Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Monday, March 9, 2015

International Grand Sabbat of Alexandrian Witches ... MagickAll 2015!

International Grand Sabbbat of Alexandrian Witches
Gather with us at Shadow Mountain
Pahrump, NV - April 11, 2015
Hosted by ...

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

ASTONISHING Golden Dawn News!

by Golden Dawn Imperator
David Griffin

As you are likely already aware, the Golden Dawn community began an epoch of unparalleled peace and prosperity, when Nick Farrell recently launched a peace initiative you can read about here.
Nick Farrell
You can hear about my reply to Mr. Farrell's peace initiative in the video embedded below.

Peace is breaking out all over. Over past weeks a lot has happened, although it has occurred discretely. After attacking Nick Farrell for his peace initiative, the hate blogs that have plagued the Golden Dawn community have fallen completely silent, deprived of traffic and furious with Nick Farrell for no longer allowing them to promote their posts on his 7,000 member Facebook group.

Perhaps the most pernicious problem the Golden Dawn community has faced has been decades of polarisation. In recent years, this polarisation has been perpetuated by misguided individuals spreading polarising myths, such as:
  • "There has never been any strife in "the Golden Dawn community. We all get along." 
  • "All of the problems come from "outside troublemakers" (with an implied finger pointed towards our order).
  • A variant on this "us vs them" polarising theme has been that "all problems come from 2 groups that treat the Golden dawn like a business model."
In recent weeks, Aaron Leitch and Samuel Scarborough, have silenced all those who attempted to spread such polarising myths. For such peacekeeping efforts, Aaron Leitch and Sam Scarborough deserve HUGE credit. The peace that has maintained in the Golden Dawn community over the past month wouldn't have been possible without efforts like these, as well as without Mr. Farrell having effectively silenced the hate blogs.
Deborah Leah Shaw
Finally, special commendation goes out to two individuals who have done more than any of us to see that this peace process does not get derailed. These are two members of various Golden Dawn Facebook groups, Deborah Leah Shaw and Andrew Martini.

Andrew Martini
So where is the ASTONISHING Golden Dawn news I promised you in the headline? You might want to sit down before you read on.

I nearly fell off my chair last weekend when I was approached by Steven Ashe bearing a message from Robert Zink, making a take down request of all articles critical of him and promising to do the same. Steven Ashe also deserves commendation for his unsolicited diplomatic efforts in furthering Golden Dawn peace.
Steven Ashe
Yes! Golden Dawn peace continues to spread - and the long and laborious process of removing remnants of decades of tensions continues.

The week before, I had been approached by Olen Rush with a similar take down request, which I immediately honored.

I admit that Robert Zink's take down request request presents me with a conundrum, because there are things about Mr. Zink's past behavior I do not endorse and can't support at all.
Robert Zink
After careful consideration, however, I have decided to honor Mr. Zink's request. The main reason for this is the positive impact this decision will have on the momentum Nick Farrell's peace initiative has been gaining in recent weeks.

After two decades of overt and covert strife in the Golden Dawn community, from the Internet all the way to trademark wars before the US District Court, peace has at long last arrived and seems it is here to stay.

As the Golden Dawn community continues this peace process with a long overdue Internet cleanup of the remnants of strife gone by, It is my fervent wish for the Golden Dawn that the greater Magickal community will see the Golden Dawn for what it is, a community of advanced Magicians with the spiritual maturity and wisdom to put old conflicts and grudges where they belong - in the past.

May the Golden Dawn always remain a shining beacon of light ... 
... for those still groping in darkness!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Preparations for MagickAll 2015: April 10-12, 2015 at Shadow Mountain

Maxine and Alex Sanders
Here at the Golden Dawn's Alpha Omega Temple, we are hard at work preparing for  MagickAll 2015, our yearly gathering of magickal tribes.

The event this year will be one weekend only, April 10-12. Although donations are gladly accepted, our yearly MagickAll gathering is our free-of-charge gift to the Magickal community.

In light of last year's problems, we will not release the final schedule until the last minute. Here is some of what you can expect though. 

Experts will lecture on the following Magickal traditions:
  • Golden Dawn Magick Dojo
  • Thelemic Magick
  • British Traditional Witchcraft & Alexandrian Magick
  • Shamanic Magick
  • Astrology and Magick
  • Hermetic Magick
  • Shamanic Drumming
On Sunday, April 12 there is the possibility of Golden Dawn Neophyte initiation (prior application required). Another highlight will be an International Grand Sabbat of Alexandrian Witches.

Here is more exciting news. Saturday night's MagickAll highlight is the "Shadow Mountain Micro Burn." With the assistance of the Las Vegas' Burning Man community, we are presently lining up DJs, fire spinners, etc. It will be awesome.

Here at Shadow Mountain outside Las Vegas, we are fortunate to live on an ancient lake bottom similar to the playa at Burning Man's Black Rock City. To create enough room for the "Micro Burn, we are reconstructing and doubling the size of our dance circle.

We thought you might enjoy seeing some of the work preparing for this amazing event. Here is Golden Dawn Cancellaria, Leslie McQuade, happy as a clam at the helm of her "weapon of mass construction."