefs and Adepts, etc., etc.

    He is also telling us that it is "un-spritual" to inform the public about the fallacies, misunderstandings and ignorance of purported "teachers" of the Hermetic Mysteries who's only "grasp" of them is their reconstructed fantasy.

    He is telling us that it is "un-spiritual" to call any false prophets, charlatans and puffers to their malpractices.

    To be a esoteric is to be a radical. It also requires us to take action against counter forces of spiritual evolution. To stand idle and passive and silently whatch perjuries, imperialism and evil to go unchecked, THAT is unspiritual.


  26. Speaking as one schooled in both Eastern (especially the varieties of Chinese both Natal and Horary, Mundane and Electional) AND Western Medieval Astrologies, I can confirm that SR is speaking from a TRADITIONAL perspective, and McZ from a New Age and psychologically determined pseudo-Astrological viewpoint, which derives from the loss of Traditional Astrological teachings post-1500 and increasingly down into the modern era.

    There are uses for this modern and post-modern so-called Astrology, but it is lightweight and fraught with the typical Reconstructionist errors of "it can mean whatever we want it to mean" and the worse "it doesn't have to predict anything accurately, as it is mapping the INNER World" (which is an excuse for its totally ineffective nature in confrontation with the Real Sublunary World!)

    Sorry if this treads on the toes of many GD members who have been banging their heads against modern Astrology for decades and maybe even earning a living with it... but the tide has turned and REAL Astrology is now coming back with a vengeance through the efforts of people like Zoller, Mason, Dykes, Hands, AFA etc. etc. etc. and there is a richness of technique there unknown to GD in the Outer, as by 1888 these ancient writings were not available outside of the Third Order.

    Three Hermetic Pillar - Magic, Alchemy, Astrology!

    GD teaching is very weak in Astrology. Alpha Omega is somewhat stronger, but there is SO much more... and I am sure the Third Order has access to a great deal of it. In fact I have reasons for KNOWING this is so.

    For now, go read Bonatti, Sahl, Masha'Allah, Morinus, Ibn Ezra, Zoller, etc.

    This is not a study of just a few years. The Great Work is not plastic wrapped ready meals to serve up with 5 minutes of effort.

  27. they come again...

    Someone called V. Sisco steps up in the name of the SRIA/SRICF, and brings out again the "I'm holier than you" talking point.

    He says (among other nonsense): " Also, take a close look at the emissaries of the Secret Chiefs. Are their teachings helping their ambassadors become wiser, more serene, more temperate, more humble, more virtuous?"

    This is a psychological pattern of someone who is abusive and when it is confronted, is the one who feels offended; the same exact pattern of bullies in our school systems in the U.S.

    What the hell is wrong in their minds? do they really think people will swallow these cheap talking points? c'mon, bring something new guys, you're inspire just pity.

  28. Sisco kid, wrote:

    "So if the Secret Chiefs, who have remained private for centuries, suddenly decide to make themselves revealed to the public, what does that mean? Are they simply coming forth into modern times? The Rosicrucians actually had a process for that. They called it a Reformation. And if the Secret Chiefs decided to come out now, they are either 13 years too late or 99 years too early."

    First of all, you're a Mason, not a Rosicrucian and neither none of your SRIA/SRICF operatives are Rosicrucians; you are the pretenders of the Tradition.

    When the Rosicrucians go to Reformation, it does not mean that they will cheap sell themselves of the secrets of the Tradition as your SRIA/SRICF companions do.

    1. @ Frater VL

      You are correct that the SRIA and SRICF have no legitimate Rosicrucian lineage. This is one reason why they hate the Alpha Omega so much. It is also why Wescott cooked the SRIA roll books and SRIA tried its best to steal the Golden Dawn's Rosicrucian lineage through Kenneth McKenzie and Count Apponyi.

  29. Sisco, who is a self confirmed member/operative of the racist, anti-Pagan SRICF, wrote:

    "Besides, what do you call Secret Chiefs who have 'outed themselves'? The Chiefs-who-until-recently-were-Secret? Do they say ecky-ecky-ecky-ecky-p'tang-whoop-boing? And do we need to offer them a shrubbery? Please pardon my sudden departure to snarky humor, but I hope you get my point. If Secret Chiefs are no longer secret, then they are...well...something else, aren't they?"

    You are spewing one misrepresentation after the other. The Secret Chiefs remain completely secret today. You are just spewing sour grapes because your anti-Pagan SRICF bosses have through their McGD operatives for years been demanding "proof" of the existance of the Secret Chiefs.

    Now that proof is presented, you and your racist, anti-Pagan ilk are running scared!

    You cant have it both ways.

    1. The Secret Chiefs are still secret.
    2. They are providing the proof you have been demanding for over a decade.
    3. You are full of hot air.

  30. Anti-Pagan and anti-Semitic SRIA troll, Sisco, wrote:

    "So if the Secret Chiefs, who have remained private for centuries, suddenly decide to make themselves revealed to the public, what does that mean? Are they simply coming forth into modern times? The Rosicrucians actually had a process for that. They called it a Reformation. And if the Secret Chiefs decided to come out now, they are either 13 years too late or 99 years too early."

    What planet have you been on for the past 13 years. The Alpha Omega DID reform the HOGD 13 years ago, and that reformation continues still today thanks to the kind assistance of the Secret Chiefs.

    The Secret Chiefs are right on time

  31. On June 8 SRIA attack troll, Alex Sumner wrote:

    "“Secret Chiefs” is a vexatious topic in the Occult. On the one hand some people claim that they – and only they – are in contact with them. For these people a Secret Chief becomes a badge of exclusivity, a members-only sign to provide a filip to their fragile egos. On the other hand there are people who deny that Secret Chiefs exist, precisely because they do not want people to feel excluded. Then again there are people who say: “Someone is only a Secret Chief if they conform to the rigid definition which I set.” Hence, when any given person fails to live up to their arbitrary criteria, they say: “That person cannot then be a Secret Chief.”"

    etc etc

    Then follows the hilarious notion that the Archangel Raphael could have been indeed the Secret Chief of Mathers.....

  32. “The Secret Chiefs Reviled!!!” – Unveiled, the SRIA speaks out!

    Eric V. Sisco is an Adeptus Exemptus in SRICF (anti-Semitic segregationists) and an Adept in the lineage of the other party to the Legal Licensing Agreement.

    How refreshing to be attacked OPENLY at last. We finally have an Official Statement coming from the SRIA/OR+C! It has been a long wait and one must have some respect for Eric, while his opinions here are not only plainly ill-informed and repeat the usual SRIA party line of anti-Secret Chief talking points, they are spoken openly and owned by him in the genuine context from which he is speaking. This is a very different matter to the usual out and out LIES we are confronted with from the red-herring factory of “we are independent and just happen to agree” Trolls.

    He quotes Mathers and we are pleased that he uses the following words:

    In1896, S.L. MacGregor Mathers said the following about his personal connection with the Secret Chiefs:

    “I know them only by certain secret mottoes.

    I have but very rarely seen them in the physical body; and on such rare occasions the rendezvous was made astrally by them at the time and place which had been astrally appointed beforehand.

    For my part I believe them to be human and living upon this earth; but possessing terrible superhuman powers…” (my underlining)

    Obviously SRIA spokesman Emissary Sisco holds these words against our Founder, but unlike McFarrell he does not simply denigrate him as the worst of liars, and for this we commend him. He says: “Such claims seem to be too fantastical to be believed, yet there are Golden Dawn Orders in existence today who claim to have this connection with these Secret Chiefs.” Indeed.

  33. What a shame that Sisco does not have the courage to name those he is detracting. This yellow streak of cowardice is characteristic of the entire SRIA house of cards, and Slimetroll Central would be very upset with anyone who broke ranks and behaved like an honest person by actually looking an adversary in the eye!

    He continues with a promising and balanced approach: “Such claims should not be dismissed out of hand, nor should they be taken on blind faith.” With this we are entirely in agreement. Once again, how refreshing to hear a call for BALANCE! We are Hermeticists, and Scientists, not blind believers and Religionists.

    He reminds us of the need to TEST every entity, and suggests that this should equally be applied to humans or even to Secret Chiefs! We have no disagreements there. He is perhaps lacking in historical knowledge when he then has a little dig at Mathers over the Horos affair, but let’s pass over that lack of contextual insight.

    So “have the Chiefs of current Golden Dawn Orders making their claims done their due diligence?”

    There is in fact only one Golden Dawn Order making such claims. The Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in the Outer is of course the object of Sisco’s scrutiny here. We all known that, but he is forced to avoid saying it outright.

  34. Isn’t it wonderful to observe the changes that a little dose of honesty can bring! Sisco is NOT a back door Troll. Sisco is not behaving like a coward. SRIA Emissary Sisco is open about his affiliations with anti-Semitic and anti-Pagan segregationists!

    Furthermore, Sisco accepts secrecy as a mainstay of Tradition! This is an amazing thing to hear. He acknowledges that it is ever more important in today’s “instant gratification society” and sees it as a “fundamental exercise” … we are astonished to hear an Adept of SRIA speaking these words. SRIA controlled Trolls have thus far done nothing at all to honour Hermetic Secrecy and we have condemned it for its calumnies. In these words SRIA Emissary Sisco is however, completely in harmony with our own approach.

    Perhaps he could have a word in the ears of some of the worst offenders like Farrell?

    He then starts to make mistakes. While he does recognize Reformatio, he is ignorant of recent history and claims that the Secret Chiefs are only unveiling themselves NOW – and that this makes them “either 13 years too late or 99 years too early.” Actually they unveiled themselves right on time, and Sisco has been asleep at the switch for the intervening years when a series of transmissions have appeared. The current phase of even greater openness is to be seen in that context. SRIA Emissary Sisco tries to dislocate current events from recent history and use this against them. His argument is quite senseless.

    His little attempt at Pythonesque humour: “Do they say ecky-ecky-ecky-ecky-p'tang-whoop-boing? And do we need to offer them a shrubbery? “ while very funny in and of itself, utterly fails to make his point; it rather serves to cover the inadequacy of the point whose merits deserve further scrutiny.

    Getting sarcastic about possibly the most important happenings in the history of modern Esotericism, and certainly in the history of AO is really unfortunate and I am sure this will come back to haunt Sisco years from now when we look back on the ignorant tone taken by SRIA in this their FIRST public statement on the matter.

    No other statement has been forthcoming. All else has been darkside shadow plays via pawns in denial of their association with the Supreme Maga of SRIA…

    We cannot stress this enough. SRIA spokesman Sisco is making history in this post. These words are the FIRST WORDS spoken to the Secret Chiefs of the Third Order DIRECTLY from an SRIA Adept, OPENLY!

  35. Anti-Semitic and anti-Pagan SRICF troll, Sisco, wrote:

    "Regarding the claim to the Chiefly title, a member of the Third Order is going to be at very least a Magister Templi, or Master of the Temple. S/he should have mastered the magical system of which s/he is a Chief. S/he should have forgotten more about the First Order than you have learned, be able to give insight into the magical system that you could not have imagined, and continue to build on that tradition without abandoning its fundamentals."

    This is exactly what they have done in communicating the entire Second Order curriculum (RR et AC) to the Alpha Omega beyond the material published by Regardie. This has been verified by Adepts from the entire GD community at both the Conclave and in the Secret College.

    Sisco is implying that the Secret Chiefs have abandoned the fundamentals, because he is conflating the Golden Dawn with the scientific magic the Secret Chiefs are now transmitting on this blog.

    The Secret Chiefs are transmitting both, Golden Dawn advanced practices and scientific proof of magic and alchemy. These are separate things, however. Sisco and his SRIA handlers are desperate because of proof of who they are, which is why this SRICF operative and his anti-Semitic SRIA handlers are desperately trying to create diversions with misrepresentaion and conflation.

  36. Beyond standard SRIA sarcasm SRIA Emissary Sisco’s issue is “If Secret Chiefs are no longer secret, then they are...well...something else, aren't they?”

    Let us put it this way, there will be no civil names given and no email addresses or Facebook Pages, or “phone a secret chief” special offers. There will be no DVD sales of “ask a secret chief evenings” or “once only opportunities to receive Initiation directly from a REAL secret chief, for just $10 000” or anything else that would sit so well within the post-modernist McDonaldizing mindset of shallow Reconstructionism.

    RELAX. SRIA and its puppet business empires are quite safe. Tone down the silly rhetoric and get with the plot. The drone of attack blogs and fora cannot prevent history from happening, and it is happening right now.

    If SRIA members really object to the manifestation of the Secret Chiefs, here’s a safety announcement: shut your eyes and ears and don’t pay attention to any of what is coming out on the HOGD/Alpha Omega Blog! This attitude works for Fundamentalist Religionists of every stripe. If you don’t want the evidence to hurt your prejudices, then just ignore it.

  37. I must quote SRIA spokesman “The Sisco” in full now:

    “Regarding the claim to the Chiefly title, a member of the Third Order is going to be at very least a Magister Templi, or Master of the Temple. S/he should have mastered the magical system of which s/he is a Chief. S/he should have forgotten more about the First Order than you have learned, be able to give insight into the magical system that you could not have imagined, and continue to build on that tradition without abandoning its fundamentals.”

    Thus far we absolutely agree! And furthermore, they absolutely are!

    Until this point “The Sisco” has actually written as the most reasonable of the SRIA mouthpieces we have yet encountered and could almost be a fellow Traditionalist who has simply wondered too far from the facts of history unfolding since 1999, and consequently found himself in need of a little correction.

    From his words so far it is hard to see him as an Adeptus Exemptus of a segregationist and anti-Semitic Order in fellowship with the likes of their offshoot OR+C. For many months we have demanded that a NON-anonymous spokesperson come forth and address the concerns of the community. The ravings of the OR+C Manifesto are deeply troubling to all honest and decent esotericists, and the key questions remain entirely unanswered!

    Why are the Supreme Maga, her husband, and McFarrell listed as founding Officers of an Order professing such vile aims?

    Why is anti-Semitism and anti-Paganism rife within our midst, and why does SRIA continue to manipulate the entire community from the shadows?

    Perhaps SRIA Emissary “The Sisco” will enlighten us in later posts. We genuinely hope so!

  38. Unfortunately “The Sisco” finally gets down to the meat of his offensive in the final two paragraphs of his piece; and clearly “The Sisco” likes sarcasm as much as SRIA likes to denigrate Pagans.

    He speaks next of our “new ohh so shiny” Magic for the “not so new millennium” … SIGH. This is now turning to the propaganda standards of misinterpretation so typical of SRIA operatives.

    Then asks: “Why would … [The Secret Chiefs] … start from scratch and throw the Magickal Childe out with the bathwater?”

    This is just silly and baseless rhetoric as nobody is doing anything of the kind! Why would they!!!

    There is no starting over from scratch here. The New Magic is not something the Third Order just sucked from their thumbs a few months ago. It is new… to US! Not to the Third Order. It is NEW to the Golden Dawn because Mathers lost the Contact. We have stated this over and over, but we are talking to propagandists here, not to responsive human beings with hearts open to genuine communication.

    Now SRIA Emissary “The Sisco” is just behaving like any other talking point droid… how boring.

    1. Actually, SRIA ambassador Sisco is deliberately conflating the recent transmission of the rest of the traditional Golden Dawn Second Order curriculum to the Alpha Omega with the scientific re-veil-ation of the "REVELATION: The Secret Chiefs" here on this blog.

      They are two different animals and not at all the same. They are also two separate vehicles. The Golden Dawn remains alive and well in the Alpha Omega and not merely as a museum artifact as it does in the SRIA controlled McGoldenDawn.

      On the other hand there is the scientific reveilation that is being revealed on this blog. That is a completely different esoteric vehicle whose precise nature has not yet been revealed. Sisco is only assuming for disinformation sake.

  39. SRIA Emissary “The Sisco” is in fact attempting to put it into readers’ minds that Alpha Omega is abandoning Tradition! He is telling us that the Third Order is not keeping “the tradition intact”… and he is quite wrong, on every point.

    The Secret Chiefs of the Third Order are in fact enlightening us to the Spiritual Practices veiled in our Tradition from the outset and completing that natural progression of Work with the “New Magic” now at last transmitted to a fully functional Second Order. This is indeed NEW – for there has never been such an Order. Mathers lost the Contact before it could be completed. This is by no means a break with Tradition; it is a long-awaited fulfilling of Tradition!

    At last the 1st and 2nd Orders of the HOGD in the Outer, and the RR et AC are operating according to the specifications of the Egregore they embody – as the designers intended!

    SRIA Emissary “The Sisco” has it ass-backwards if you’ll pardon my French. He wants you to think that the post Mathers history IS the Tradition… and that the Secret Chiefs should be following that “Nihil Sub Sole Novum” but in fact it is within the Third Order that the Egregore has always resided, as the SOURCE for this entire Tradition, which will never function effectively until it follows the archetypal energies bound up in the Egregore.

    This is actually just the usual SRIA manipulations we have seen repeated since1888 when they first coveted the genuine Rosicrucian Lineage held here. They hope to deny the Secret Chiefs so that they can falsely claim to have a hope of owning this Lineage, but they are doomed to fail.

  40. A good source told me of the following SRIA perspective heard first hand from Gerald Suster, and often repeated by him in 1987/8: “Suster had become the direct pupil of Gerard Noel after Regardie introduced them, and through Noel also got to know the likes of Bourke. Suster and Francis King often had a laugh about on-going SRIA manipulations, but the line that he would repeat came from Noel and Bourke: “SRIA pretends to be just a Book Collectors Club for Masons – but really you will find the blackest of the Black Magicians in England there, and many of the White Robed too – GLOWERING at each other over the dusty books, with each side keeping a beady eye on the other!””

    Evidently the balance of power shifted to the Darkside over the last 20 years.

    Getting back to SRIA Emissary “The Sisco” and his attack on the New Magic transmitted by the Secret Chiefs. He next shows amazing ignorance of what has actually been happening over the last month and seems to be genuinely confusing and conflating two quite separate evolutions.

    I quote: “If such a Magic is so special … so powerful, then why would the Secret Chiefs make it public?”

    Errrrrrrrrm! Indeed. That’s where SRIA Emissary “The Sisco” has it wrong. They are doing no such thing. They are publishing a Magical Paradigm Shift to the Alpha Omega Blog: “Secret Chiefs REVELATION” to bring Magic kicking and screaming into this Century. That is one action. They have also already transmitted the New Magic, which fits very neatly into the New Paradigm, into the Second Order… and this is a separate action. These are not the same thing and “The Sisco” is clearly barking up several wrong trees simultaneously, but then in the New Paradigm that is not necessarily so illogical as it sounds!

    1. Again, the conflation is quite deliberate by Sisco for defamation purposes.

  41. “Knowledge is Power and with Power comes Responsibility”… quite so. “The Sisco” must be embarrassed to learn that he is singing from OUR score so often. We are fully in harmony with that sentiment.

    The New Magic is indeed kept for our Initiates and is shared with qualifying Initiates in the wider community through the Secret College, but only under strictest Oath! There is no question of it being made public by the Third Order!

    Of course the Third Order will not allow this knowledge to be abused. In fact this New Magic is a means of Spiritual Ascension, not the kind of Low Magic “The Sisco” seems to be worried about. Yes, the Secret Chiefs ARE wise, and they do take full responsibility for the Egregorae they transmit.

    Perhaps SRIA Emissary “The Sisco” is actually attempting to damage the reputation of the New Magic by these sarcastic attacks on it and on the Third Order, but this will not deter the genuine Aspirant!

  42. “The Sisco” ends with a series of questions which are very good and valid in and of themselves. It is clear that in this case he is actually using the usual SRIA slimetrolling propaganda of defaming without naming. He particularly wants to defame GH Frater L.e.S. with these questions, as he has already been defamed in other fora with multiple references to how SRIA Trolls consider him and the other Adepti of Alpha Omega to be failing to live up to these standards.

    Of course, SRIA operatives are never expected to maintain the same high standards because they are not being exposed to the New Magic!

    However, the questions are not in themselves without merit: What will the effect be when the Secret Chiefs hand down this “new and arcane Knowledge”? Will it make people better? What will its effects be on the World?

    Once again, the New Magic is already transmitted, but the Paradigm Shift is on page 3 of about 150, at present…

    Obviously the effects of Spiritual Ascension are likely to be more Spiritual beings… and this will be good for the World. The New Paradigm will hopefully prepare the variety of esoteric streams to take up the common burden of becoming truly relevant in the World, which currently ignores them for the most part as they are stuck in a Medievalist approach, however reconstructed.

    Does it further the Great Work? Spiritual Ascension… how could it not!

    These would be perfectly good and appropriate questions to ask if they were not arriving with this snidery and sarcasm attached. Let it be noted that they have been honestly answered in spite of the ill-intentioned SRIA source.

    He ends with the reliable old “by their fruits, you shall know them” and quite right, much as we have come to know SRIA by its Darkside fruits over the decades of interference. Everything that could be done to prevent these transmissions from happening, has been done by SRIA and its vassals. The New Magic is out there…

    Now it is only by the results gained by those who engage in the New Magic that this can be genuinely judged, and no amount of SRIA propaganda will put this Geni back in its bottle!

    Banning other Adepti from attending the Conclave only delayed the inevitable, and now the New Magic is being Worked, and time alone will tell this history, not SRIA propaganda from their Emissary, or other assorted Trolls.

    GH Frater L.e.S. is the Emissary of the Secret Chiefs of the Third Order, whereas “The Sisco” in Deep Space Nine is the Emissary of the SRIA “Wormhole Aliens” known as the “founders” to the local inhabitants – life is just too funny sometimes!

    Let us all hope that SRIA Emissary “The Sisco” will answer some of the hard questions that are posed and not simply vanish into a wormhole of trademark SRIA spin and propaganda!

  43. SRIA/SRICF misrepresentation operative, Sisco, wrote:

    "Furthermore, if such a new magic is so special, so insightful, so powerful, then why would the Secret Chiefs make it public at their first opportunity and not keep it instead for their initiates? Knowledge is power, and with power comes responsibility. One should expect Secret Chiefs to be wise as well as knowledgeable, and if the knowledge they intentionally share is then purposefully abused by its recipients, is that the kind of poor judgment to be expected from Secret Chiefs?"

    There he goes again conflating the teaching the SC released for the Golden Dawn, with the scientific magic they are releasing for the public. Even with the latter, certain keys will still be reserved for initiates. It is easy to spot these SRIA operatives because they all use the same talking points. Sisco you don't even need to spot as he writes right on his blog that he is a member of the anti-Pagan and anti-Semitic SRICF.

    This self-proclaimed SRICF agent is assuming there is no part of the new teachings reserved for initiates. He is dead wrong and deliberately misleading

  44. Sisco just advertised his attack article on Zalewksi's group. Now we have all of the SRIA trolls in one sack again. Next they will bounce this bs off one another then declare it "established fact" like they have done for years

    1. Predictable, oh so predictable!

      The liars, the drug house runners and the segrationists, the misogynists and the bigots, the Anti-Pagan League of SRIA - SRICF all in one place...

      Delusional in thinking that their little Glee Club Chat will be accepted as a "proof" or a "debunking" or a "peer review" as opposed to the sad little Hate Clique that it so clearly is.

  45. McWildoak to McKraig's misrepresentation:

    “Just a couple of points though. Your words here, such as quoting ‘a plague on both your houses’ suggests there are two sides to the recent GD spat. In fact there is actually one group/person slagging off a number of diverse and different groups…”

  46. There are literally 1000’s of posts to disprove this gross twisting of fact to fit the party line of McWildoak’s SRIA bosses. These first few lines already contain three falsehoods that are classic talking points of the SRIA/McGD propaganda machine.

    Let us pull these old chestnuts out and dust them off shall we? They can be found repeated ad nauseam throughout the tiresome drone of McGD droids, but let the interested reader one day go and dig for those many repetitions, they would already fill a book!

  47. 1) Mommy, mommy, it was little Johnny wot did it, not me!

    Ah yes, the dreadful Alpha Omega has been creating all these attacks against itself, just so that it can then make a noise about them! McFarrell really wrote his polemics against AO while working as a secret agent of AO so that the Order could then have something to make a noise about! How twisted is that? Those guys must be truly malign… after all, they even have McZalewski authoring hate Blogs and all those nasty little posts against them from the Open Source Order of the GD on their account – and STILL it continues! SO addicted are they to seeing themselves plastered all over the Blogosphere that they have now hypnotized yet more slaves to launch “attacks” on them… and the list is growing daily. People like McWildoak and MirrorMax, and MaybeMorgan the cat guy – ALL are working secretly for AO and keeping their Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn Blog high in the rankings!

    Occam is spinning in his grave. Would anyone with half a brain pay any credence to this? All it takes is a quick read of the Legal Settlement Agreement to grasp that there are two main camps in this dispute – one of which is HONEST and stands up for its principles openly on its own Blog, and one of which is well known for using back-doors to attack it.

    THIS IS IN THE COURT RECORDS! It is public, documented.

  48. 2) “We are just a group of friendly independent Lodges out here who function together in amity and harmony, and only ONE group doesn’t get along with us!”

    In actuality McPeregrin is a licensee of the McGD Consortium, and so are ALL of those who are so nicely “getting along” while on rotating attack duties against Alpha Omega. This supposed “independence” is a total smokescreen, and the franchise holders have never recovered from being outed as such some months ago. Their constant attempts to define the “wider GD community” as comprising essentially only themselves and their Reconstructionist friends has also made it clear that even without the license, they are still singing from the same prayerbook to hasten the McDonalidization of the Golden Dawn.

  49. 3) “One group/person” – ha ha! McWildoak really wants to try it on here and say that it is all ONE PERSON… his McGD propagandists have used this silliness often enough but it wore so thin that they had to go buy some new cloth to spin with.

    There are MANY members in Alpha Omega spread throughout the World and more joining all the time, especially since the Blog has become so successful in bringing such great new material to the wider community. The new series is literally going to redefine Magic for this era!

    This McGD chestnut is a denigration of the hard working and devoted members in many countries who do not choose to engage in Internet Defence of their Order, but task their Imperator and his team to address the constant stream of defamation. Indeed, many of them are also not strong in English, and so far most of the hate is arriving in that language.

    So you see, the Chief Slimetroll McWildoak is very aptly lampooned as such – he landed three gobbets in just three lines. He spits this stuff in our direction inside almost every piece he writes, mostly veiled in pseudo-intellectual prattling, but always aimed at damaging one or other of the things this Order holds dear.

  50. Slimetroll McWildoak continues:

    “This [claim that we are all McGD] is bat shit crazy, and should occasionally be pointed out, as we get on and do the work. Craziness and untruth on the web should be calmly, respectfully countered so newcomers see all sides when they Google.”

  51. Indeed. McWildoak tells the newcomer how it really is… in McWildoak World.

    1) The craziness slur is a commonly used McGD attack, so let’s just leave that bit of silly jibing in the schoolyard, where it belongs.

    2) Alpha Omega is happy to debate on such matters of truth, anytime that a McGD operative has enough courage to meet with us. That was another reason why an open invitation to our Conclave was made. Is it not fascinating, given the cunning word-twisting of McSlimetroll in the above lines, that history soon provided a devastating blow to this cosy little illusion he was crafting.

    It is SO embarrassing when the TRUTH comes out!!! That is the common problem for McWildoak and his ilk… one day, eventually, it does come out…

    What happened?

    We now have statements massing up that members of McGD Temples were FORBIDDEN from attending the Conclave on pain of exclusion. In the Temple of MaybeMorgan (Bast – yes, the Cat Lady) he admits that the Leaders decided that it should not be allowed… so what of the members?

    Another source speaks on the Golden Dawn Blog about McFarrell telling him he could no longer associate with him, as he was under orders… and could not speak to anyone who was friendly with L.e.S.


    Of course they are not independent! They are LICENSED and used in the conflict SRIA has sponsored from the very beginning. They have only one freedom – to ATTACK Alpha Omega!

  52. Back to Slimetroll McWildoak:

    “If there were two sides, the vile accusations of racism, anti-Semitism, conspiracy and personal insults from one ‘side’ far outweigh anything I have seen from the others.”

  53. 1) We will NOT stand by while the anti-Semitic OR+C and the racist SRIA pollute our beloved community. There have been NO adequate answers to our concerns, and we have posted the offensive OR+C manifesto several times now. Nor can there be any denial of the links between these organisations and McWildoak.

    The Supreme Maga is listed as an Officer of OR+C and leads SRIA(merica), while Ronald McFarrell is also a listed Officer and founder of OR+C along with R.A.Gilbert of SRIA, the prime mover in ALL the attacks levelled at Alpha Omega for decades now.

    McWildoak is a legal licensee using the name Golden Dawn… so join the dots folks! This isn’t rocket science. Just banal corruption.

    2) These are not “vile accusations” these are unanswered concerns with documented evidence to support them. Rote denial will NOT be allowed to cloud the issue!

    As for “personal insults” AO membership were personally insulted in McFarrell’s SRIA sponsored polemics – and it was he who originally started throwing around Nazi insults, and he admitted to that, in glee!

    Typically, when AO responded our members were denigrated for making any response at all - and told it was dreadfully "unspiritual" to be taking it personally.

    So McWildoak has NO room for taking this High Moral Ground Card baloney with us now. Much as he would like to keep playing his favourite card, it also has worn very thin by now… so don’t sneeze McWildoak!

    1. The only reason McPeregrin even repeats this nonsense is that he knows that Donald Michael Kraig is a member of the GD order led by the Supreme Maga of SRIA, Grand Officer of the anti-Pagan OR+C, and that Kraig will misuse the Llewellyn blog to surpress any rebuttal there whatsoever.

      Grand Inquisitor Kraig of the Golden Dawn Witch Hunt against the Pagan led Alpha Omega was caught red handed doing this when he removed the link to the settlement agreement with his SRIA controlled GD order that he has seriously misrepresented.

      I cant wait until Kraig's order moves to enforce the agreement again. The judge will roast the anti-Pagan ORC Grand Officer of (Supreme SRIA Maga) over this screw up!

      "So, do you feel lucky, punk? Go ahead... make my day." - Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry.

    2. Has the conflict with the SRICF been resolved, or are you just picking on the Bristish branch?

    3. @ Anonymous

      We do not have a conflict with anyone. It is the Black Cross Rosicruicans like SRIA, SRICF, and OR+C that have a problem with the pro-Pagan Alpha Omega.

      SRICF is just as anti-Pagan and anti-Semitic as the other two.

  54. McWildoak finally plays the same High Moral Ground game:

    “I found this myself when I consciously wrote a positive blog post ignoring the fracas and linking to a few great recent posts from other bloggers. I was attacked, abused…”

  55. Ha ha ha! Really McWildoak is such a liar.

    What he did in fact was to have a snide little dig at Alpha Omega by posting a list of the Blogs of his McGD cronies, praising their best attempts at denigrating AO and declaring them effectively the ONLY positive resources he could recommend on the Net…

    (He thought he was being clever by not actively naming AO and generating publicity for our Name, but it was TOTALLY clear to all readers that he had just labelled AO as unremittingly NEGATIVE!)

    McWildoak, who tries to make out that he does not care for personal insults, makes them CONSTANTLY; then thinks he can breeze along and never be called on his radical BS!

    When he is called on it, guess what? That is labelled “attacked, abused”… is this not beyond laughable? HE is the abuser here - we are only refuting his attacks.

    McWildoak should run for Congress on a REALLY corrupt ticket – he would be right at home! It would be Slimetroll Heaven!

    For this misrepresentation McWildoak has won the first "Wopper of the Week Award!"

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