Saturday, May 12, 2012

Core Magick: Lesson 1: "Meditation"

featuring Leslie McQuade Griffin
"I'm not a MacGregor - I'm a McQuade!"

Hi! It is nice to meet you. I am Leslie. I think most of you are familiar with my husband, David, who has been encouraging me to share with you some of the magickal gems I picked up my adventures as an archeologiogist and anthropologist. 

As an archeologist, I have had the great fortune to work in some pretty amazing places, from the English Heritage, Eartham Pit dig in West Sussex where Homo heidelbergensis was discovered, to the Botai dig in Kazakhstan for the Carnegie Mellon Museum of Natural History, where I was told to cover up the discovery of artifacts made of bone which bore a striking resemblance to screw drivers, which would be astonishing for the time period - to the Chatan-cho dig Okinawa where we were ordered to conceal our discoveries by the Japanese government since they didn't like that we found Koreans rather than Japanese.

I left archeology when the sanctity of scientific data was was repeatedly sacrificed for political expedience. As a scientist, I wanted no part in such hypocricy.

"Take your falsified data and..."

Subsequently, as an anthropologist, I have been more fortunate. I am also an initiated witch of the Sacred Forest of Nemi (del Bosco Sacro) ancient Pagan tradition in Italy, which gives me access to the sort of informants anthropologists dream of. Being married to David Griffin doesn't hurt either, as this gives me access to the Secret Chiefs of the of the Golden Dawn's Third Order through my husband.

But let me tell you why I am here today ...

As you likely know the Alpha Omega and the Sacred Forest Shamanic Pagan tradition are initiatic, oath-bound traditions, which limits what I can share with you about them. I have, however, managed to amass a great deal of magickal knowledge from other traditions around the world I am completely free to share with you.

You may have heard of the work in the field of Shamanism of anthropologist, Michael J. Harner, who studied many different Shamanic traditions around the world, then attempted to distill the common core underlying all of them. Harner's groundbreaking work has resulted in a growing Neo-Shamanic tradition around the world. He calls this tradition Core Shamanism.

Inspired by Harner's work, I have been gathering magical techniques from many different traditions around the world, some of which I will be sharing with you here in this series on The Golden Dawn Blog. In recognition of my deep and abiding respect for Dr. Harner's work, I call this tradition I am about to share with you, Core Magick.

Core Magick and Core Magickal techniques, as we know them today, represent a huge tool kit; a vast collection of practices, beliefs, spells, deities, experiments, tools, rituals, ideas and ideals.  The material I am presenting to you spans both time and space, so don’t be surprised to see eastern practices beside western practices, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming inside Shamanic rituals presented in a Neo-Pagan format.  
I have collected, tested and used each and every one of the practices and techniques I share. I give you only the best of the best.  The years of scientific experimentation and ethnographic research have resulted in the simplest and most effective way to alter physical reality in ways that match your desires. There are no initiations, no fees, and no “busy work”.  This is the cream of what our planet has to offer.
These practices are stripped of all the cultural baggage that prevents many people from considering magic at all. Core Magick represents the synthesis of practices I learned during my travels and research as an anthropologist.  Because I worked as an experimental and ethnographic archaeologist, I had numerous opportunities to study the esoteric traditions of the various geographic regions in which I found myself.  This is the Core Magickal practice I myself use on a daily basis.  Because this information is available for the non-initiate, I have been careful to build in some safety nets to insure that as you work your way through the lessons and experiments, you don’t accidentally “blow up your lab”. 
I have taken great pains to remember the source of the things I use. This is perhaps the most interesting part of Core Magick, and one of its greatest strengths.  As we move closer and closer to a truly global culture, Core Magick represents a way to tap into the power of the magickal traditions of the planet as a whole.  Unlike other traditions that take their authority from the geographic region in which their methodology is culturally cloaked. Core Magick removes the cultural assumptions, contstraints and expectations from these powerful magickal practices and puts their methods in plain language, so that it may be grasped easily, understood accurately and practiced effortlessly.  Begin living the life you have always wanted.  It is time for you to claim your birthright and become a co-creator with DEITY.

In my experience, Core Magick is in many ways most similar to chemistry.  In chemistry, you must be exact in your measurements, your timing, in every detail of how the experiment is performed.  Core Magick is much the same.  In order to have repeatable results, you must have repeatable actions.  Be attentive to what you are THINKING most of all as you begin working Core Magick. 
I will be teaching you the same way I learned, although you won’t have the same opportunities I had, simply as a function of time and location.  If you don’t already, I advise you to, take a moment now and find a new notebook or journal.  It is important that you keep a journal of not only your daily Core Magickal practices and results, but also what you read, odd things you notice, inexplicable feelings that may bubble to the surface.  This is a watershed moment.  You are moving from a life in which things happen to you, to one in which you make things happen.  Through careful study of your Core Magickal journal, your research notes as it were, you can easily see what works for you and what does not.  You will also be able to track the success or failure of your spells/experiments.
Everything you will learn, you learn in layers, like an onion.  Just like you first learned in kindegarten that Columbus discovered America, only to be told it was Vespucci in high school, so will you learn Core Magick.  Skipping steps will lead to an incomplete understanding of the material.  You must you take the time to fully digest and understand the “vocabulary” and methodology of Core Magick in order to do it well, so remember the age-old saying:

”The ox is slow, but the Earth is patient.”


The first thing I want you write in your Core Magickal Journal is an essay. In the essay, include answers to the following questions, in whatever order feels most natural to you.
1.   Why do you want to learn Core Magick?  What will you see in your life that will show you your Magick is working?
2.     What things are you already doing that you consider to be magickal?
3.     Do you believe in God/dess?  How does this belief effect your decisions?
4.   What are your favorite subjects or activities? What types of things are you not good at or interested in?
5.     Are you right or left handed?
6.     What is your birth information?  [Date, time, location]  Ask your mother to tell you the story of the day you were born.  Be sure to write down what she says, and ask her to clarify any details.
Write as much as you think is necessary to answer the questions.  Include extra information if it seemsrelevant.  You may even want to break up these six questions into separate, shorter essays.
I am, with these questions, asking you teach yourself who you ARE.  No one will see these essays.  Your Core Magickal Journal is solely for your use.  In order for you to make this world what you want it to be, you must understand who you are. My perspective as an archaeologist has taught me that it is only through a thourough understanding who you are that you can become the best of who you want to be.

We will begin with meditation.  Whether you meditate now or not, I want you to use the following method.  This is not simply capriciousness on my part.  If a meditation is successful, there should be PHYSICAL sensations, and real, tangible, repeatable results.  The following is what I have found to be the simplest, fastest and most effective way to reach very deep states of meditation in a short amount of time.
1.   Do some sort of physical exercise immediately before you begin.  It can be anything from Yoga to Boxing.  You want your heart to be beating fast, to be breathing hard, and just a little sweaty when you sit down to meditate.  The pace of your breathing is VERY important.
2.     Sit COMFORTABLY facing a clean, empty, undecorated, white (or other pale color) wall.
3.     Sit with the base of your spine supported on a cushion to help keep your spine straight.
4.     Stick out your chest, and tuck in your chin just a bit.  This will take the last remaining curves out of your spine. It is important to keep your spine STRAIGHT.
5.     You can look either at the floor in front of you, or at the wall.  The important thing here is to keep your eyes open, and that they are slightly crossed (like when you try to look at the end of your nose).
6.   Other than blinking your eyes, and the paced rise and fall of your chest and stomach, you should endeavor to remain motionless.  If your leg falls asleep, ignore it.  If you itch, put your attention back on your glabella or your breathing.  Your body intends to work against you, so ignore it as if it were just another street vendor, barking for your attention.
7.    Put the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth, and no matter how badly you may itch, DO NOT SCRATCH.  Do not scratch, do not move.  Be VERY strict with youself on this one.  The itching sensation is a chakra point opening.  Most people are familiar with the seven basic chakra points. These points are the same in every culture.  When the point is open, it feels like a tingling, or an itching, coolness or tickling.  To induce this feeling, take a single hair and gently draw a circle in the center of your forehead, on the glabella, or a little above it.

8.  As you breathe, breathe also through your glabella.  Understand that your glabella is very similar to the blowhole of a whale or dolphin.  To accomplish this, as you inhale, become aware of cool air rushing into and out of your glabella, just as you feel the air moving through your nose and lungs.  
9.     Make sure that when you feel your breathing start to slow, or get shallow, you pick up the pace. By now your heart rate should be slowing down, and also your breath rate.  It is important however, to keep breathing deep and full.  You are going to hyper oxygenate your blood.  This will release certain chemicals into your blood that will make it possible for you to reach deeper states of meditation. 
10. As you are concentrating on all these things, feel yourself getting lighter and lighter, floating up out of your body.  Remember, your body has an autopilot function.  It’s called sleep.  You can trust your body to take care of itself while you “go out and have a look”.
11. Pass through the roof, into the sky, through the clouds, through the atmosphere into space.  Fly past the moon, out towards the stars. 
Travel as far as you like and stay as long as you like.  Rather than set a specific amount of time for meditation, we are setting a goal.  I want you to be able to see all the stars in the blackness of the universe with your eyes open and pointed at the wall or floor. 
This method is a combination of things I learned in Kundalini Yoga, Zen Walking Meditation, Rolfing and Shamanic Journeying.
Plan on spending at least 15 minutes for exercise, and 15 minutes for meditation for your first experiment.  Gradually increase the time for both in increments of 1:1; i.e. for each minute of exercise, do a minute of meditation.  If you want to do more the first time, that is fine, but what I’m looking for in this practice exercise are the following things:
1.   Consistency – Do it EVERY DAY for one lunar cycle.  This experiment should be repeatedly tested, because science is above all else a method of predicting what comes next.  If you do the same methods twice and get the same results twice, you have shown something interesting.  Do it 20 or 30 times, and you have really learned a powerful technique for self-transformation.  You need only dedicate 28 days to this experiment after which you may choose to either continue (which I HIGHLY recommend) or not.  Remember, the benefits of meditation are cumulative, like physical exercise.
2.   Set and Setting – Where do you meditate?  Do you use incense or candles?  How do you feel? Before you begin were you distracted, tired, happy, in a hurry, etc.?
3.    Results – Can you get out of the Earth’s atmosphere into space? Can you feel your glabella?  Can you breathe with your glabella?  Do you feel like you are floating?  Are you able to ignore your Meatsuit (physical body)?  Compare this meditation to others you have had in the past.  What seems different about this method?  What happened during the meditation that could be improved upon?
4.  Documentation – Each meditation is a scientific experiment.  Use the following form for Documenting the Results of your Procedure and Consistency with this Practice.

Meditation Documentation (example)
Date:  2012 Apr 20 Tue 9pm
Goal:  To be able to meditate anywhere, anytime.
Set and Setting:  Today I decided to meditate outside. I sat in a couple of spots to find the best view of the sky, with no mountains or power lines in the way.  I also looked around to be sure no one would interrupt me.  I didn’t bring any incense, because the air here smells so good.  I did bring a blanket, pillow and bug spray.  I also brought food and water for afterwards.  I had a hassle getting out of the house, because my roommate thinks it’s dangerous to meditate outside in the dark.

Procedure:  I did my usual routine, but a little faster today, since it now takes more to get my breathing faster.  I also did 25 bodyweight squats and 10 pushups.  Then, I lay down, covered up (because it’s cold), put my tongue up and started.
Results:  It was a difficult meditation.  I found my mind wandering with lots of thoughts.  So I told each thought, as it came up, “Thank you for reminding me of that.  I will get to it just as soon as I am finished.”  My Kundalini Yoga Guru Paranjothiar taught me that trick. Once each thought had been given some love and dismissed, I was able to go deeply into the stars, turn around and see the Earth.  It seemed so small and fragile.  I opened my heart and poured love over the whole planet.  Then I heard a car come up the road, and it jarred me out of meditation.  I had been there for 40 minutes already, so I packed up and walked back to the house.
Next Time:  I will go a little further away from the road.  I will leave the food, because I think it attracted bugs.  I will also bring my back-jack, because lying down made it hard to stay awake.  Also, I couldn’t find my usual internal “landing spot” at the beginning of my meditation, probably because of the new location. 
Other:  I really need to get better at letting outside distractions go.  I think a lot of that has to do with feeling slightly self-conscious about meditating outside my usual spot in the house.  It is important for me to let go both of my self-consciousness, and of my attachment to my usual place of meditation.

Meditation Documentation
Set and Setting:
Next Time:


In each reading list I provide you, there will be more than you can read.  Choose what looks interesting to you.  As you read, write notes in your journal. Your notes might include things like:
·      Information you think is important to remember for later
·      Quotes you want to remember
·      Your opinions about what you are reading
·      Questions you would like to ask me
I expect you to pick at least one and finish as much as you can before the next full moon.  In fact, the previous work is best completed in one lunar month.  So, have a look at what the moon phase is right now.  Repeat the meditation experiment every day for one lunar cycle.  Be consistent.  This is part of what makes meditation hard for most people. Meditation is a way of engendering the self with self-trust.  You trust in your decisions and stick by them, like your decision to meditate every day.  You trust your body to take care of itself while you while you are meditating.
All the books I recommend are available for free at the links I have provided for you.


Real Magic by Issaic Bonewits 
The Power of the Witch by Laurie Cabot 
The Way of the Shaman by Michael Harner
A Dictionary of Symbols by J. E. Cirlot
The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot


  1. Hi Leslie, nice to cyber-meet you.

    These practices will definitely improve our work. Meditation has sometimes been underestimated for some people who consider themselves "hard-core grimoire gurus", and they end up just by being conjurers.

    The Great Work is not just conjurations; it's working on the prima materia, this is, ourselves; and I have always said somewhere else, our intentions in magic should not be the goal; rather they should be consequences of our work.

    Thank you for sharing,


  2. Wonderful! A clean distillation of stuff that works.

  3. Brilliant! Michael Talbot was one of my early inspirations - back in 1980. Harner got me going on the Shamanic Way. I view Meditation as an ESSENTIAL of the Magickal Path, and it should definitely be introduced at the very beginning, at the core of the core... Very much looking forward to following this series!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Congratulations, Sister. Great new series.

  6. Very nice work dear sister ! You have provied a very concise, well informed template, for those just starting out on their meditative journey. This is just so important, since many resources publically available do not immediately get at the heart of the practice, the " core", as you do. Aspirants will no longer need to sift through the shamanic labyrinth to assimilate those basics that are essential to any meditative practice in any culture. Thank you for this valuable, refreshing contribution to our community !

  7. This is very similar to the idea of what the group I founded practices, same motivations, a few of the same sources, how delightful to see it on a GD blog-I have found much of the GD pracice incompatible because of the absolutes of belief and imagery vs the scentific method of this style, which I have personally found wildly successful. To see another female practitioner discussing it gives me hope they may co-habitate in my life successfully!

  8. The technique here is not meditation by any standard usage of the term. On fact, calling such techniques meditation is a hallmark of syncretic new ageism not tradition. It has many flaws, which since I am sure will be rejected will not be mentioned. To suggest that all cultures have the chakras in the same spots is bizarre. The are differences, just look at Tibetan and Indian systems for example. One of many. I suggest Leslie goes back to the books, where she obviously concocted this little process from, not from any actual teachings from adepts or wise folk.

    1. @ anonymous Wow! somebody doesn't know what they are talking about . There are many different ways to meditate "IN FACT" (if you're going to bitch at least use proper grammar and spelling Mr. ON FACT LMAO) dancing , art , open eyes meditation, closed eyes meditation and the list goes on . Also if you are going to call her out by name in your little critique at least be a proud adult and put your name on the reply and announce yourself. I mean come on that's like coming up to someone from behind hitting them in the back of the head then running off to your friends saying "oh I really kicked this guys ass just now" anyway everyone seems to know who you are anyway and if it is you just go away you guys cant get along and any time the AO has tried to make peace you bitch and complain. NOTE I AM NOT A MEMBER OF AO OR ANY GD ORDER AS OF YET BUT I CAN HONESTLY SAY THAT I HAVE GOTTEN ALOT FROM AO I WAS ON A INDEPENDANT GD FORUM AND ASKED ABOUT JOINING A TEMPLE AND OUT OF ALL THE REPS OF GD ORDERS AO IS THE ONLY ONE THAT PERSONALLY EMAILED ME AND ANSWERED MY QUESTION . D GRIFFIN SAID THAT AO ALLOWS TRAVEL TO TEMPLES AND CORRESPONDANCE . UNLIKE OTHER GD ORDERS IN USA THAT CLAIM TO WANNA SPREAD KNOWLEDGE AND THEY WILL SELL U ALL THE BOOKS THEY WRITE , TAROT DECKS THEY PAINT, AND ''PERSONALLY HANDCRAFTED WEAPONS AND WANDS' BUT WHEN U GO TO THEIR WEBSITE THEY ARE INVITATION ONLY ORDER AND WONT ACCEPT MEMBERS SO THEY MAKE MONEY OFF YOU BUT WONT CALL YOU BROTHER OR SISTER. ANYWAY THAT WAS MY RANT IM SURE YOU WONT SEE THIS BECAUSE YOU BITCHED SOOOO LONG AGO BUT I HAD TO REPLY BECAUSE YOUR MSG WAS JUST RUDE . I TRULY HOPE YOU STOP THIS GAME AND EITHER MAKE UP AND GET ALONG OR JUST GO AWAY . GET BACK TO TRYING TO DISCOVER YOUR TRUE WILL AND YOUR HGA DO MAGICK THATS WHAT THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT ISNT IT? OH AND IM JIMMIE BY THE WAY IM NOT AFRAID TO USE MY NAME FOR TRUTH . PLEASE REMEMBER WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT OK ? MY APOLOGIES FOR ANY DISRESPECTFUL FEEL THIS RESPONSE MAY HAVE. PEACE 93 LOVE IS THE LAW LOVE UNDER WILL . AND ALWAYS IN LVX . YAY HOGD/AO :-)

  9. @Anon Come ON! Quit the empty moaning Nick. You McGD'ers complain that there is no "sharing" coming out of the Adepti of this Order, then WHINE whenever there is. Your problem is that you have nothing of lasting value to offer... regurgitated dusty documents have a limited shelflife.

    Meditation comes in many varieties, and this is even true inside any given Tradition. There are those among us who have developed a synthesis of methods drawn from multiple sources and tested the results over many years, and with the assistance of Masters from the originating Traditions as well as generations of students.

    I look at Leslie's approach here and I see one that is pragmatic and safe. There are clearly elements here from more than one source, but I know that they work well together as I have tested them myself.

    What is it that you are really objecting to here anyway? You just sit behind your mask throwing out a blanket condemnation that makes only one specific claim - that Chakras do not appear in the same location in many cultures.

    Is that it? Is that all you really have to say for yourself? We can certainly go into that, but how relevant is it in the context of the Meditation as written?

    You claim this is not traditional, but some form of New Age abandonment of Tradition? There are in fact elements in this method that I have also seen in Daoism, in Nordic Shamanism and in Tantra.

    The real genius here is demonstrating the DEEP experience required to put such things together in a Praxis that works. I don't think that can ever be pulled off by those who merely read books (like McGD Trolls.)

  10. Thank you Leslie for sharing these techniques with us. Its certainly a refreshing view of mixing meditation, shamanism and magick. We would love to see more articles by you on this site. We encourage you to continue on.

  11. I love your new blog Core Magick! it is refreshing and positive and helps me to obtain what i used to obtain without even trying only i got scared and came back to body. That was then and this is now and I look forward to the next series, and will definitely use this meditation! Thanks a Bunch! Anonymous!

  12. The McGD anonymous trolls just can't stand it when knowledge they do not have is in the hands of others.

    The above anon troll, instead of constructively putting forth something of substance to add to the discussion of this blog article, unleashes a torrent of nonsense intended to insult.

    I am not at all surprised, however. The McGD faction have nothing else to offer, so instead they cast anonymous stones from the shadows.

  13. @ Leslie,

    I withdrew my earlier post involving questions about Shamanistic plants and Western occultism. After having read it again, it was not really on point with your article, so I did not want to start an off topic discussion.

    Perhaps you may cover this further in the series, though?

  14. This is already shaping up to be an awesome series. I will also be recommending it beyond the borders of GD Land where there are many practitioners of allied Meditation and Energy Arts who will love to read more of this!

    It is so rare to encounter this level of teaching without a very high price tag in terms of time and the commitment to attend multiple seminars. Leslie is offering a great gift to the wider community here!

  15. Sincerus Renatus wrote such a great comment it needs to be cross posted here:

    That anonymous troll contributes absolutely nothing to our discussion. His politically motivated “talking points” creates more questions than they gives answers. He says that Leslie’s presentation isn’t meditation. I wonder what he defines as meditation? Transcendental Meditation? Raja Yoga? Magic cannot simply be reduced to sitting with closed eyes and humming a mantra. Meditation isn’t per definition simply a mental exercise. Meditation may of course be such a formula of mental concentration, but it doesn’t need to be to be properly referred to as meditation. That limited concept of meditation is a modern invention.

    What Leslie has presented is in fact based on age-old techniques, some that I immediately recognized from my own practice of the Western Alchemical Tradition. That by itself proves the “Core Magic” concept. Long before the relatively “modern” approaches to meditation as represented by the TM of Maharishi, and even the Raja Yoga of Patanjali (which actually was popularised 20th Century)*, you had the alchemical paths of Tantra and Hatha Yoga, which was a more direct approach using the energetic body and the chakras. So our anonymous troll figures that Kundalini Yoga isn’t proper meditation? I hope he realize how stupid he looks when stating that.

    Concerning the chakras, notice that Lesie said the MAJOR chakras, which we today refer to as being seven. Tradition says that there are thousands of chakras distributed over the body. As an example, we have a pair of chakras in our hands. But these in not any major chakras. The ones that Leslie is addressing are the ones we find along the spine and the head. Also here we have lots more chakras than seven. This accounts for the differences between the Tibetan, Daoist and Indian tantric systems of the chakras; the number of chakras that are considered as major or emphasised. Notice that you will find the locations of the seven Hindu Tantric chakras also in the Tibetan system.

    There of course exist minor discrepancies as to the exact locations of the seven major chakras, but I can confirm that there exist an almost identical set also in the Western Hermetic and Alchemical Tradition (and I am not referring to the Qabalistic Middle Pillar here). You will find them on approximately the same physical locations as with the ones of the Tantric Tradition. Paul Foster Case understood this but misattributed them entirely. Our understanding of them may differ between the Eastern and Western Traditions, and also some of the practical approaches, but there is much which is congruent to confirm the concept of a universal (or “core”) concept of Magic and especially Alchemy.

    Also, David, I beg to differ with your Tradition vs. Science approach. I understand where you are coming from with this. However, using the definition of the word “tradition” by René Guénon and Frithjof Schuon of the Traditionalist School – i.e. the concept of the Primordial Tradition – there is no real dichotomy between “science” and “tradition”. What you are addressing here David is the cultural or temporal traditions, who are in contradistinction with the Primordial Tradition. While we may argue what Guénon and Schuon actually meant with “Primordial” I easily may see that Leslie’s definition of “Core Magic” fits this concept nicely. Take away all the temporal and cultural coats from any tradition (the peeling of an onion) and you will see the true and underlaying (i.e. primordial) tradition or core emerging.

    The Traditionalist School stresses the perennial perspective on tradition and religion – something our guest anon troll shivers at and calling “syncretism” – and that is why Lesie’s contribution to our investigation is so important, and in fact very much in line with the Traditionalist perspective. So in my humble opinion “Core magic”, “universalism” and the “primordial tradition” are all synonyms concepts.


    1. Yea I was upset at that guys post also as you can see in my reply to him. But I thought the whole topic was wonderful and informative as well as practical/useful in daily magickal hygiene (that's the term I like to use lol) I look fwd to using it and I hope one day soon to be a official frater of AO and also Egyptian college of Isis . thanks for sharing this it has been helpful .

  16. I may be late to this discussion however I would say its a safe method but we are all different and some will find sitting up to meditate hard other who have done yoga easier because of problems with knees I always lay down unless I am using tarot a pack designed by my teacher years ago of which my box is the very first one. very few have this pack. anyway the keeping of the day book is essential at first I found it tedious but now many years down my path those books are my making and form important notes that I often look back to.I am first a practicing wytch second a student of hermetics but I have more than 27 years study behind me nothing cones from nothing you might hear they are wrong zero is a very important number. I enjoyed reading the posts got to the very rude person and thought here we go again childish behaviours in fighting and stupidity. so forced myself to read further now nany may not have noticed something I did. I am reading from a samsung galaxy screen not laptop and when ever something of David's or Leslie was on screen it had a shadow a reflection a transparent essence like a well practiced speach. my guides said look deeper so I did and I saw things I will keep to myself for now. I wonder did anyone ekse experience this essence. it was similar to looking diwn a well. at what laid beneath maybe its because I am well versed in magick that I see deep into a person or thing and my instinct says shhhhhhh the sound of the finger on the mouth. maybe beginners can also read a book on learning how to visualise I enjoyed that myself .

  17. I am very thankful for these lessons i have recently lost contact with most of my open minded associates as my facebook account and other social media pages have disabled my activities i believe more or less to hinder my enlightenment and just as i lost my facebook account the universe handed me you guys Leslie and David what you are doing is helping more souls than you will ever know i havent even ordered the book yet and i already have seen results i have a ways to go on my path so please keep them coming i need them and i know i am not the only one thank you again brother and sistet i look forward to many more of the seemingly endless unversal wisdom you two have to offer

  18. Really admirable post, thanks for sharing this much needed information of meditation

  19. Thanks for this information! I am going to try this mediation technique. Where are the links to the books?

  20. Hello and thanks for all of this great information. I noticed that this article was written in 2012 and the links on the reading list no longer work, out of 6 links only two work the others take you to Scribd but they have removed the reading material. Is it available elsewhere?

  21. It is a blessing and a curse to be able to use the third eye to visualize and to see into your future to see things happen before they do and for that I am blessed for that I am God!

  22. Muchas gracias Leslie por la información compartida...empezaré a trabajar en este tipo de meditación !!

  23. I can't wait for this magic to happen for me!

  24. Hi Leslie, David, thank you for this opportunity. Look forward to what comes next. You guys are the best because you have heart. Blessings, David

  25. Thank you for this assignment. Im in perfect lunar timing because its full fri. So the day of ill start officially. But for now im getting a journal book for my writings and essays thanx again.

  26. I wil begin this method. As with other methods I have done in the past this one seems to offer a distict difference in that it presents the thought of not bothering to think that you cannot achieve a goal due to past failures, or thinking about what the goal should have been. I will get back to this blog list in a month, to impart my findings.
